Just food for thought. I consider myself a good rider (with no track experience). However if I'm going to be riding on roads that I've never ridden on I'm not planning to go that fast. So understand that with this being a group ride, probably a good amount of people it sounds, there are going to be a lot of people that have never ridden these roads like myself. There are going to be a few of you guys that know these roads and run them hard, but the majority of the group won't (well shouldn't in my opinion) be running at anything like the speeds you would normally run. I think ninjachk08 is only going to have 3 or 4 at most unless I've been mislead and I'm only bringing 1 should he decide to ride. But remember there are going to be small cc bikes, new riders, and a lot of inexperience on these roads. So don't plan this as a ride that you're going to be railing corners and expecting everyone to be right behind you, think of it more as a fast paced cruise through the countryside.