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Everything posted by Mc_spirited

  1. Most only use rivet type links. I understand why. On my 250 I have a clip type. The 250 puts down something short of 30 HP, while my CBR puts down short of 100. Does anyone run clip type links on the street? Of course, when using a clip-type it MUST be safety wired. The reason why I ask is because my chain has a good amount of surface rust. I know it was put on new last year, just not kept lubed for the winter. It would make it allot easier cleaning off the rust and the gunk out from the front and rear sprockets without the chain there. Does anyone use a clip type solely for maintenence purposes? I figure I can grind off the rivets, Clean the chain, swingarm, and sprockets and just install a new clip type link. Id rather not buy a clip type and a rivet, just to ride to the stealership to get them to rivet it on. I dont have the proper tool to rivet it, and dont want to do a half ass job myself and have to buy another link. This doesnt need to be filled with the usual I only rivet talk. If you have experiance with clip types, good or bad please share. If you had a clip type and it failed, how often/well did you keep it cleaned and lubed?
  2. I use chain wax. WD 40 or kerosene to clean. I've been told that the propellant in WD 40 is bad for O-rings in chains. I would never just use WD40 to lube my chain. Maybe in the case of an emergency, maybe. Anyone else have information that WD40 is bad?
  3. My first bike was the ninja 250, 2 seasons and 13000 miles. This season ive got the CBR F4i, probably about 400 miles so far this season.
  4. This weekend is the blessing of the bikes on Saturday. A troop rally is sunday, with escorted rides leaving from Liberty, Century, Southeast and Lorain Harley Davidson (I think). Its not the cold. I just dont want to ride back on the freeway in the dark with the threat of the deers. I drive the interstate back and forth quite a bit, I just dont want to let my concentration slip then hit a pothole or somethin of the sort. But I guess cold and accidents can be dressed for. Edit for a good story: Last year, me (on my 250) and my buddy (riding my current bike) did the troop rally out of Lorain. It went down Detroit or somethin and snaked around the west side market area. We met up with the other riders on the Vietnam Vetrans bridge. When we got to the end of the bridge into downtown the traffic started to back up from people pulling into lots and spaces and whatnot. There is this street at a y intersection with the street the bridge is on. There was this douche in a BMW with his girlfriend in the car. There was no room for hm to get through, needless to say, they were not going to make room. Of course the dude in the BMW starts to inch twards the bikes. Well this one Harley guy diddnt like that. Brought a hammerfist down onto the hood of his car. Douche gets out, and words are exchanged. Kickstands go down and the hammerfist guy gets off the bike, then another rider pulls up from somewhere behind and gets off. Then one or two other riders pull up and do the same. Douche got back in his car and backed up or drove the other way. One of the best moments I have from any of the rides I've ever done. Pure gold.
  5. hahah. Im not sure how long ill stay after dark, seeing as how I have to ride back to cleveland afterwards.
  6. Its cool with me. Hopefully we can get a few people together.
  7. I would be down for some riding. I am not too familiar with the area, but I have to travel there for work sometimes. What time are you thinking? Any specific spot for a meetup? Where is this Atwood? Edit x2: Atwood lake? Sorry, I am unfamiliar with the Akron/Canton area.
  8. I dont know if anyone will see this. Where Valley Parkway meets Chippewa Parkway between 82 and Riverview Road there is a big dip going up the Valley Parkway hill. Its near the top, I think the last curve. It looks decieving, like a new asphalt patch. Its sunken in a good 5 or 6 inches. Like about the size of a manhole cover. It was closed the other day, for no apparent reason, so maybe they are fixing it, or screwing something else up.
  9. I rode for 110 miles today, through Brecksville, Richfield, Hinkley and Brunswick. Saw at least a hundred bikes, maybe more. Good number of sportbikes. Way more cruisers. I guess one guy shook his head when my buddy waved to him, I diddn't notice it though.
  10. Mc_spirited


    Hello. Welcome to the site. Ride safe.
  11. I will be out today. Im leaving at about noon-ish. Going with my buddy Fred (ForumID Derfolicious). Meeting up with my 2nd cousin who rides a Harley. He needs to go see about a replacement rear tire so he's going up to Liberty HD on RT 8. I'll PM you my cell number.
  12. I've got prior plans, I would definetly be down to go. Safe travels if you do.
  13. haha, I hear ya . My hands were bad after my short ride. I will definetly be out and about next week. Maybe we all can get together somewhere this week.
  14. I was out riding a bit today, It was a bit chilly for my tastes. Definetly too cold to have rode out to Canton and back though. How many bikes showed? I saw atleast 6 today.
  15. Where in cleveland? I could possibly help you load it into the truck, if you can find ramps to use back home.
  16. For california that is the reason it started. Its just a shame that everything in this country is so f'ed up and controlled.
  17. the only bad thing about filtering to the front of the pack is that you are vunerable to a T bone when you leave the light. I like to leave a interesection slowly and to make sure nobody runs it. If I went to the front I would want to take off to get away from the drivers.
  18. I would love to ride one. They did make some changes to the engine. The displacement is up by a whopping 1cc. The big change from what I hear is the new cams they put in to increase low end power. Besides the obvious body and styling changes, I think the only really big change is the 17 inch wheels.
  19. Thanks, I think I got a alright deal on it. Minimal damage, 26000 miles, paid 3200. A friend of mine who wanted to get out of it. Thanks for the welcome. I hope to be riding with some of you this year.
  20. Hah, I hate that damn song. I do like where I live, I am 5 min from Canal/valley view and the cuyahoga valley and 20 min from the rocky river valley. Good riding when ya dont have much time.
  21. I have not read up on it at all. The only time I would want to is in the event of a accident or total stoppage of the freeway, or being at a light and not wanting to wait for it to turn. When there is ample space and clean pavement to pass a few cars on the right side to turn. I am curious to see if there are any LEO's that could give a opinion or others who may have knowledge.
  22. I have this book by Bill Murphy titled "Motorcycling Across Ohio" It has routes and interesting places to stop and visit. In the back of the book it lists "Handy websites", Emergency phone numbers, and some Ohio motorcycling regulations. An interesting note is, just as the title says that lane splitting is not addressed in Ohio's codes or statutes. Now, I know that lane splitting can be dangerous in certain situations, and I don't want this to turn into a thread about opinions of why it should or should not be legal. I believe in states where it is accepted (California and from what I hear Maryland), it is not legal to lane split, but in fact it is not addressed as legal or illegal. What I want to know is what this guy says true? Because from what I understand if they do not say it is illegal, than you cant really legally be cited for it (as long as it is done safely I assume). I know that if you do it dangerously than they could ticket, or if the cop just has a hardon for bikers than it doesn't matter what the laws say. People get ticketed for things they shouldn't all the time, and just take the hit. Cops don't expect people to fight it. Does anyone know if this is in fact true? Has anyone lane split in a situation (traffic jam, or still traffic) within view of a cop and not had it be an issue? Is anyone a LEO who has an opinion of it? You will not see me weaving and splitting down 77 or 480, but I would like to know that I can pass a few cars at a stoplight to make a right turn, or something of that nature without being worried about legality. On a side note, this book seems to be well written and would reccomend it to riders looking for nice scenic rides.
  23. I have been waiting to put a introduction in here until I got pic's of my bike, I think it would be wrong without some pictures. So here it goes. My name is Matt. I live in Cleveland. By Cleveland, I mean actual Cleveland, not the Cleveland-area. I stay on the southside, Near the border with Parma. This is my third riding season, the past two being on my Ninja 250. Had allot of fun on it and learned allot about riding. I bought my 250 with 8200 miles on it, and I have put a bit more than 13,000 miles on it the last two years. I am looking forward to the additional power of the F4i, and the challenge to learn better throttle control. I bought it with a Micron slip on, it also has a K+N filter. As far as aftermarket goes, that is about it. I have some mods planned for the future, the list being: 1. Turn signals that are visible 2. Scorpio alarm 3. Under tail 4. High mount exhaust 5. Swing arm mounted license plate 6. Solo cowl Little things I would like to do to increase visibility would be reflective rim stripes, reflective wing shadows, LED passenger peg signals, and LED ram air signals. Comfort mods would be possible bar risers depending on how the positioning effects me and a Corbin seat would be nice. Frame sliders probably should be near the top of my mod list. My tastes in bikes are mostly of the sportbike variety. I would love to get my hands on a 2 stroke. Old Honda Interceptors and V4's also are nice. I have a thing for smaller displacement bikes, and would love something like a ZXR 250 (Inline 4 250cc 4 stroke). Bandit 400's and Honda CB-1 (400CC Inline 4) also intrest me. I love the naked bikes, and wouldnt mind going more streetfighter-ish with my 250. As far as newer style larger displacement sportbikes go, I think the Truimph 675 is sex. Ducati's are also nice, but I don't know if I can afford that in my future. I like the look of the larger naked bikes (Honda Hornet and Kaw Z750) I wouldnt count out the possibility of getting a cruiser though. As far as Harleys go, it would have to be a nice 60-70's style thing, I don't like the newer stuff, unless it would be a V-rod. I like the style of the new Harley hard-baggers that have the side saddlebags that are level with the top of the rear fender and seat. I think it looks nice and streamlined. I like the bobber look, and would never ride something with ape hangers, just not my thing (at this point in my life). Id enjoy an old KZ or CB to go kind of cafe style with. An enduro/dual sport will also be on my list of gotta-have's. Its just too bad I don't live further south where trails would be more accessible. No matter what I buy in the future, hopefully the purchase does not include the sale of one of my other bikes. I would love nothing more than to collect bikes for the rest of my life. Bonus points if I could find a nice decently sized garage and live off working on bikes. Id even sleep there, who needs a house with a dining room and basement when ya have a garage full of motorcycles? As long as I have a bed, kitchen and bathroom thats all I'd need to survive. Just a shame we have a winter here in Ohio. I guess I would need a television also to keep my self sedated during the bad weather. I want to get to the track, and once I get a good amount of time on the F4i I will be able to make a decision if I want to track it, or the 250. I am thinking the 250 just because it would be cheaper, but I know that I am going to want to push the 600 and would rather do it in a track environment. That is basically what I'm about, working and thinking about bikes if I cant ride one. Who knows though, after a few thousand miles I may decide that the CBR isn't my cup of tea and sell it. I don't know yet. But I am looking forward to using this as a learning experience. I am also looking forward to participating in the forum. So safe riding all, be careful out there.
  24. It wouldnt be so bad working outside or in a cold garage if they would invent some heated tools. I find my hands giving out before the rest of my body.
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