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Everything posted by r1crusher

  1. If you promise me a HJ I'll let you follow me around Beaverun again this year.
  2. pussy pussy pussy pussy pussy pussy pussy pussy pussy pussy pussy pussy pussy pussy pussy pussy pussy pussy pussy pussy pussy pussy pussy pussy pussy pussy pussy pussy pussy pussy pussy pussy pussy pussy pussy pussy pussy pussy pussy pussy pussy pussy pussy pussy pussy pussy pussy pussy pussy pussy pussy
  3. The guy is a virtual ghey porn superstar at the race tracks. I just never thought he'd cross over so easily to the gun ranges too!
  4. If I had been to the range with any regularity and not had to work this weekend I'd do this. I'd probably fail basic safety protocol it's been so damn long.
  5. Beat it you gun whore, mag whore,..... whore whore!
  6. I'm not exactly sure why you'd want to put on offset adapters to get standard BUIS. Gas block front sights are readily available that are taller to compensate for the shorter gas blocks on some weapons. I just saved up the money to just buy a good quality set of BUIS, either MI or Troy. I've stopped looking and concentrating on finding a good deal on one of those two manufacturers. You'll hear this saying alot...buy once, cry once and it's turning out to be true. EDIT: I would not mount a sight to a hand guard...period. But that's just me.
  7. Price for the EOTech if you're willing to separate.
  8. Sears has their digital torque wrench in 3/8" drive for $59.99. Use a couple of coupons and you can get it for less. Slickdeals - Sears Torque Wrench PS - Pick up batteries for it as it appears to not come with any.
  9. You better pick up a case of window cleaner also because I know of one little guy over there that is likely to put a lot of little hand prints all over it.
  10. You want to learn to go faster.... ...stop eating cupcakes and dingdongs!
  11. I think he's referring to used parts, Mr. Moneybags.
  12. Hhhmmm...they have these big building now that have lots and lots of stuff in them, that you can actually buy! I'm pretty sure they have these small round metal objects called paint cans I think, and they magically change the color of other things!
  13. So you're now agreeing with me, right?
  14. Well.... "Sec. 2901.09. (B) For purposes of any section of the Revised Code that sets forth a criminal offense, a person who lawfully is in that person's residence has no duty to retreat before using force in self-defense, defense of another, or defense of that person's residence, and a person who lawfully is an occupant of that person's vehicle or who lawfully is an occupant in a vehicle owned by an immediate family member of the person has no duty to retreat before using force in self-defense or defense of another." Note that the above section does not remove a duty to retreat in a friend’s vehicle. It is important to understand that all of the above apply in your occupied home, temporary residence or vehicle, not in any other place. I would conclude that "temporary residence" is any place that I am staying at lawfully be it a friends home, hotel, etc.
  15. You're also old, slow, and ghey.
  16. Here's how I see it: unlawful entry into a home, lawful occupants confront intruder. Intruder had 3 possible choices - surrender to lawful occupants, flee, or confront occupants. Intruder confronts occupants and gets shot. Does it matter if he was lying in wait on the couch or coming from his bedroom? I think not. I fear ANY person that comes uninvited into my home, period.
  17. How's it premeditated? The homeowner didn't unlock the window as an open invitation for burglary. He has no responsibility to lock it back if he so chooses. He merely took a preemptive measure to protect his family and property.
  18. That's all probably true, but rewind this entire situation back to the very beginning. If the stupid driver would have simply pulled over when the cops first took after them none of this would have ever happened. Cause and effect in my book. A bad decision followed by more bad decisions. Now, I am in no way saying that the police were justified in the shooting.
  19. First, dead intruders don't talk so you always claim they made an aggressive action towards you. Second, you most likely will not get prosecuted for shooting the scum but you will most likely get a civil suit filed on you by the family of the scum bag, because he was a nice guy on hard times. It's all a roll of the dice.
  20. Follow in these footsteps... Man shoots burglar returning for more. Short story...man breaks into home steals TV but he also unlocks a window before he leaves with stolen TV. Homeowners report stolen TV and also find unlocked window. Homeowner camps out on couch with gun waiting for return of burglar and sure enough the very next night the dumbass climbed in that very window but he left on a cart with several new breathing holes.
  21. I'll just wait and Rick Roll your ass in the parking lot.
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