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Everything posted by dorifto240

  1. Chevysoldier, That video was exactly what I needed! Thank you
  2. I'm looking at photos of Bimota's Tesi, and other similar front suspension setups, and I can't figure out how you steer. Or is it all lean? Any insights would be greatly appreciated!
  3. For riding the short bus and wearing a helmet everywhere, I think I did alright tonight.
  4. Yeah I did get a bit political there...
  5. Ha! ^ Well played I like to think of myself as an alcoholist; not an alcoholic
  6. If I remember correctly, I didn't post my voting record on this forum. You have yet to disprove anything I've said, but somehow I don't know what I'm talking about? That must be that "I deserve $75 an hour and benefits to push a button" UAW logic coming out... But I'll be the better man, and quit posting facts about our current economy.
  7. I'm telling you that addiction is much more complex than what you think. And yes being addicted to drugs or alcohol or cigarettes is a medical disease. In the same sense that depression, chronic fatigue, and other similar psychological diseases are diseases. I'm not saying it, but the American Medical Association and the Journal of Psychology and other doctors and medical professions are saying it.
  8. By the same token why isn't the UAW overseas organizing? And NAFTA has hardly been a serious impact to unions. Tariffs? It's a democrat controlled Washington, and they got there because of the Union vote. It's not my fault your Union hasn't pushed for those to be put into place. Labor and OSHA laws overseas? Sounds a bit imperialistic to me. Not in line with the current Union/Democrat affiliation. Why don't you get real, call your steward and request the proper forms to pull your head out of your ass, and start paying attention to what's actually happening. Not what your Union publications tell you.
  9. Go do heroin or crystal meth for a year, and then try to "put the shit down."
  10. That just means you weren't genetically pre-disposed to alcoholism. They've started to identify that certain people are hard-wired to be easily addicted. It doesn't matter what they're addicted to, they just are addicted to it. Coffee, cigarettes, food, drugs almost anything that creates an endorphine rush for them is potentially addicting. http://www.webmd.com/mental-health/news/20040526/researchers-identify-alcoholism-gene Does this lessen their personal responsibility? No of course not. That's where the line is drawn between alcoholism and cancer. It is a choice to not try and get help. So their actions aren't excused or pardoned, but merely understood better. It would be wise to have some empathy and compassion for alcoholics and others in similar situations. As John Wesley stated "there but for the grace of God, go I."
  11. Oh sure, holding out for ridiculously overpriced contracts for what is nothing more than unskilled labor, and then going on strike when you don't get your way, and then forcing two of the Big Three to go into bankruptcy and request federal assistance. Nope, the UAW and similar unions are just squeaky clean, defenders of the working man. Except with every negotiated pay increase, the UAW also negotiated a fair amount of lay-offs. So while they're defending the "working man" they're also laying him off. Meanwhile, while you hold fast to a strict 40 hour work week with overtime, the poor slob who's been classified as "management" has to take up your slack. Meaning he puts in fifty or sixty hours a week, with no overtime, and no union to defend him because he's the "bad guy" AKA "management." Prior to that, while the economy was booming, the UAW negotiated higher and higher wages, creating a huge cost disparity between imported cars and those made in the US. Which fueled outsourcing. Which accelerated the job loss, and exacerbated the situation. Instead of doing the prudent thing (which would be putting a temporary hold on pay raises) the UAW kept negotiating for higher and higher rates; which made the situation even worse! Think about it: It's cheaper to build a brand new factory, hire and train new workers, load all the cars onto a ship, ship them halfway across the world, unload them, and then ship them out to dealers. After all that, it's still more cost effective than paying union wages in the US. No no, Unions weren't involved in any way shape or form, with the current affairs of the US economy. I should have realized that when I saw the "^^^^^^" in your post. Forgive me for paying attention to, and remembering, the events that helped trigger the recession. My fault.
  12. Both were involved in the events that led up to the recession. Both are bad and corrupt and greedy. Both need to change. I don't see what you're getting at?
  13. This is going to get interesting. People complain that not enough is done to prevent crimes from happening, locking this guy away is prevention. But some are going to say that this punishment doesn't fit the crime... Personally, they should have figured out he was a repeat offender after his fourth, fifth or sixth offense; and done something then. This guy sounds like he isn't going to change.
  14. Could be. Looking inside with a mirror and flashlight is a good idea. So's the coffee filter idea.
  15. Having used this exact kit I'm going to have to disagree. And before we go any further: yes I know how to read, yes I read the instructions, yes I followed the instructions. The problem with the KBS setup is that the sealant is to thick to effectively coat the entire tank. It also doesn't handle the surface rust that appears after cleaning very well. Besides for ten dollars less you can get some CLR or Naval Jelly and a quart of Red Kote.
  16. Check out this V-Rod powered wunderbike http://thekneeslider.com/archives/2010/08/12/veon-by-fred-krugger-wins-world-championship-of-custom-bike-building/
  17. Hey I had the same thing happen to my tank with a shitty KBS coating! CLR is a good idea. I'll have to try that on the next tank I restore (which hopefully won't be for my bike in the near future!)
  18. I swung by around 2. Looks like the potential rain scared off more people from showing up. I saw one bike...
  19. Naval Jelly. Dilute it with water to make it easier to swirl around the tank (Try two parts jelly to one part water). Coat the whole inside, let it sit 10 to fifteen minutes then rinse it out. Use either denatured alcohol or acetone to evaporate the water. Two things at this point: 1)Either fill with gasoline immediately OR 2) Coat the tank with a sealer. I don't recommend what they sell at Jeg's (which is KBS I believe). Red Kote and Kreem come in quarts, meaning you get enough liquid to coat the entire inside of the tank.
  20. Winchester flip open pocket knife. Nothing crazy, did what I needed when I ran the Frontier program at Camp Willson.
  21. And unfortunately nothing is done about the 20%. If you're outside the union you can't touch them. And it seems like nothing is done internally either, because they've paid their dues.
  22. Probably wouldn't be a bad idea to tear it down and really inspect it. Then take it in to be welded, and have them give it the once over. And plan B: Find a second frame. Just in case that crack is worse than it appears
  23. Maybe... it hinges on me getting a job in the next week. I'll let you know either way.
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