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Everything posted by Mc_spirited

  1. I think its great what FRMF does, I have never done a poker run, but I am sure that I will sometime in the future. However, that is not what I have in mind. I want more of an escorted parade type deal, which would raise money and get news agencies to cover also. I am only one person who feels the same way that everyone else does. I do not have connections with anyone but who I speak to or communicate with. I know that many people will be down to participate, but what we really need is somebody with the know how to get something set up. Someone who works in a dealership that sponsors escorted bike runs who knows how these things are executed. I would like Ohio-riders to get promotion from it, and to promote a good public opinion of sportbikers, and other bikers of all makes and sizes. I am not counting out the cruiser crowd, because lets face it, they have many numbers. Also, when it comes down to it, some (of them) may think that "crotch rocketers" are reckless and careless, but we all feel the same way as riders about these needless accidents. I am just sick of hearing about it, and promoting other great causes when this one hits us so hard. Not saying that the Cleveland Clinic Children's Hospital, or the March of Dimes, or fallen officer and firefighters are not worthy of charity. Even if it raises no money, and it solely for awareness and as a memorial to all those who are victims, than that is worth it. When you bring money into it that brings up a whole another realm of problems like worrying about who, how, when and why the money goes to. I would just like to do something for us as a whole, and I do not understand why others wouldn't have put something like this on already when we do so much for other causes. If FRMF has the organization to get this done than that is great, lets do it. But what it looks like on the website is that it is mostly a North/east Ohio organization and I want this to be not a central Ohio thing, but in central Ohio for Ohio as a whole. I would be worried that if the money goes to Northern Ohio than other parts of the state will be less likely to participate. Maybe we need to cut the fund raising as a main part out of it, and have it be more of a memorial type thing with donations going to a few charities at the riders discretion. Edit: I did not fully read your post before making mine Vulcan. If FRMF wants to expand to all of Ohio and they have the capabilities of setting up a serious event than lets help them out. I am only active and aware of this site when it comes to riders in Ohio, and if we can get other Ohio riders together to participate in a event that would be even better. I just want something more official than a poker run.
  2. Im not saying that we should set up a charity, but if we can get this pulled off and it grows it could become a possibility in the future. I hope it is possible to organize a ride and get it escorted without a bunch of money from sponsors.
  3. I want to go to the gap. I dont know if it will be this year or next. It is even a longer ride from cleveland though. I agree about the whole not wanting to ride back after riding down there. I would be whooped out from the ride down before I even got to the twisties. Does anyone live closer to northern ohio that is interested in going?
  4. I would definetly like to keep it close to home. The FRMF looks to be mostly situated around the northern part of Ohio. I am not sure of the specifics of the fund, I have never donated to it or been involved in it. If we can get enough people to participate, and do it consistently every year, I would imagine it could only grow. After we get it going, maybe it can be more organized at a later date, possibly with T-shirts like other rides. But of course all this would require money to get it rolling. I am sure that some businesses would donate, but rather than having companies like banks and the whatnot supporting it (solely for advertising purposes) I would perfer it be companies that actually care about bikers, like small respectable bike shops, and dealerships. I dont think that much money would be involved in just doing a ride. If we can get a few hundred people to ride in it, and get it escorted by police, that would be enough for me.
  5. Like I said, I only really know of the fallen riders fund. Link If anyone else knows of a fund that could benifit, chime in. If someone works in the accounting realm maybe we could even set up our own thing eventually. I figure, if Ohio Riders wants to become ohio's premier forum for riders, we should do things that will promote us in a positive way. I figure this could help. Also, I am sick of hearing about all the fatalities, and would like to do something about it.
  6. As the riding season nears all riders start to get the itch. The certain kind of itch that can only be cured by a twist of the throttle. It is also inevitable that some riders unknowingly depart on their last ride. Between cagers not in "look out for bikers" mode (When are they ever?) and less than satisfactory pavement conditions, there are many close calls to be had in the beginning months. Of course all that goes without saying. I cannot help but feel saddened every time I read about a rider, minding their own business that gets involved in a fatal accident. Whether it be a rider taken out by a left turner, or the Ninja 250 rider I read about a few weeks ago that was shot in the back with a shotgun while passing a vehicle he got into some altercation with. Some fatalities are accidents, and can most definitely be prevented or expected to some degree. Others are obviously not. Fortunately I have never known someone personally who was killed while riding. Unfortunately many other riders do not have that in common with me. Although the riders I read about passing are previously unknown to me, I still feel sad when I see the threads posted about fatalities. I know that last year, there was a rise in enforcement on the freeways around here (Cleveland) to crack down on bad drivers and raise awareness about bikers. I'm sure that a good number of people do charity rides and rallies for fallen police and firefighters, as well as many other worthy causes. While I love participating in those runs, I have never heard of or been involved with a ride benefiting fallen riders. I know there is the FRMF (fallen riders memorial fund) and I am sure that there are other charities and organizations that benefit the families of fallen riders and riders who have been fortunate enough to keep their lives. I was going to originally post this in the Cleveland forum, but I think it would be better received in the main forum. I would like to get a ride organized this year and have the proceeds of it go to charities benefiting riders. The best place to do it out of would be Columbus, just for the fact that it is the center of the state and would offer better roads and a higher turn out. I would like for this to have a high turn out, so it would be best if we could get this ride escorted. Beyond the monetary donations, I'm sure that the news channels would talk about it if we got enough people together. The goals of the ride would be to raise money, and raise awareness. So in closing, If anyone knows people who can help get this organized, lets get rolling. If anyone knows of a ride already being organized lets spread the word. Maybe it will even save a life or two.
  7. It would be cool to head down to Mansfield for some races this year, camp out or get in on some rooms with a group of people. I feel the same way. If I am going a good distance to some twisties, I would much rather take the expressway there. That is unless there are good roads in route.
  8. Yeah, I would say that we should just bomb places with Ohioriders stickers, but then it may just flood the forum with dumbasses. We need somewhere that we can recruit members that dont have their heads up their asses. Maybe we just need to take the risk and post up flyers at all the local bike shops and hangout places...
  9. Yeah, I looked it up after ya posted the acronym. It is sad that the cleveland forum is so dead. Hopefully it picks up with the weather.
  10. I hope to get to the track this year. I think that I want to go over my 250 and make it good for the track and use that. I really dont want to crash the CBR. I've got the gear, all I need is to prep a bike.
  11. What's everyones schedules looking like? Maybe we can get together for some food/drinks this week/end.
  12. Start off by laying on your back, strech left leg/left arm then right leg/right arm. Arch your body to one side then the other to strech out your side muscles. Pull your knees to your chest and rock a little to work your spine a bit. I did yoga when I went to school for a while, and that was the best I have ever felt in my life. People dont think about streching, and if you do basic excercises and streching on a regular basis it will help immensely. If you have time, wake up and start your morning off with some streching and a few basic poses. If you take it seriously and do it on a routine basis, (even twice or three times a week) stick with it for a couple months, you will notice a difference. Drugs and the what not helps, but that is the problem with most things in america. There are many things to help with the effects of a problem but nobody wants to tell you how to treat the cause. If you excercise, your body will much better off. You may even ride better because of it. You will be more limber, not distracted by pain. You will be more loose and light on the controls and it may even help your form. Look into beginner yoga dvd's or a book. Some dvd's are fast paced so you need to know the routine to be able to do it. Its best to do it at your own speed. I have been slacking when it comes to keeping myself well lately, but I know I have a couple dvd's by a guy called Rodney Yee. I hope this is of help.
  13. Thanks for your expertise. I figured it was relatively unobtainable. I guess if I want something like that I will have to go custom.
  14. I diddn't think about it being from another country. I know it isn't available on their US site. I figure it could be a year or two old maybe. Im not thinking that its custom painted, as it has the Arai logo (it looks) on the front. If I was paying or painting a helmet, I wouldnt waste money or time on putting a brand name on a helmet that nice.
  15. I believe it is an Arai. It is probably a replica. It is probably near impossible to get. I figure I'll try. Thanks.
  16. Yeah, i know the basics, Ive read them but i havnt used all of them or had the chance to use them all (when it comes to signals like i need gas, or piss break) but signals for hazards, cops, lane position and whatnot are a bit more commonly used. how much are chatterboxes?
  17. I diddnt actually read the info, I was told of it by my cousin. He said he read it in some wheeling magazine, stop by your local dealership and check out the magainzes. he could be wrong.
  18. Yeah, I try not to think about the thousands of dollars ive spent on gear and the whatnot... I layed my 250 down at the beginning of last season, and if i wasnt wearing my leather, the asphalt streak on my jacket would be a nice scar down the length of my forearm. Anyone know how to get a mark like that off of a jacket? Im going to try to get in on the March of Dimes ride on March 30th (depending on weather). From what ive heard it leaves out of Parmatown mall.
  19. Gotta love the snow in cleveland, high drifts. It just makes me smile. If it wasnt for weather like this I wouldnt appreicate the nice stuff as much as I do. As far as good routes go, there are all kinds of nice little sections of road branching all throughout the metroparks area. You can pretty much ride on (almost) all park roads from Rocky River through the south and north Chagrin reservations. I think some of the best ones have to be the section of the Valley parkway snaking around/behind the airport. Over near spafford and where all the river fords are. You can get on it a little bit just have to be careful. But the bottom line is ya cant see through the next corner so ya gotta take your risks carefully. I always warn everyone I pass when I see a cop or ranger or know where one is hiding or heading to. I love getting on the throttle on the first part of Valley parkway (Brecksville) where ya climb up the hill. "Meadow lane" (i think thats it) is a very nice twisty road in the Brecksville reservation (it interesects with valley parkway) Another good one is Tinkers creek, a few turns always have some gravel in them so ya gotta be careful. Im sure there is all kinds of good riding over near chagrin, I havnt made the full loop from rocky river on the bike, but it involves chagrin river road when ya get out that way. Ive done a few motorcycle rallies and found some good stuff on them, the problem is during those I am too concerned with paying attention to the bikes in my immediate area to check out road signs. I found some good ones on a ride leaving out of the harley dealership on rt 18. Riverview road is also a beautiful ride. I love nothing more than going through those above mentioned roads and dipping down into a spot with lower elevation or around a curve where it is shaded and immediately feeling the change of the dampness and temerature of the air. I live right near canal road and the southern cleveland/parma area so usually when I ride after work or whater it is getting late, so I just make it down to canal then decide if i want to ride riverview south, tinkers creek east or the valley parkway west. Sometimes I just hop of the freeway and get over by valley parkway via 480 or 90 and taking it south and east back twards home. Not all that often do I have enough light or time to travel an hour to get to good roads, so I love living right in the middle of the valley parkway/ metroparks/ cuyahoga valley loop. (Edit) And wow, that post was not there when I started mine, that is some cold blooded stuff. I love it. Why the d!cks? can you not swear on this site or do you do it for courtesy? (Double Edit) And I am defentely down to do a meetup somewhere (QSL valley view is good for me) before the weather turns nice to get aquainted with each other. I am really hurting to find a solid group of good riders. I really want to work on my group ride skills and get with a group of guys on a consistant basis to ride together (as in coordinated and not just on the same road at the same place at the same time, if ya know what I mean.)
  20. He said he would have let me off. I don't think he was lying because he was very nice. Its no different than if you have a "friend" or "brother" or whatever badge from a friend who is a policeman. Its not a guarantee that you will get off, but it might work.
  21. Faternal Order of Police. He called and wanted a donation, I was like, How much? He was like 50 bucks. I was like, Oooh, I dont think I can do that. He was like, well what can ya do? I sent 30, got two cards, would have been worth it if I remembered to use them.
  22. I got a ticket on Thursday night. I just picked up my friend and we were going to the bar to have a couple drinks. It was dark and I guess I rolled the stop sign. By the time I rolled through and he lit me up with the spotlight and whatnot I had no time. Neither of us were wearing seatbelts. He was a very nice guy though. He said he would have let me off if I would have given him one of my FOP cards, I was too nervous to think (and I was sober and the car was clean, go figure). Could have got me for rolling, no seatbelt, allowing her to not wear a seatbelt, and giving her a ticket for no seatbelt. Instead he just gave me a seatbelt ticket. It was much appreciated. Maybe it was because of how I acted during the stop, and the fact that I was honest with him and said we were going to the bar, I dont know. He diddnt even check my eyes for intoxication, which suprised me. This happened right near Parmatown Mall. As far as the Points on the liscence goes, I go to an actual person to do all my insurance dealings and I know if i ever wanted to know whats up on my point situation I could just go ask her.
  23. My gear: XSpeed Helmet (2) Icon Tarmac gloves (2nd pair) Icon Standard boot Icon Pursuit perforated leather Joe Rocket Pheonix 5.0(?) mesh Icon Retro Daytona Icon Merc Long gloves AGV 1 piece leather Alpinestars Supertech boots Draggin Jeans (3) I got the Draggin Jeans at mid ohio vintage days, they were error jeans, 60 bucks each, had to get a few.
  24. I dont have a chatterbox, I was kind of looking into 2 way radio's with throat mic's. My friend just got a 08 ninja 650r so im sure he'd be down to ride too. Hes right in the area. I also know a guy that has a yellow kawi zx6r that lives a few streets over.
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