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Everything posted by r1crusher

  1. Sorry no fags or bike-curious allowed .
  2. I'd share my bed....I mean place with ya.
  3. Okay boyz...I did some leg work and found a place that we can get xmas ale. Details: 1/6 barrel (55 12oz servings), $79.99 + $30 deposit, no tap rentals (if you want to buy one it's $50) I called and they are getting a shipment in on Monday and he said they sell out the same day. The best way to get one is to go up there, pay for one and wait for it to come in.
  4. Off topic.....1000 posts!!! I'm so not the JRMMiii post whore. Back on topic.
  5. The keg will be really tough to get my friend, not to mention expensive. But since I'm a nice guy and know some people who know some people I'll try to see if I can score a couple kegs.
  6. Don't you have some nerdery to be doing!?!?
  7. I can't really own it either since I've been on plenty of rides with you guys and we never had any issues. I recant....I AM NOT THE JINX!!
  8. Now you didn't have to go there!! I can now say it's not Jinx that's the jinx....it might just be ME!!!
  9. Just picked the SS up at the dealer and sure enough it's right there. I must have put my thumb on it dozens of times and just not realized it. Thanks for the info!
  10. I actually rode by your place around 9:30ish, banana wasn't there but I did throw a couple quick rev's out during the passing just so you knew you were missing out.
  11. About time boy! I'm still feelin' guilty about your incident Adam. I'll make it up to you, I swear.
  12. Where the hell is Adam? Hailwood is back.
  13. I swore there was a crap load of new ones on 60 also! Edit: that was 83.
  14. Nothing says bonfire like the smell of burning plastic and rubber.
  15. Checking in. Home now, saddle sore from 320+ miles and not riding in like a month or so. Just need Udel and Adam to check in. Will discuss the days events when everyone gets in.
  16. I posted it another thread, but R1Crusher is my tag. I set my clan tag to 'ORDN' last evening.
  17. Update....ins. addressed. Went up a few dollars though, $581/yr. now. Will be ridin' tomorrow!! F n A!
  18. Trying to square away the ins. on the bike today so I can partake in tomorrows festivities. Stinking ins. cos.
  19. It's true, I got my check last month.
  20. Oh snap! Now the Kawi guy is jumpin' on the wagon!
  21. Easy there big fella! I never said Zuks were better than Hondas so don't be getting all huffy! Everyone already knows it's true anyway so there was no need to come right out and say it so thanks anyway.
  22. Oh yeah..... ....nice bike!
  23. You have to remember that you don't need to have the 1000 bouncing off the rev limiter, use the torque it has down low and pick a higher gear. It'll pull through just about anything....TRUST ME. And if you really want to get a quick butt pucker I'll trade you for a few miles down south. LOL!
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