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Everything posted by dustinsn3485

  1. I also don't need the tickets, but... What's an OBGYN and a pizza delivery boy have in common.... They both can smell it, but they can't eat it. Sent via mobile
  2. I agree. I'll be down there in April for a rally. I prefer GA to NC. Sent via mobile
  3. Cherohala netted me a $260 dollar ticket last year. I wouldn't mind avoiding it this year.. Sent via mobile
  4. You can add me to the list. I have no idea where I'm staying, but I'll be there. Sent via mobile
  5. I've got the S&W version of the P99 in .40. The frame is Walther, made in Germany. The slide is S&W. It's called a SW99. Sent via mobile
  6. Even if that's what your true thoughts are, you're kind of a dick. Sent via mobile
  7. There is some truth in that, but it takes more than one to have an orgy... Sent via mobile
  8. I've been around this forum long enough to know how it is...I post a FS thread and expect it to get shit in. Anything less and OR has failed. Sent via mobile
  9. Alright, my last post in here on the subject because at this point its clearly just ridicule...talked to my friend and told him he's not gonna have any luck, blah blah. So he said he's got 650 in it and will take that, but isn't gonna take a loss right now. I'm fully aware of what ya'll think already, but as a friend it was necessary for me to at least post. And I could deliver it anywhere between here and Columbus, fwiw... Sent via mobile
  10. I won't be there til sat. Morning. Sent via mobile
  11. Meh, its fine. It's not mine to sell, I didn't check price on it just posted. I have nothing to gain or lose. I'm guessing he may not be totally aware that this gun isn't part of the shortage situation, but I have no clue. Don't really care. Someone asked for the info on it so here it is... CMG rail covers, Hogue grip, sight mark red dot with several choices of holograms to choose from, 3 magazines , game winner tatical carry case and a front grip with built in bi-pod. I dont know the name of the bi- pod, and a mag- pul front grip also. Sent via mobile
  12. Hell I know nothing. He's bought some stuff for it and I told him I'd toss it up. Sent via mobile
  13. Friend of mine is looking to sell. I figured I'd post up here and see if I could gather any interest. Just because price starts at 800, but negotiable. I'm not sure what all he has added to it. If you're interested I'll PM you his number... I've got quite a few pics, will just post a couple for now.. Sent via mobile
  14. So what's the deal with tickets to get into the IMS? Are we on our own buying them or is there going to be a group rate on those too?
  15. No doubt! I keep a .380 and a .22 on the table next to the couch within quick reach. My .40 stays in the bedroom next to the bed and is my edc. Sent via mobile
  16. http://fxn.ws/VHCELy Shows the stopping power of a .38 Sent via mobile
  17. I bet I could make the trip up. Sent via mobile
  18. I have no clue what this thread is about, but I'm at work...I am temporarily running our laser so I figured I'd put a pic up... Sent via mobile
  19. Mine is conventional, through Chase. Sent via mobile
  20. I hope I'm not stepping on OP's toes, but this brings up a question I have... I've considered a refi on my house in Ohio. However, its technically rental property. What little research I've done, it seems like I'm stuck with the loan as it is since I don't reside at the house. Can I still do a refi without turning it into a commercial mortgage? Sent via mobile
  21. Back in Nashville. Looks like I'll be downtown. There's a party of some sort happening. The Fray will be playing. Should be fun. Sent via mobile
  22. I reserved a room for Sat night only. There should be a sammich maker too. Sent via mobile
  23. What's the cost on a room? I'd go to this possibly and split a room with a sammich maker. Sent via mobile
  24. On another forum I'm on, this was written as a response to "I am not for taking guns away from people with carry permits and for hunting. My question is why should anyone need an assault rife or automatic weapon that can hold an extended number of bullets. I had a little 22 rifle that I enjoyed shooting and a 12 gauge. Could someone explain to me why assault rifles are sold legally to basically anyone. I can't understand this. I know I may be starting something but I really would like to know why this happens." I think it was very well written and thought it needed to be shared. Take the time to read... We (the citizens) need 'assault rifles' (really, all types of guns), to defend ourselves from 1) criminals, 2) foreign invaders, 3) if criminals takeover the government. # Criminals Criminals could care less about gun laws. What is an extra weapons charge when you've already killed somebody? Some believe that restricting guns in general, will make them harder for criminals to acquire. Consider how that has failed with other banned items in demand. Cocaine has very severe penalties for possession, plus the most law enforcement resources that have ever been mustered to stamp anything out; yet it thrives and anyone who desires it can acquire it. Laws will not prevent criminals from easily acquiring guns. For reason's sake, imagine a world where gun laws eliminated all guns from criminals if that were possible. You do not want that world, because lesser weapons (knives, bats, clubs) are more effective in the hands of ruthless experienced users than normal people. Imagine defending a home invasion with a knife from a invader with a knife (hint= you should feel very discouraged about your prospects). Now imagine defending a home invasion with a gun from a invader who probably has a gun (it's a scary prospect, but your odds are much better having a gun, even if he has a gun too). Guns in citizens hands shifts the balance of power towards the citizen because guns are so easily learned and operated. The principle holds the same with "assault rifles". If criminals have assault rifles, citizens should have access to assault rifles. To address current events, consider that guns are 100% illegal in schools in America. To the naive citizen that makes them feel safe. To the shooting-spree criminals, that attracts them to schools as excellent opportunities for the most deaths with the least worry of being shot back at. The Connecticut shooter had no resistance from an armed citizen for dozens of minutes until the police arrived, and death count was terrible. The Oregon mall shooter's gun jammed, a citizen with a pistol drew his weapon, and the gunman ran away and killed himself (https://www.google.com/search?q=clackamas+mall+ccw). With no armed resistance, that mall shooting could have been much worse. Your question is about assault rifles, not pistols, but the principle is the same: citizens free access to all weapons is a better response to criminals than disarming the citizens. Banning citizens from assault rifles, just emboldens criminals who don't have to fear that their victim might have them. Assault rifles (semi-automatic rifles) are more effective for defending against body-armored criminals, multiple criminals, and criminals attacking a rural property than alternatives (no semi-automatic rifles, shotguns, or semi-automatic pistols). ### Also, gun banning has not worked for two recent examples: Great Britain and Australia. Violent crime __including violent crime with guns__ is up significantly in both. # Foreign invaders I don't know if he actually said it, but a quote attributed to a Japanese admiral is plausible: "You cannot invade the mainland United States. There would be a man with a rifle behind every blade of grass". We today don't think about defending our country from invasion. It's been a long time since that was a pressing threat. But no country can think this way for long. The threat of foreign invasion will arrive, and an armed citizenry is by far our trumping defense. Any country's army is defeatable; but if a country's population is well armed and ready to resist it is undefeatable. Consider the Russian and US Army's experience in Afghanistan-- a fraction of the population with AK-47's and will to fight keeps the world's best armies pinned down, bleeding money, and frustrated. Citizens need free access to 'assault rifles' because it strikes fear from anyone who would contemplate invading us. I hope that can last for another 100 years or more. # Criminals taking over the government. Government has a magnetic attraction to criminals, psychopaths and madmen. Because government is invested with a monopoly on taxing, capital punishment, the military--such power attracts those who have a sick desire to use it to abuse millions of people. The 20th century has a huge pile (100 million+) of dead citizens (=not killed fighting in a war) killed by Hitler, Mao, Stalin, Pol Pot, African dictators and other dictators. These mens' dreams are only possible on a disarmed citizenry. Dictators are scared of citizens with pistols and hunting rifles; and __really__ scared of citizens with 'assault rifles'. To learn more about this, I recommend Jews for the Preservation of Firearms Ownership: http://jpfo.org/. They have great stuff outlining the relationship of Hitler first registering Jewish firearms, then disarming them, then Holocaust. The other murderous dictators followed the same pattern: disarm the class of people you plan to eliminate, then proceed with genocide or enslavement or deportation. Jews and others were exterminated by the Nazis all over occupied Europe, but not in Switzerland. What was different about Switzerland-- it's a very attractive, resource-rich, German speaking country sharing a long border with Germany, but Germany wouldn't enter it and Jews were safe there. Here's the difference: Switzerland defends their country with a mandated militia of all adult males having a 'assault rifle' with ammunition in their home. That is the perfect formula to maximally deter a Hitler and a Stalin (and it did). A reader may not feel that our government would do what Hitler or Stalin did. You don't have to believe that. But once the citizens are disarmed, the stage is now set for a Hitler or Stalin that you didn't see coming when asked Congress to ban guns (and guess what, the new guy won't let you get your guns back now that you want them). # Conclusion If you divide the world into 3 groups: criminals, citizens and government; gun laws only restrict access to citizens. If citizens lose 'assault rifles', they are more defenseless to attack from the armed groups that still have them: criminals, potential invaders, and criminals who enter government.
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