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Everything posted by r1crusher

  1. I knew I made the right decision to come down immediately after I suited up and threw my leg over the bike. Thanks to those that encouraged me to come down. As Brian said, it was still a bitter sweet day without Jeff being there with us. All I kept thinking coming out the last turn onto the front straight was Jeff saying how fast you can actually take turn 1. Well Jeff, you're going to have to get better soon so you can show me how it's done. And Brian, if you hear some fapping noise over by either of your bikes...don't worry. It's just me having my way with them.
  2. No, no numbers at all. Just some blue tape on the windscreen. And you did get Dub, it was the last photo you posted....of him entering pit road. This is mine:
  3. I think you should name him...... B A N A N A ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !
  4. SWEET! All flat black Kawi ZX6 with red rims, black Joe Rocket leathers, and brightly colored helmet with a blue dragon on it. Is that enough information for ya??? LOL!
  5. Oh yeah...it was also good to finally meet Brian as well. Very cool guy and obviously even willing to help the "slow kids".
  6. I owe Andy and his dad a bunch for today's hospitality. It was a great time, great company, and great track conditions. I think I'm going to have to make it back out to Mid-O later this year. So Andy....if you wanna go I'll get the garage this time. No....it was because he didn't eat any bananas today. LOL!
  7. I see how it is....you going to Nelson's is more important than going to Beaver. NO BANANA FOR YOU!
  8. I'm turning in for the night for an early start tomorrow, but I did hear from Jeff just a few minutes ago. I won't say much but he's doing okay given the circumstances. He still seems to have his humor intact for whatever that's worth (for those that don't know him he's about as funny as stale bread...I kid). He certainly could use all the prayers. I'll pass along everyone's well wishes when I talk to him again if he does beat me to this tread.
  9. We wouldn't want you there anyway. All you would do is try to play Dakar all over the track.
  10. Ooookay. I want to get there by 7. If you know what number garage you're in let me know. Maybe we could get some other OR peeps setup in a row there. I drive a silver trailblazer SS with an open trailer and a flat black ZX6 w/ red wheelz in the back.
  11. I don't want to take up your space in the garage if you have 3 already. I was going to sign up for intermediate, but I have my hands full with a new bike (to me) and a new track to learn. I'm perfectly comfortable being the slowest in the I group. I can hold my lines and I'm not afraid to get passed....so. I thought you were going A group so I doubt you could help me a whole lot. I did go out and throw in my canopy and two sand jugs. I'll check the weather forecast tonight and in the morning to make my decision. Here's my number so it's not a total surprise if I call.... 440 seven seven three 6001.
  12. I know Dub is going but I don't know if he's going to be in a garage or not. There's enough of us going I'm sure I could find someone to pit with. I just need a few tows and a mindful suspension wise person to give me a hand.
  13. I was going to garage with Jeff and the instructors. I know there will be someone that can help me, it was just so much easier having spent time with him personally. I have stuff to pit on my own, I just need to pack it up if I still go.
  14. Well, I'm all packed up and ready to go but I'm thinking of not going now with the news about Jeff crashing. Most of my plans were with him for tomorrow.
  15. Jeff told me last night that they do. So that's straight from a coach.
  16. I just finished packing up to head down there in the morning. This is not what I was expecting to hear. I was over at his place last night to return the chain tool I borrowed, BS, and load up his stuff. We made some plans for tomorrow and he invited me to pit in the garage with him and the rest of the staff/coaches. I don't know that I even want to go down now. I pray that he's okay.... Brian...please let us know what you can.
  17. I Jobs is a 'publican....then yes I will be a Dem. Apple and Jobs is like Skynet, we must take them down before it's too late.
  18. Aaaahhh....fuck trophies! Congrats Porter!
  19. Probably going tomorrow as a walk up. Called and they said there's plenty of openings. Will be in the intermediate group.
  20. I would be on this, but I have to work until around 3pm today.
  21. Okay, according to the BBoGV your pistol information is as follows: Frontier Scout (K Suffix) - .22 LR or .22 Mag., 4 3/4 or 9 1/2 in. barrel, available with interchangable cylinders after 1964, Zamac alloy frame (K Suffix), blue or nickle finish and walnut grips. approx 44,000 mfg. 1960-1970 Conditions: 100%=$600, 98%=$425, 95%=$325, 90%=$250, 80%=$200, 70%=$175, and 60%=$150 Add 100% for double cased Scout set. Add 150% for double cased Scout Buntline set. Add 10% for original box. Hope that helps ya!
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