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Everything posted by r1crusher

  1. I'll be heading down to Cinci on Wed. If anyone wants me to pick them up some GLB I'd be happy to deliver it anywhere on my route down, I will leave around noon on Wed. The route is 301S -> I-71S -> 56E -> 62W -> 247S. I don't know if any of their stuff makes it even to C-bus. Shoot me a PM if interested or just post up here. This will be my holiday hookup for the forum members. EDIT: Only because someone will ask, no the beer will not be free. You pay for the beer and I'll see that it gets to you.
  2. I tend to gravitate towards hoppy beers, IPA's etc. I will throw down any of the following: Great Lakes Brewery Christmas Ale/Commodore Perry/Nosferatu/Burning River/Oktoberfest and their pub only Berlot, Stone IPA, Breckenridge 471 IPA, Blue Moon, Sam Adams Summer Ale, Redhook Ale Brewery's Long Hammer IPA, Sierra Nevada Pale Ale, and many more from my travels that I can't remember.
  3. $700 over BB...not saying you couldn't get that but you will be waiting a good while for that special sucker to come along.
  4. I started the campaign but I think I'm ready to ditch it and just head online.
  5. I have two Neos and they have never given me any problems at all. All of the Mark pistols are a design cluster fuck when it comes to disassembly. Go do a search on how to tear them down and you'll see what I mean. The Neos are by far WAY easier to take down and clean after your done plinking with them. A single captured screw will let you remove the barrel, slide, etc. If you could put Legos together you could clean this pistol. It shoots consistently and with good groups every time.
  6. Why everyone hatin' on the Hi Points!?!? Some people like to be able to pull the trigger 4 times before it goes boom!!
  7. I'd lend you one, but I don't even have one. (Figured I'd just throw in the lowest possible offer) Edit: Okay, I actually do have one but someone else is using it.
  8. Damn IP...you call him a wetback and then tell him this isn't real. It's like showing jbot naked pics of your neighbors little 5 year old and telling him they're fake. What's a guy gotta do to be taken seriously!?!?
  9. I knew he was lurkin'! Where's my zipties you gizz trap!?!?
  10. I'm glad you were observant.
  11. Hell...I don't even live in a top 5 state where thefts occur either. So why are my rates so high again?
  12. Huh....what makes you think Zuk's are the most stolen bikes? Not according to what I'm reading: Most Stolen Bikes in US
  13. I'd sell a bike but we're not all baller like jbot and own like 5 or 6 of them.
  14. I don't think it really matters if you give up some policy information. Hell when you call around to get new quotes they ask what your current policy is.....so what's so private. I've had 100/300/100k for over 10 years w/ 250/500 deductibles. That's just for the bike and it's not attached to any other policies or vehicles. $690 a year....suck a dick SF!
  15. Note to self: Give jporter an extra hole to breathe out of.
  16. Nope...not me. Totally clean driving record *knocks on wood*. I just called my agent and she said there's nothing she can do unless I insure some other vehicle with them which would change the policy group which issues the insurance. Total crock of shit. So how long you've been with the ins. company, your driving record, your age, or the age of the bike doesn't mean shit anymore. Starting to make the calls to get ins. elsewhere. And Justin, if you think you have enough skillz to handle the scooter....bring it.
  17. FU. FU. and FU. Don't be a playa hater! (PS....Justin, anytime you wanna hit the track boy and I'm not talkin' about the pussy straight kind either)
  18. The damn bastards!!! I login today to pay my premium to get my policy renewed for another year and I notice that it's higher than it used to be. So I go over and check out my policy and what do you know....they jacked it up over $200! Motherf*#kers!! What the hell, collision sky rocketed to $372!! So instead of me paying what used to be $453/yr it's now $690! I've had SF ins. for my bikes for more than 10 years and this is what I get for insuring my now 3 year old bike with them. I'll be calling their asses today first thing to get this taken care of. A**HOLES!!
  19. What should I do? BWAAAHAHHAHAA!! :lol::lol::lol::lol: I can't get enough of that!
  20. He obviously has enough rep from blowing all of the political junkies on here. But thanks!
  21. Just when I thought they couldn't top themselves they do it again. I laughed my ass off when they ripped on LBJ for his latest commercial!!!! If you didn't watch it tonight you have to get online and watch it. "I'm just gonna keep bein' a dick." LOL!!!!!
  22. I guess RVTPilot won't be moving there, instead he'll be swimming back across the river to be with his relatives.
  23. I'm not going to debate your skillz at cappin' a toddler. Kawi or Chevy can handle that.
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