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Everything posted by r1crusher

  1. Just make sure your bike is setup on the "soft" side for Nelsons or a normal street setup.
  2. Sounds like your bike spends more time on your lift or in the shop. Ducati for the win!
  3. Took longer than I expected for the Subi spokesman to put in his two cents.
  4. Dork. Why didn't you plan this for last weekend assnugget?!?!
  5. Don't know specifically about TT. But Motoseries events are closer and offer good instructional groups. I'd recommend checking them out first and there's lots of members on here that go to their events so you could easily hook up with someone to take you and your bike for your first outing. EDIT: Didn't realize how close you are to PIRC. That is def. closer out of all the tracks.
  6. That's good for you, John. Maybe some of that cheese will clog you up enough to not miss another get together.
  7. r1crusher


    Still waiting on an order for 10 from Brownells.
  8. Added the dates for TrackTactics at Beaver.
  9. Who's going to be able to ride your freakishly tall 35" framed bike!?!?
  10. if I find you a buyer do I get a finders fee?
  11. Round is a shape. And you're far from old ya punk.
  12. Did you make that post from the shitter?
  13. If you put him on a 600 too I'd whoop his ass.
  14. Tire warmers. Get some and use them. Oh wait. Nevermind. How about you take it easy for the first lap instead.
  15. Que the Donkey Kong music! It's on!
  16. Craig "affords" the good stuff by bartering handies and blows with some lucky dudes.
  17. Oooohhh no! You automatically get "cool kid" status by getting asspacked at Nelsons and riding it out. You're in, get used to it.
  18. All the cool kids are getting anal fisted by John also. I'll remain uncool, thank you.
  19. I do have coordinates to commence bombing of your domicile.
  20. You know that all that suspension isn't going to keep Brandon from kicking your ass on an open track.
  21. That's cool, until you leave the cable or USB at home on a trip. I'm not saying the Nexus isn't good. They're all pretty much the same, really. I look for things that aren't limited by their design because I fucking hate Apple products.
  22. PS - if you were riding a Zuk you'd have more parts availability. Just sayin'
  23. I'm of the opinion that more money in my pocket means more track time. You're going to get something better than stock no matter what if you're going aftermarket. I say get the used one, have it serviced, slap it on and do more track days.
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