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Everything posted by r1crusher

  1. Denied getting my hands dirty. But I can bring so frosty cold brews.
  2. Sweet! Holla if you need a hand throwing it together. My wrenching buddy is playing daddy in D.C. this weekend.
  3. I can find parts elsewhere also, but knowing that I can get them just as cheap (or close enough) and pick them up the same day counts for something to me. I'm just passing what I think is a good thing. If you need something, def. check their parts site. I don't think you'll be disappointed honestly. I guess I should clarify this a bit more. I didn't think it would be read as a major red flag when I typed it (my bad...sorry). I would agree that communication was probably lacking as much as on my part as well as hers at the time (which was a long time ago). I don't hold "grudges" for long and if I were in the market for a new Kawi or Yammie they are the first place I'd go. I've dealt with other places that will def. not get my business again (***cough cough State 8 cough cough***). I honestly have no reservations about sending someone there for anything. Like I said previously the staff are very friendly and will help anyone to the best of their ability. I hope that clears things up and make it clear that while I had one...difficult negotiation ...I'd still go there again.
  4. Get in line wrinkle rim licker!
  5. They're okay. I've never been "wow'd" by anything they do. Most of the staff is really nice though. Ken (owner) is a good guy, service dept. is pretty decent. Jinx...well...not sure there are enough words to explain him. Never bought a bike there because of said Ken's wife...short story was she wouldn't deal with me because she thought I wasn't serious about the purchase and told me to go elsewhere. So I did. Her loss, not mine. Actually, if you want parts from them check out their website and order from there, then go pick it up. You will get it cheaper than just walking in to get the exact same thing. Save about 5-15% depending on what you're looking for.
  6. Water wetter offers zero freeze protection. You will need to flush it out and put in antifreeze or something equivalent before the cold sets in.
  7. have more friends to drink booze with.
  8. making her an amoeba. But that just means she can
  9. In a fit of rage Dying Shadow bent over
  10. his finger licked clean by TRMN8TR and
  11. Casper's house where Carrie was
  12. to ask if he can put one of his cameras on the hamster that
  13. http://www.ohioriders.net/showpost.php?p=977551&postcount=50 You can thank me later.
  14. Blah blah blah RVT ghey blah blah blah madscat more ghey blah blah blah blue03636 super ghey...
  15. But it wasn't a goats tit she was milking, it was instead
  16. pasties because he lost his
  17. That'll on happen when Carrie puts him in the corner for a time out.
  18. Around the corner comes Bad324 wearing
  19. April Fools!! Oh....wait....
  20. Google is your friend. This is what the bowdog is talking about basically. Drywall Patching 101 Your welcome. EDIT:: You'll find a little funny in that link as well.
  21. for Madscat to give him a HJ but...
  22. No, just a little GT. I tried to get him to get a cobra but he whined about something or another.
  23. The big boy up front needs to get off the bike more. Looked like fun. Wish I could have gone out yesterday but had to other things.
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