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Everything posted by r1crusher

  1. Crab, HIV, herp, it doesn't matter....we all know Gen is good for something. So I'm told.
  2. This coming from probably the hairiest guy on the board.
  3. Where the fuck are my Photo's by Marty stickers?!!?!?!? I'm the official tech support for the company and I don't get shit!!!
  4. You do know I can sue you for copyright infringement for using images which do not belong to you. I am willing to settle this out of court though. Contact me immediately so we can resolve this. WERA Classified Oh...FREE BUMP!!!!!
  5. Hollydouche is now officially my Novice class "carrot-top rabbit". He's way faster than me so I don't expect to be anywhere close to him for a good while.
  6. ^^^^THIS!!!! Now I'm just about committed to going on Sat. Damn you, Brian!!
  7. Don't worry Craig. I can't embed either.
  8. WOW! I forgot just how big your head really was!
  9. Any really. I'm not picky when things are free.
  10. I could use one of those crappy "B" bikes you have laying around.
  11. Oh yeah....nice hooters too!.
  12. What's with the goofy cartoon styled headshot badge!?!?
  13. What about the rest of us Gixxer riders!?!? Where's the deals for me!?!? Forget the "pepe" touching, I'm going to full frontal rape that Duc if I see it for this travesty!
  14. This....or she has taken up an offer from one of the numerous leg humpers here and been to busy to come back.
  15. Not always true. I can lease for less than buying in some cases. Just depends on the model you want.
  16. I've finally gotten started with my pre-season work I should have had done weeks ago. I did however find a new coaster for my Alchemy Hour brew. This is how wrenching gets done.
  17. If memory serves me right, I though that combo netted the same results as a full aftermarket system. Can't say for sure without doing the research again.
  18. No wonder kids today ride around in flipflops, shorts, and t-shirts! Get some gear on the kid!!!
  19. I think there will be plenty of gennies this season. I'll have one, 4k watt, so I should have plenty of power to spare and an open plug if we're pitted close enough together.
  20. Sorry, Midget Master. It's just something Inya has a natural way of effecting most dudes. Homo over. :tits:
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