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Everything posted by r1crusher

  1. NADA Pricing: low retail-$7,419. Average retail-$9,766. Not a lot of difference it looks like.
  2. Mariner's Watch condos by Night Heron Park. As you can see we don't have far to go when the beach calls. I miss you, Beaner!
  3. I had no idea that Google and Bing are OR users.
  4. With all due respect...suck it. But since I'm in a good mood after a Porter, Cider Ale, Smirnoff (wife's unfinished beverage) and a 1/2 bottle of Cab here's a little evening pic I took just now for you, Brian.
  5. If I weren't already in Kiawah Island enjoying the sun, babes, and beer I'd come over.
  6. Because this is OR not WERA or MS. They have their own forums on their websites.
  7. I assume you're still working on the calendars. But I figured I'd at least tell you that the Track Days calendar is jacked up with what little is there. Example, the Motoseries track day at the end of this month is not on thrusday (the 30th), it's on Friday (the 31st). You can probably double check but I'm pretty sure I added it on the right day. Just lettin' ya know.
  8. This coming from a guy that has more tires in his garage than Todd does in his trailer at the track.
  9. They grew beer? For being a beer guy you sure don't know how beer is made.
  10. You really shouldn't talk about Jbot like that. It's not very nice.
  11. It's not close to what he's looking for. If it were Yamaha blue w/ white Yamaha lettering on it and some blue duct tape it would then be much much closer.
  12. I'm referring to those that come here and do not put forth an honest effort to contribute to this counties welfare.
  13. QFT. Most of this county is from another county anymore, and where they came from their government didn't give them shit. They know they will get everything handed to them here. When's the last time you went to an ATM and didn't have to pick English for the menu. I live in America and we speak English, if you want Spanish you press the fucking button! Now what were we talking about?
  14. I can only hope that a magnitude 34582714591 earthquake hits the west cost and California slides right off into the ocean taking Sen. Dianne Fuckstick with it.
  15. Out of stock even though it says it's in stock. You'll get the OoS message after you place it in your cart for checkout.
  16. Incorrect, sir. WD40 Myths and Facts I'll let that link explain it. I use WD to thoroughly clean the chain, but I do not spray it directly on the chain. I use a good heavy duty rag, saturate that, and clean. Repeat as necessary using clean parts of the rag. Once done with that, final wipe with another clean rag then either a brief 5 min. ride or letting it run on the stands to warm the chain. Apply your favorite chain lube and you're done.
  17. You mean to tell me that thing isn't past the rear tire? You better look at that pic again.
  18. I thought it was illegal to have anything stick out past the rear wheel of the bike (see 2nd pic).
  19. And there's Gunner on his knees....yet again.
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