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Everything posted by r1crusher

  1. Screw that...get your damn gear out and borrow a buddies bike! Besides, you said you'd be back last year...and the year before....and the year before that... I'm getting tired of the excuses, personally.
  2. You'll be lapping the shit out my imaginary self then unless you're running the 750.
  3. I'll crash you before I let you pass me fucker. Bring it!!!
  4. I figured you'd have argued being slower than Nick. Glad you've finally given in and realized your shortcomings.
  5. Don't hate on my because I'm faster than Nick and you're not. And there is no coaching in I group.
  6. I'm officially out of any track time now. Work booked me to be onsite at a client in New Jersey the entire week of the 17th. I fucking hate work right now.
  7. Hey Rob, Do you still have the phone for sale? Let me know. Thanks, Kevin
  8. Well...I might be out for this now. I might be doing something at another track but it's not for certain at this point. I think I was also able to kick the gremlin on the bike last night also. I had the bike on a charger/tender for a couple days. Put in new Iridium plugs just to be safe which also let me make sure coils were seated properly and recheck the QS connections. Old plugs did not look very good...but they were Iridium so someone had some smarts to put them in. I honest think they were the plugs from the old race motor that the previous owner blew up. In any case I check the voltage on the battery before doing anything further...12+ volts. Hit the switch and the starter button....nothing. Check the voltage on the battery again...10+ volts. Think I found the problem! Pulled the battery and ran it down to the parts store to have them test it also just to confirm and their machine wouldn't even test it as it said it needed to be charged. So I picked up a new AGM and threw it in. She started right up and seemed to be running normally again. Just to be sure I wasn't also having any charging issues I checked the voltage while the bike was running and over 3k RPM steady and got a solid high 14+ volts showing at the battery (didn't do a check at 5k RPM since it appeared to be within range). So I don't think there's anything else amiss now. I'll see how it runs in a couple weeks.
  9. Impossible. She hates small dicks as well as short men.
  10. First members...with only a little over 1k posts? Come'on now Z....quit postwhoring.
  11. I'm going to assume you mean street riding. I don't think I could see you on the track......evar.
  12. ^this x 10000000000000000 We did that not too long ago and the air fences were still up. Gives you a little bit of a comfy feeling.
  13. Well...my reply was at 8:26am...first come, first serve. I want my bike, please. I didn't look real hard to see if your price was bad, it was just what I was looking to pay to get into a MB with the stuff I wanted on it. Whoever got it will enjoy it I'm sure.
  14. Oh fuck....Ron is on OR now. Might as well close and delete my account.
  15. Well thanks for nothing, Chris!
  16. I couldn't sent a PM this morning either to Zorro for some reason also. EDIT: Using Chrome also on Win platform.
  17. Well, looks like you can't get PMs for some reason soooo... Just wanting to know a few more details on the bike. Has it been serviced at all (at a shop) since you've owned it? Do you have any idea on what the suspension is rated for weight wise (I'm right around 200lbs.)? Wife and I are going to start riding and you have pretty much what I'm after. Let me know, Chris and thanks. Kevin
  18. Interested. Have a few questions for via PM.
  19. Am I the only one that cannot access the calendar now?
  20. I'm considering going if I can get whatever gremlin is hiding in my damn bike out.
  21. Sounds like that 2 day race school really helped this weekend.
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