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Everything posted by r1crusher

  1. Back from shopping, groceries have been put away. Going to do a couple hours of work now. Should be ready to play....uh....kill.....by 8pm.
  2. I'm heading out for groceries, then I have to do some work and I'll probably be online after all that crap.
  3. Played with JRMM, Speazy (sp), and Kaotic for hours. Looks like my RRoD fix worked pretty good. Too bad I suck at th HQ Pro.
  4. Well...so far so good. Cooked it for almost an hour, shut it down and reassembled it completely. Hooked it back up and worked like it should so we'll see how long it holds up. I'm up for some gaming if anyone is on this evening. Just send a friend request to TG r1crusher.
  5. Had a few minor issues fixing the xbox...have it cooking right now so we'll see how long it will last IF it comes back. If not it's off to WallyWorld to pickup a new one.
  6. The system is better.... ....as long as you bought one after they fixed their mfg issues.
  7. I went out tonight and bought screws and washers to fix my RRoD'd xbox. So tomorrow morning I'm going to hit it hard by removing the mb, clamps (going in the trash), and cleaning up the old thermal paste. Then some new Silver 5 with the heatsinks attached with screws and clamping those bitches down. Then a several 10's of minutes overheating it and test. Hopefully this will cure things once and for all. If not I'll be near a mall in the late afternoon/evening and I'll just pickup a new one.
  8. I'll be able to get on this evening if I can kick the step-son off the xbox for a while. I've got my memory card here so I can get signed in. TG = r1crusher
  9. I'm going to try to fix it without the clamps and just use some machine screws and the overheat trick to get the solder to remelt and make the connections solid again. I have some Artic Silver 5 to apply and I'm going to mod the fan shroud so one fan pulls air from the CPU and one from the GPU. Hoping this will be enough to make it right again.
  10. My xbox suddenly developed a 3 red ring a couple days ago AND to top it off only 4 days after the 3 year M$ extension ran out to cover this specific issue. Pricks. So I'm going to try to fix it this week and if that doesn't work then I guess I'll just go out and buy a basic system since I already have controllers and an HD.
  11. Nice!! I still miss mine to this day.
  12. I bet the seats recline WAY back though.
  13. What a fucking joke!! The damn wireless in my home is probably more secure!! I have an ex-brother-in-law overseas right now and he's in communications. I'll have to send him an email and ask him what the hell he's been doing!! LOL!!
  14. Yeah, we knew you had bailed on us.....again. LOL! We'll get hooked up soon, winter is about setup shop so we'll have time. Thanks for the belated bday!
  15. Local for us is Elyria area and I play with an older group of guys mostly in their 40's or older. We all start the bball season out of shape. LOL! It would be quite a haul for you to come out here and we usually have enough guys for 4 on 4. We've all been playing together for 6-10 years.
  16. Hhhmmm...me and a group of guys play hoops on Tues. but locally. We used to play in Middleburg Heights but lost our spot at the gym we played at for over 10 years. Don't know if they'd be willing to travel and on a Sunday during football season. Wish I could help ya.
  17. That's only because he'd have to whore out his best sheep to get that kind of coin and then there wouldn't be much left for himself. It's difficult to go into a store and look at TV's because they don't calibrate any of them. Take two TV's in a store, one name brand and a lower end one. The name brand one 'looks' good and the other crap. Now take and calibrate the crap one and it will look tons better. Look for a TV that has a good range of controls to adjust the picture as well. Because if you ever want to calibrate it and can't adjust say a green push you'll never get the best image.
  18. You cheap ass...just go out back and roll up one of your dog's turds in a big maple leaf and smoke it like you usually do.
  19. IP is just pissed that his wife recently revoked his man card and can't come out to drink with the boys. Man up and take that card back..... .....or what's left of it.
  20. Thanks everyone! I'm just getting around after what was not supposed to be a long drunken night. It was good to hang out with Ross, Justin, and Garrett. You know it's going to be a fun time with G there. He picked out the booth of midgets and I found the emo...and it was down hill from there. Good times!! Thanks again everyone!
  21. It was good to hook up with the boys, but Ross was disappointing. Chicks at the table across from us and he couldn't even make a move. I'm SO DISAPPOINTED!!! That boy can't doesn't have a leg to stand on with me. DAMN IT TO HELL!!! Russ needs to grow a set, damn it all!!!
  22. Just talked to Shitty...the sooner the better for me. I need to make an appearance at a coworkers house this evening.
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