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Everything posted by r1crusher

  1. Well...I awoke last night to the sound of the furnace coming to life around 12:30am. Winds have died down a lot so I hope things are about over. Thanks, Steve and Jeff for the offers. I wen't over to a coworkers yesterday to work and probably would have just done the same today. Aaron, no I don't have one...yet. If I had that sucker would have been fired up for sure. I'm def. going to have do some homework to find something that can power just what's essential and wired into the house if need be.
  2. All the houses next to us are on the same line and out as well. Our neighbor behind us would probably let us at least run a line to keep the fridge going. It's still in the mid 40's here right now but we're trying to stay out of it to keep things as cold as possible. If things aren't fixed by morning I guess I'll have to schlep it out to the local stores and see if anyone has any generators left. I know enough guys that race that have them but they're hours away to even ask to borrow one.
  3. So the power goes out around 12:30pm today here and it's still out. Called the power company to see how long before they restore the service. And I quote, "The outage on your street has been reported and it's our suggestion that you seek alternate housing as it will probably be several days before service is restored." Several days? Really? A medium sized pine tree needs cut off the power lines and then connect the line back together is "days"? There about 70 houses here without power and everyone else around us has power. Hell, I left to go work from someplace with power and I'm sure we're the only casualty in our entire little city. I'm tempted to just drive down the street with my chainsaw in the car and save them the extraordinarily long time it's going to take to cut it down so they can get to fixing it faster. I know...there's people out there with bigger problems but I'm important too.
  4. Meh, I just stay there for a week or so at times. Hope to be there all the time soon though.
  5. Can you teach me how to Dougie?
  6. They're in Cinci because I can keep them inside where I can do any work on them over the winter and I know nothing of this phobia you speak of.
  7. Insensitive would be you gobbling down Jinu's tool and him not even giving you a tissue to clean yourself up with. BOOM!
  8. Does Reuben even have room for all of our crap at his shop?
  9. I'll be taking mine myself since they're a little east of Cinci. So you have lots of room still.
  10. I got Troll. I didn't want to put Fat Kid as I thought that would be too personal and insensitive.
  11. JRMMiii "I'm a..." Checklist: I'm a: Rightwinger ....Check! Political Whore ....Check! Sheeple ....Check! Genius Bike Mechanic Tool ....Check! Post Whore ....Check! Forum Troll ....Check! You're making good progress, keep up the good work!
  12. Heck, why don't I just drop off both of mine then also!
  13. I just lost power here in Sheffield Lake. Thanks to laptops and rooted phones I'm still able to get online to post this.
  14. I live probably less than an half mile from the lake shore in Lorain county and the wind here is and has been ridiculous. We lost power overnight, can't say for how long but it did come back on around 3am.
  15. Not even on www.gingerracersofamerica.com? I thought you were pretty active over there. All kidding aside, he's looking good and pushing forward. That takes guts and I'm glad to see he's not letting this beat him. Tell your mom to give him a big smooch for me.
  16. Uuuhhmm...hello! Don't take away my thoughts of you! You WILL go to the track. You WILL be whatever WE want you to be. Get the f@(K over yourself. PS - I <3 you!
  17. It's okay. Our premier circus attraction (aka the Madscat) would not have been there so you'd of missed the good action anyway.
  18. Hhhhmmmm...300lb. 'ghetti eatin' midgets must really take a toll on a bikes suspension.
  19. Oh yes...there will be some parts heading your way for servicing. I can promise you this. And not just because Brian basically creams his commando shorts when he talks about you either.
  20. More than likely. He changes jobs and race bikes like he changes his panties.
  21. I've been trying to keep up with this thread and I have to agree with a lot of points in it. Passing in it's very nature is "aggressive" but it's when it's done haphazardly or without a good setup of the rider being passed it can certainly be perceived as close, dangerous or wild. Still riding in the I group I know that I have certainly made mistakes trying to pass someone. It's certainly not my intention but it happens because I have to learn to do it properly. It is not something that can just be taught by itself, like anything in our sport. Just like later braking or faster to the throttle or taking a different line. Instructors and CR's can tell you this or that but in the end YOU the rider must be able to execute whatever it is. Now, while I understand that we appear to be drawing a line between instructors and CR's I have seen in many instances a CR step up and provide instruction. Be it a little or a lot they still can help someone. I have also asked for help and while getting that help it didn't last very long and it was disappointing. You literally have to almost bounce from Inst/CR to find one you can bond with and have someone that you can work with. While I would love to be able to have Brian, Craig, Jinu, Steve, Brandon, etc. be at my beckon call they are just like the rest of us and trying to get better themselves or already busy instructing or CR'ing. In the end I have learned to simply be patient, take note of the riders habits in front of you and as Craig said create a plan and execute. You watch any racing at the highest levels and those guys just don't typically bonzi guys right out of the gate, they follow, watch, learn, and then make their move...and that is while they are racing. Track days IMO should be no different. I want to be quicker. I want to advance to the A group. I want to start racing. Learning to pass and be passed is just part of the game.
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