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Everything posted by dustinsn3485

  1. Just had a new member join up here. He recently painted a bike and it turned out well. Hopefully he'll give some insight. I had mine sprayed professionally over the winter. It turned out very well.
  2. Nope... Water and gatorade... although today was a steak and shake strawberry banana milkshake day I do agree though, cold gas in a hot tank is refreshing for a few minutes...
  3. Better you than me...silly kids...
  4. the work filter caught that one. Says there's adult stuff on it...guess I gotta wait til home.
  5. That reminds of the joke about the two guys running from an angry bear. The one guy stops to put on his tennis shoes and the other guy asks him why the heck he's stopping with a bear chasing them. He responds I've only gotta outrun you, not the bear...
  6. Oh I'm sure I was one. And today I have been on since 7:30....what a slow day at work... And it's actually been a slow day on here too...
  7. Hey I'd never joke around! I always speak the truth!
  8. And this is why Rhino's have doors now
  9. Just a good read about tires in case anyone cares... Tire link The following short paragraph equals Pirelli Diablo Strada's FTW! Street riders will get a greater level of traction and more life out of a street tire that is designed to withstand hundreds of heat cycles and operate at a lower temperature. And in fact, most modern "sport-touring" tires will provide a better level of grip for 90% of all street riders than sportier counterparts. Only an elite few, and they are probably not reading this anyway, can use the full potential of a Michelin Pilot Power. But try not to get confused between Race Tires and DOT Race tires. DOT race tires are kinda like a hybrid. They are great for the rider who primarily does track days with the occasional street ride.
  10. http://www.ohio-riders.net/showthread.php?t=14683 We tight. Dayton know's how to be friends and ride. And we all met at one gas station on the same side of the street. Even though there was one on both sides. We wanted to be one big group.
  11. Neat concept I suppose and as dweezel said it'll probably sell if it holds up to what they say it'll do. To bad it's gotta be so dern ugly.
  12. Out riding I normally strap my helmet and jacket both to the bike. Gloves go in the trunk. If someone wants it bad enough they're gonna get it. I've also got a zone alarm that I arm when I'm away so that keeps the honest away.
  13. Plug it and roast it! Make lots of smoke! Buy a new tire Unless you may be able to find some stunter that only puts 10psi in his tire and he'll buy it off of you. You might be able to make a few bucks back...
  14. Pretty sweet, looks like a blast!
  15. What kind of bike? I'm about 7 miles north of the 70/75 interchange on 75. Might be a bit far from you I think. It's a solid hour and 30 minute drive, if not a bit more.
  16. Haha yeah that was a rough turn. I think that's the only time that ninjachk and I actually got to wait for somebody! And then we're all sittin there in the middle of the road and there's a car behind us laying on the horn b/c we've got 9 bikes and we're all sittin and talkin. Oh good times.
  17. I forget who was asking, but here is a link to the hugger I've got on my bike... Click here Just since this is another chance to whore a pic of my bike...especially her rear! And yeah it's pixellated, oh well.
  18. I can do all that stuff, but I'd much rather have it at my garage.
  19. I just found out a friend of mine hit a deer the other day. Her and her father were out on a cruiser going into a blind corner and there bambi came trottin along. Bike's totalled, deers dead, they both are OK aside from a bit of rash.
  20. Definitely an awesome day for a ride. Glad everyone kept the rubber side down and over-all it was awesome. ninjanick, ninjachk08, myzon26, fusion, 01929rr, 2insanezx10r, 06ninja6, natedogg624 (even though ya bailed early). It was great to ride with and meet all of you, can't wait to do it again!
  21. Look who's talkin.... 200 posts in less than 2 months
  22. We could have a 3-some with her.... Er..Uhh...I...uhh..mean yeah she is a very pretty girl.
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