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Everything posted by r1crusher

  1. We should all put in some money to become shareholders, like a credit union, and call it the 2nd Amendment Financial Institution.
  2. Wwwwhhhhuuuuttt!?!? If I could muster up the capitol and put the stuff in place I would start up a company that ONLY works with gun and accessory makers to support their financial transactions.
  3. Wow...way to throw SOMEBODY under the bus. Dick. I mean that in a good, John likes a creampied face way.
  4. Worry you should. Question, do you like working there? Your answer will ultimately make or break your future continued employment there.
  5. Could this be the "something" Craigiepoo is bringing with him? Hhhhhmmmm....
  6. I'll bring some safety wire, clips, and pliers. We CAN keep him from "helping". :evil:
  7. You're vote does not count as you can't even manage to get on the track for a session or two.
  8. Subscribed....just to see Pauly eat his hat.
  9. Boom! Headshot! Rep. for ghostie.
  10. And we're not driving together now. He's got more important things to do.
  11. Great...nothing like a bunch of estrogen to kill the gheyness that was to happen.
  12. Get one while they're hot boys! Just ordered one from Nathan and they only have a few left! Thanks RD and Nathan!
  13. Went to show, didn't find a single XDs .45. Place was so full they were counting people as to not have the fire chief back supposedly. Also, had a vendor get shot in the hip/abdomen while we were there. I was making for a grab on my sidearm that I didn't have. EDIT: Reading different stories from different places. That's the info I had at the time that followed the shooting.
  14. $575 is too much...I saw them for I believe it was $540 OTD at Medina and they were $560 at Summit. And the guy would not move at all to sell two of them on the spot cash monies. I have a source who can get them at $500 but the wait is retarded.
  15. Just a little sumtin' sumtin'....throwin' some rep to my boys at RD and showin' off the bad ass Motion Pro. Click for the larger goodness.
  16. Why does MidgetTodd laugh when he plays soccer? The grass tickles his balls.
  17. LOL! You gotta go taller with boost.
  18. These are a MUST for anyone racing but just as good on the street. I got my at RD and couldn't be happier with it. Get one!
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