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Everything posted by r1crusher

  1. +rep for you sir!!! Edit: Denied...which is BS.
  2. I'm extremely glad you only gave me the tip! I've heard of the horror stories!
  3. I've never seen anyone of your ethnicity finish that quickly.
  4. Anti-psychotic medications do wonders for you is what you're saying then.
  5. Some of us know just how crazy she can be!
  6. That's funny coming from the OR forum master leg humper.
  7. I'm thinking you're using the same excuse for selling it now.
  8. You'll take whatever smurf shade of blue that shit gets painted ya dick!!!
  9. Geeze...I'm beginning to think that the crew at RD (or maybe it's just Nate) seems to be getting a lot of knob polishing it sounds like. They are pretty good though...now if I could just get them to sponsor me this year in Motoseries.
  10. Good deal. Still seems like a lot of work extra work to put them in though. A cordless drill with a right angle head and you should be golden. But whatever you think is best. Be sure to tape something thick and soft to the deck of the head so you don't nick or gouge it or just be really careful with it. Don't want to put it back on only to find a leaking head later. Also, if you're not already thinking about it...go ahead and coil the remaining cam cover bolt holes while you're at it. No sense in going back in later for another one getting stripped out.
  11. That's the diameter....he's long and skinny like a pencil according to Craig.
  12. John is pretty good at handling my SETG but he is no Matt!
  13. They get that good from all the years of sucking out semen. It's part of their training to become Master Ginger.
  14. And you will once again owe me my little cack gobbler after this weekend.
  15. Fuck both of you assholes! I look nothing like Craig Humper. That's so insulting that I might paint my bike blue now.
  16. Don't mention sgetti! You'll bring in the midget. SSSSHHHHH!!!!
  17. Brandon is an oddity not just because he's ginger, but because he is hillbilly ginger. A very rare species.
  18. Helicoils will be stronger and much less likely to pull out again. Start with the same size first as this will leave you material if you need to go larger. You can remove material but you can't put it back.
  19. Wow. I can't believe you caved to Craig's pressure. You just rolled over and took it like Nick does. So much lose here.
  20. Looks like you might have enough material there to put in a helicoil. That is really your only option other than another head.
  21. ftfy...looked like both were pretty much gone from the shins down.
  22. Had him check the post. He wants a drop down rear door. I Tried!
  23. My father in law is looking for a trailer this size. I will let him know about this. Do I get a finders fee?
  24. If we're talking about IP...then it's hard to say. He could have dry humped the bike bare back...spooged on the instrument cluster...fondled the output shaft.
  25. He's too busy searching out obscure new information and posting it before anyone else can.
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