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Everything posted by r1crusher

  1. I'm interested but I'll need to hit a few corners with it on Mid-O before I can commit.
  2. This made me chuckle... You're a crackass, Udel.
  3. What's wrong? Did the Lone Ginger strap his saddle to tight around you?
  4. CRACKER RIOT!!!!!
  5. Oh man!!!! We are sooooo stinking close to some riots it's scary!!!
  6. You do realize you could have taken a picture of the other side of the tire or just roooooolled the tire a little also. We know you're not the sharpest crayon in the box but damn man. Me kinda likes the back/chest protector combo though. And RVT....GLOVES!!! GLOVES!!! GLOVES!!!
  7. WTF...You just got that thing! LBTS GLWS
  8. Yea...we don't want anyone's wangs getting rubbed raw from the sand in there.
  9. Tool Tool Tool Tool Tool Tool Tool Tool Tool Tool Tool Tool Tool Tool Tool Tool Tool Tool Tool Tool Tool Tool
  10. I believe the office approached the dog to get a hold of the leash that was still attached. Given that I think the office made an honest attempted to diffuse the situation by getting the leash and possibly leading the dog away or back to the car. The dog saw this as an aggressive gesture on the officers part and reacted as most dogs of this breed would. I see no fault on the officer or the dog. As others have stated the owner is a tool.
  11. I know of one in Amherst, OH. that's been for sale forever.
  12. I will agree totally with Mary on this one. I know I was tired as shit after mine and wanted nothing more than to hit the pillow and call that fiasco done.
  13. And he should along with everyone in this country because you should be innocent until proven guilty but we all know that's not entirely how the system works at times.
  14. Did you check the fuses. Besides, there was another bike there that you could have borrowed.
  15. If Z is found guilty: It will prove yet again that our justice system is more flawed than ever and that our government (at all levels) will cave to the pressures of media and a population of Americans African Americans who continue to cry foul every time one of them gets looked at funny. If Z is found innocent: It will only uphold what every rational and logical person already knows...the truth. Riots will ensue. Just sayin'.
  16. Good price even if the seller is a giant gorilla.
  17. Maybe I should put my Harvard Finance PhD information in my signature just so it's understood I'm full retard.
  18. I will gang rape every orifice you have when I see you again.
  19. I'm guessing not because it's stupid and he'd be paying for a place to live that's outside his means. Just a guess though.
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