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Everything posted by r1crusher

  1. Hey, no one knocked over your pile of textile. Get back to sewin' wet back!
  2. Pleaze...all you wet backs are the same. You would bring a knife to a gun fight.
  3. if you're not Mexican, what's up with all the empty bottles of Tequila in your kitchen?? No dego drinks THAT much Tequila! Just sayin'.
  4. I want a percentage for that free fender eliminator kit there buddy!
  5. I just keep reading stuff that's basically saying to not bother trying subs in a .243. I don't think threading my barrel will be any issue as it's a factory SS bull barrel and has plenty of material. I just don't want to go through the expense of getting it threaded and then not achieving something stupidly quiet (read damn near silent). The lack of silencers specifically for this caliber is also a challenge.
  6. Yeah, right. Next thing you know you have a blown up .243 or a stuck bullet in your barrel. I know you're smarter than that Thomas. I've been doing some digging and found this thread, could be a good starting point. http://benchrest.com/showthread.php?66679-Subsonic-243&p=554223
  7. If flounder keeps talking gun shit I'm gonna shoot a giant wad all over him next time I see him. You tell me what you need kawi and I'll get it acquired.
  8. Oh I'm def. in. I gave you 20 spent rounds, work me up some sub shit boy!
  9. He keeps saying it's from shoot which is true but only part of the story. It's because he's spanking his pud. Now the truth comes out as to why he was taking so many pictures with his phone of Flounder! <-- I don't know why but put a camo hat on and it would look like kawi.
  10. Carie! WTF! I thought it was clear you were getting a new plinker! I'm so disappointed. Ben, you can take back YOUR man card.
  11. Of course you wouldn't if 1) your the SHEMALE hooker he's been hiring or 2) you're into SHEMALES also.
  12. I think the three of us need to have a long talk.
  13. I was standing right next to that damn thing and all I could hear was the damn round getting struck by the firing pin! Shit, Todd's airsoft gun was louder!
  14. Shoot me your FB info. in a PM so I can send a friend request, I have to see the video now.
  15. If you didn't go out every stinkin' Friday and Saturday night spending you money on shemale hookers and blow you'd be able to come out with the big boys.
  16. I'd like to propose a new OR rule also then. Anyone wishing to ride at Nelson's can use redkow's bike free of charge.
  17. You have zero say in any of this thread. You have vagified in less than a year and unless you some how get your man card back you should crawl back under whatever rock it was which you came from.
  18. GET OFF THE BIKE MORE!!!!! Tell him Jinu! Or do we need to get Tea in front of you smakin' her ass again!?!? And no one can say that place isn't a 1.8 mile speed bump. I was getting sick trying to watch it! EDIT: I'm actually surprised the camera stayed attached.
  19. I don't have anyones facebook cuz I haz no friendz.
  20. I just got home. Fack that's a drive but it was worth it and more! Had a blast today...he-he...literally! It was awesome to meet some guys...chevy, kawi, gump, car, casper and the S.O. and many others. Unfortunetly the flat fish did show up. And he spent more time messing with that damn Mark III than he did shooting it. The tannerite episode was funny as shit, I never saw so many guys jump all at once. Ben is going to be buying Carrie a new plinker I'm betting real soon (remember Carrie Beretta Neo w/ red dot ). I have plenty left to make another go of this one more time. And I'm going to have to get the flat fish to doctor up my .243 for some of that 'whisper quite' shit. That was just stupid. Bottom line it was a great time, Todd was a great host and everyone was able to go home.
  21. I'll get right on that for ya fish, but I'd guess if you haven't shot an SBEII you'd ask for that Rem. And if I don't show up with it, I'll still have a gift for you. Oh and I found another 90 count box of clays! So I'll be bring down about 300 so if that isn't enough, BRING YOUR OWN!
  22. He'd rather go over to Pauly's and blow him to get it fixed.
  23. I also forgot, I'm probably going to stop at the Fin on the way down so if anyone needs anything picked up for them tell me before 10am!
  24. You call him this morning and wake his drunk ass up, convince him to go, and I'll pick him. No problem. But I'm going to bet he'll have some excuse ranging from his vagina hurts to his vajayjay is leaking a little today.
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