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Everything posted by r1crusher

  1. Well, from the way this thread has somewhat concluded I won't be signing up for race school anytime soon.
  2. This could explain why Craig staffs for Todd. He is slow as fuck in races but always looks like the hero out there in front of a bunch of novice riders.
  3. I have to be honest. I do think about my tires a bit when I'm trying to up my personal pace and I'm betting it's holding me back. No question. My proof was at Mid-O last year when I hooked up with Chris (staffer) for a tow. I put my head down and just made every effort to follow his lines and match is his moves braking and accelerating. Bam! 3 seconds off my lap time just like that. Was I pushing the Q2's I was on, probably not in the slightest still. Will they make me faster, sure. But only once I'm able to mentally tell myself to not worry about them. Does that make sense?
  4. I think Brian was confusing someone else with me on the cost differences. In any case, I, as a mid pack intermediate rider want to progress enough this year to make it into the advanced group (as I said in another post somewhere). Would going to a race tire now really benefit me as it's likely that I'm not even close to pushing the limits of say a set of Q2's or Pures? This is what I'm struggling with at the moment. I fully understand what Brian is saying but I can also agree with some of what Chris is saying as well. I know I'm not pushing myself personally enough yet to make me go above the potential of the tires, even if I do make it into the A group. Having seen Brandon, Craig, Jinu, Nick, etc. all run on street/race tires and put up respectable times I don't see how shelling out for full race shoes will make me a faster rider, right now. Those guys have been pushing the limits of a lesser tire and obviously can take full advantage of moving to a true race tire. This is my quandary and I'm just trying to do what makes sense to get me into that A group this season.
  5. Are the Michelins even sold trackside at Moto events?
  6. Hhhmm....that's almost $100 more than Pures not mounted. So throw in $40 for mounting/balancing and it's $60 more over all.
  7. Okay, does the Dunlop trackside guy carry the 211's normally (I'd assume yes)? And how do I get the cost of a set other than when I show up on Sat. morning.
  8. Gotcha, Nick. I don't plan on running warmers anytime this season so I want something that will obviously warm up quickly and provide a little longevity. I've run Pures, Q2's, and 003RS' (on street only).
  9. Can pro's be run without warmers? And what's this "price" being thrown around?
  10. Why not just get a set of R10's instead?
  11. Yeah, I just found they offer "Pro's". I've honestly never seen them available, but as usual I'm sure a call to any place would result in getting a set.
  12. As far as I knew they only made an "RS".
  13. I'm not sure 003's are going to be better than 211's. I'm sure Brian or even Jeff if he's lurking can chime in. I'm currently searching out a good set that don't require warmers.
  14. I second just using a big USB stick and transfer his profile. Games can be downloaded and installed again on the new one. I think you can use a 16GB stick which should be plenty.
  15. One week bump! She's now trolling other threads giving away the peni instead now.
  16. BAH! Jinu made a funny! I didn't think he had time to watch TV with his demanding schedule. Just remember I can fix that other thumb of yours.
  17. Dude!! Your pipe is magically hanging in mid air!!
  18. You guys suck at scheduling. </end thread>
  19. I'm sure that my FAT ass can get a license if I had the right help at Nelsons. And the new bike goes better than your '03 and will stand on it's front wheel with the damn brakes it has. Weather permitting you can have a trip around the track on it at Nelsons. Then we'll talk turkey.
  20. So sorry to hear, Joe. I pray that he was comfortable and in good company during his remaining time here. Prayers to you my friend.
  21. Craig is spoken for and nobody wants to ride an unmatching duct taped bike like Nick's.
  22. Hey, not my fault you ate Menner out of all the cats and dogs then had to move.
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