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Everything posted by r1crusher

  1. 8 out of 10 shemales surveyed have said "No."
  2. They sell it locally in a lot of places up north. Hell hit up a World Market, they have one in Avon. Next time you come up just run in and pick some up.
  3. Well...I'm calling dibs on a slot now! Maybe even two if you want some fresh blood. We'll see if we can get you another 75 kill streak.
  4. Tonight...you stiff! I was on last night and couldn't get in the party. I will be ready. I taint scared!
  5. Someone needs to fix the tag 'parks licks taint'. I do not believe this to be specific enough for this particular thread. It should read 'parks licks MAN taint' Sssshhhaaazzzziiiiinnnngggg! Sorry Adam!
  6. You know for scant $20 you can buy you enough cans of spray paint to redo that hideous scheme you have on your bike.
  7. Craig is right, when they send out the emails and update the site with closeout stuff they typically sell out pretty quickly. I alway call them and ask them to check the stock before ordering anything closeout from them just to avoid what happened here. They are good people to deal with still, IMO.
  8. That might be true, but for that chick to get pulled over twice on that part of Detroit would be kind of hard to do. Unless she rolled threw after the SVPD met up at Sheetz for some free coffee and donuts.
  9. There is a pretty short part of Detroit that is 4 lanes and 35 but it's very busy since it intersects Rt. 2. And from Detroit down to LCCC it's 4 lanes and 35, again not a very long piece. Not a typical place I see people getting pulled except for those occasions in the summer and the loud bikes are leaving QSL.
  10. Damn, right in my own back yard! I know a number of Sheffield Village/Lake cops. There's are a number of major roads that are 35mph. Those would be East River, French Creek, Lake Breeze and Harris. Oh and N. Abbe between Rt 2 and Detroit. The S.V.P.D. is on the corner of East River and Colorado. Sucks to be her, good thing is she can get them all taken care of in the same day.
  11. Whatever there rump ranger. Besides all of the woman that have tried your service have found that you drop calls, can't keep service for more than 2-3 min., constantly roaming, etc. I think you really need a new marketing manager because you couldn't sign a 8 yr. old to a contract for service with you.
  12. The new JRM service isn't available in all areas and isn't all it's cracked up to be. Good thing she stuck with her current plan.
  13. I say we outlaw bras. There has been way too much upheaval regarding their use. Let them hang! Without bras!
  14. I'm pretty close to you (Sheff. Lake) and I def. plan on hitting up Beaver Run a couple times if possible. I have plenty of room for two bikes and I usually just drive down the morning of the event since it's pretty close. All I'd ask is to split the cost of gas.
  15. Well...bring that mutt of yours and we'll have one part covered. Not sure there'll be any love though.
  16. New grill!?!? This recent acquisition was not made public until now! I just hope it uses something other than wood or charcoal. I was afraid that we'd have to take up a collection for you just to get something that would cook food in under an hour.
  17. True, but I'm sure you understand the ability to properly focus your target accurately at long distances regardless of having a mill-dot or compensating for BD. If you can't see what you're shooting it doesn't make much difference.
  18. I'm all for going to a track where redkow and blue03636 WON'T be at. Here's why: redkow's bike is just an eyesore and blue03636 couldn't cook a burger even if he was a friggin' Cordon Blue chef.
  19. No, it doesn't but you won't find me messing with my windage and elevation knobs every other shot. 100 is always 100, 75 is always 75, and so on. The only 'dope' for you is the guy behind the scope. There are plenty of AO scopes out there, mine is a Bushnell. Just search a little more. And if you need help: Midwayusa OA Scopes
  20. You could just find a scope with AO (Adjustable Objective). Set the AO for 100 yards, sight it in and be done with it. Now if the shot is 50 yards or 200 yards, just dial the AO to the appropriate distance and take your shot.
  21. Ding Ding Ding! Johnny we have a winnar!
  22. r1crusher

    Gun Shows

    Will you two be holding hands the whole time also?
  23. I think you better start stocking up now.... If Ben is like every other first time father he's gonna be hittin' the tit more than the kid.
  24. I would love to take the chocks off your hands but I'm guessing it's a package deal and you won't break it up. 'nother bumb for ya though.
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