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Everything posted by r1crusher

  1. Go knock yourself out... http://thepiratebay.sx/
  2. How in the fuck did it get back to you?!?! I was supposed to travel west, not south.
  3. Here! Don't forget your dunce hat!
  4. GD you're a whiny bitch today. Are you still mad that Madscat was giving it to Cox this weekend instead of you?!!?!? Last one is almost finished...96% done so keep you panties on.
  5. Remind me to kick you in the shingina next time we meet.
  6. Her performance in the video wasn't anything spectacular to say the least so save yourselves the bandwidth. She's going to have short run in the porn industry, IMO. There's just something about her that makes me say, "she's okay" and that's it.
  7. It would have looked better with a pair of these on it. It's a nice bike, I'd buy if I didn't have a better one already. GLWS!
  8. I'll have to keep an eye out for you and that bike. My wife works in Mt. Orab and when I'm down there I usually go in with her and just work out of her office. Welcome back and good pick up on the "squid" bike.
  9. That's because your a damn hillbilly.
  10. They were probably from those nice stickers I have on my bike. Do those count as sponsorship? If so I need some stuff.
  11. Damn you, Craig. I was wanting to get a free ride one session.
  12. I'll do it. AVOID LETTING CRAIG NEAR IT AT ALL COSTS!!! If he touches it, just set it a blaze on the spot and save yourself the heartache.
  13. You had Ryan's seat to sniff all day. Don't be hatin' now. Edit: It was actually really nice having her there helping me. I could get used to it but don't think she could.
  14. I know Jeff and he's not into ass packing chicks...dudes...more likely. I'm going with B.
  15. I guess we'll just have to come over more often and ask, "Hey Jeff, do you need that? Hey Jeff, do you need this?"
  16. No offense to the guy in the middle here on the silver bike, but you really need to re-evaluate your body position. It is not very conducive to cornering and you could easily get that foot drug off the peg. You should be on the balls of your feet during corning to help weight the pegs properly and you should be leaning into the corner leading with your head, shoulders, etc. Just a friendly observation. Looks like you guys had a lot of people and some good riding!!
  17. Thanks to Cox also. Poor guy hobbled all fucking over today turning wrenches on suspension.
  18. Turn 4 is easy compared to the carousel! I saw you with Jinu on and off while I was in race school. To bad my evening ended early with some new problems that came out of no where. Morning was great though. Glad for that at least. I got the race school monkey off my back! Passed the school easily. And to Craig, you suck! Most everyone meet my wife, so.
  19. First day done. Finished off the old tire and made a newb tire warmer mistake. There's only 3 that you can make. 1. Leave them on and burn them up which I can't do with the new gen woodcrafts. 2. Leave them on the bike and hit the track, nope it wasn't that one. 3. Start the bike while troubleshooting a QS issue and dropping it in gear, BINGO! So lesson learned, when warmers are on bike is always off. Was able to get them repaired enough at home to make them work. Will send them back to Woodcraft to get it fixed the right way. So, I will be at the track early tomorrow to get a new rear put on and take race school. Didn't get to softening up the suspension for Nelsons so maybe I can get Cox to work it for me as my pit bitch.
  20. Hhhhmmm....I already have one set but could I use another.
  21. Don't be offering shit up if you can't deliver! I'd be happy to let you tow my shit around for me.
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