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Everything posted by r1crusher

  1. I think someone is blowing someone else to get to the third line. I call BS!
  2. Hopefully you'll be able to find a better internet connection so you don't get dropped during CoD. Good Luck Mang!!
  3. Oh you're going to fit right in. Welcome!
  4. I think it'll really hit rock bottom when SAMBUSA posts....but that's just my opinion.
  5. I thought I told you to keep your cockholster closed! Don't you have something to do other than talk about your garage queen bike? But I guess that's all RC's are good for...right. Don't forget, I'll come over and rip that PCIII of mine out of that pile you call your bike. Now....what was this thread about again??? PS - just ignore MJ....she's just our forum attention troll.
  6. Oh please...cat claws are no worse than a buck tooth bitch back draggin'. MAN UP!
  7. Welcome Rick! You'll find a lot of variety here...bikes, politics (stay away from JRMMiii), etc.
  9. I hope she can pull off some clothes after the show!
  10. Here we go.... ...I'm betting that her blinkers will stop functioning and the dealer will tell her that the blinker fluid is bad and needs to be change. They'll gladly do it for $100 and that she should not drive it until it's changed.....thusly she won't show up for the show.
  11. I used to have a P98 (9mm version) and I would have to agree that if you're thinking of buying this as a CC you should not. It's frame is on the larger side and not something you'd be easily concealing. On the other hand, if you're looking at it as something to keep in a safe box in the home you'll be very happy with it. My P98 was SS and never had any problems with it at all.
  12. That's pretty much ALL the time. Who pays the bills in that house?!?! Man up and take that Xbox back!!
  13. Great....two guys named Aaron both with Gixxers 1000's. Hhhhmmm...wonder if they'll be scissoring each other later. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UiMMaICG3h8 J/K! You'll def. need some thick skin for this place. Welcome!
  14. Dick....I'll be on after I clean out my F-150 which is going back to the dealer for good. Lease is done and I'll be driving the SS full time.
  15. r1crusher


    Or Casper if it's the software. LOL!
  16. r1crusher


    I think the host needs to fix the server time.
  17. I was on last evening from 7:30ish until after midnight and my friends list was short of people online. I'll be playing on and off through out the day today and then I'm sure I'll be back on tonight. We're rocking two xboxes in the house until Sunday.
  18. The next two days at least I might be on 24/7...I need to get some shit unlocked.
  19. Ridiculous....that farger dude/kid was unconscious last night. Game after game after game...nuke....nuke....and more nuke. I should of had us leave that lobby and go find another ground war we had a better chance of at least winning. LOL!! I'll be on tonight....again....this time there is no time limit on how late I can play. IT'S MORE VACATION TIME FOR ME!!!
  20. I just bought my wife a HTC Eris w/ Andriod on it (only v1.5 for now). She didn't put it down for a week straight! She just loves the thing, she get her email on it, does her Facebook stuff, takes pics (5MP), it's a sweet ass OS and a really nice phone. I did find out that they will be releasing an update for to at least v1.6 or maybe v2.x so she'll be able to use the new navigation on it. I have to say, after playing with both a Droid and the Eris I could easily take the Eris at half the price and get the same functionality. Apple can suck balls IMO.
  21. I'll be on...the real question is when. I don't know what the wife will be having me do when we get home. I have two plumbing things to tackle, tub in the bathroom w/ a leaky trap connection and kitchen sink with a slow drain that I have to try to snake, hopefully it's inside of 25' cuz that's all I got. I should have time to get one of them done and be on in the early evening.
  22. Done...and I like the adding it to your username on here. I think I'll do the same. I'll be on this evening I'm sure, look for the invite.
  23. I was on until around 2:30-3:00am. Cleave and a buddy of his stayed on for a bit then bailed. We had two xbox's in the house last night so me, the step-son, and his buddy's were over. I'm paying the price for staying up late now....uuuhhhgggg.
  24. You giant fucking VAGINA!!!! I'm done with work and will be getting on in a few minutes. GET YOUR ASS BACK ON THAT XBOX!!!
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