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Everything posted by dustinsn3485

  1. I live in Nashville, when it gets closer give me a shout and I may try to head that direction. It's only a couple hours.
  2. This, with either a blackhawk OWB or a Crossbreed IWB: I also have this, Keltec P3AT that I carry in a don hume IWB until I find something else I like:
  3. I'm actually a bit surprised this hasn't been posted on here yet, I did a quick search and didn't see anything.... The founder, Mark Craighead, of Crossbreed holsters passed of a massive heart attack at the age of 43. From my local gun forum: http://www.tngunowners.com/forums/topic/51938-crossbreed-holsters-owner-passes-away/ From XDTalk: http://www.xdtalk.com/forums/sa-xd-xd-m-talk-announcements/210629-mark-craighead-passed.html
  4. I think he meant socket...for the castle nut. Sent from HTC Incredible
  5. It certainly seems like it'd be fine... There's another thread somewhere on this forum saying that .380 won't penetrate flesh, so using that rationale .22lr should get to the skillet and fall to the ground before it actually makes contact.... Sent from HTC Incredible
  6. Now that's not quite true, WD40 is basically kerosene and mineral oil. It's not necessarily a lubricant as much as it is a cleaner. I do feel like something a bit more substantial should be used after cleaning with WD40 if that's what ones preference is. However considering an oring chain is sealed, there is no need to lubricate the chain. The primary goal of chain maintenance is to clean the chain and keep dirt from penetrating the orings seal. That's why kerosene works well for cleaning and a chain wax keeps dirt from getting to the orings. WD40 with frequent enough application would work fine, but I'm not one to stop every 50-100 miles for a shot of the stuff and then keep riding. For me, kerosene to clean and a cheap off brand chain wax is fine. Generally I do chain maintenance every 700-1000 miles, unless I get stuck doing a lot of riding in the rain and the chain gets dirty quicker than normal. Sent from HTC Incredible
  7. You are aware the pickle thing is a joke though right? I assume it would get some grime off, but it certainly isn't an actual proven method of cleaning....especially considering when that article was written. Sent from HTC Incredible
  8. Use a pickle to clean it first, then use the dupont teflon chain lube. http://www.webbikeworld.com/t2/chain-pickle/
  9. Just one "experts" opinion. This thread is just like an oil or tire thread. There's an "expert" for or against everything. I use a yuasa smart shot 900 on my bike batteries. They've all lasted many years. I've never had a problem with the charger. If the bike sits more than 2 weeks I have it plugged into the charger.
  10. I get it, but I don't agree with it. What happened to personal responsibility? To keep it on topic...Yeah the riders have every right to ride without helmets on, but they also know the consequences of hitting the ground without them. They should be held accountable for their own actions. It's this that bothers me with America/the legal system. It's all about making some money at someone else's expense even if you're completely responsible for your own stupidity. Sent from HTC Incredible
  11. This thread was kind of anti climatic...I was hoping for a little more. Given the information available, IM isn't looking good. Sent from HTC Incredible
  12. This brings up a thought I've had before. Take that same article and let's say one or both of the individuals die from injuries sustained. Would the driver of the car then have some sort of a murder charge against her? In my hypothetical result above, assume if the riders were wearing helmets and only received minor injuries. The driver of the car is still at fault, but because of the riders choice not to wear helmets made their injuries much more serious. How do police go about charging someone in a vehicle vs motorcycle accident, when the lack of a helmet caused much more severe injuries, up to and including death. It doesn't seem proper to charge the driver of the car with a more serious charge because of the actions of the rider to not wear appropriate safety gear... Sent from HTC Incredible
  13. Ha, I didn't know they made one...I made my own chain alignment tool awhile back. Quite similar to this.
  14. dustinsn3485

    Align 2

    From the album: Garage

  15. dustinsn3485


    From the album: Garage

  16. dustinsn3485


  17. http://m.youtube.com/#/watch?desktop_uri=%2Fwatch%3Fv%3D1TGTm9HBKH0&v=1TGTm9HBKH0&gl=US Sent from HTC Incredible
  18. Not working on my Incredible either.. Sent from HTC Incredible
  19. I do miss working on bikes. You need to come down here where the roads are actually worth going for rides on. I will be coming back up there sometime soon, not sure when yet though. I probably won't bring the bike though so if we ride, I'll need to borrow someones bike.
  20. Check out TCX http://www.tcxboots.com/eng/
  21. Original commercial... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Te0V71sGoxA
  22. The first sounds like your throttle tube is sticking. It should have a crisp snap closed when twisted. If its not moving freely or hanging up that's an easy fix. Sent from my ADR6300 using Tapatalk 2
  23. Thats what the finale of the fireworks sounded like here in Nashville last night.
  24. Just wait til the healthcare is in full effect. We'll be paying that much more for the "welfare leaches" benefit
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