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Everything posted by JohnG

  1. JohnG

    Bra Holster...

    Flashbang bra holster.... Nice. Hope this isn't a re-post.
  2. Glad to hear you went and got checked out, and glad to hear you were ok. If you go frame by frame in the video there's a wonderful pic of you doing the slide for life...
  3. You need to get off the pc and go get checked. Def sounds like you have a mild concussion. Don't screw around with that. Go now.
  4. and continued the pursuit on foot. Awesome. Nicely done.
  5. Nice link... Thanks. I've only seen the lights when I was in Canada and they are amazing.
  6. Gravel? Ass end went right out from under you? You Ok?
  7. Too many tall trees to the north of our property... But that moon is pretty awesome.
  8. Stupid people doing stupid shit. Fucking morons like that can't walk and chew gum at the same time.
  9. I'm ashamed to say that, when I was a kid I used to empty the used oil into bags of grass clippings and put them out at the curb... Someday my great great grandchildren will pull them out of some landfill along with hotdogs and styrofoam cups... Now it's off to either Autozone or Advanced Auto Parts.
  10. I might have to slip into our help desk and see who's not at their pc...
  11. I did it when I lived in California but never felt comfortable unless it was rush hour and traffic was moving slow. Doubt you could do it here because people just don't look for motorcycles like they do in states where you can ride year round. Plus, Ohio drivers suck and it gets worse every day.
  12. JohnG

    Saturday the 6th

    Likewise! Glad I went, I really needed that. Great roads, Hutch, thanks! Can't wait till it warms up a little more!
  13. JohnG

    Saturday the 6th

    Kickstand up in 5 minutes. See you there... got my thermals on.
  14. Never ridden a 'busa, but I'd like to. Anyway, I've two upped on my VFR several times last year and didn't have any complaints. But I also have a nice aftermarket Sergeant seat that fits a woman passenger pretty comfortably.
  15. JohnG

    Saturday the 6th

    Me, confirmed. Gave wifee notice last night
  16. JohnG

    Saturday the 6th

    11:45 sounds like a good starting time - I'm in. Depending on distance from home I'll be splitting off by 3:30. Gotta work a Monte Carlo night at my daughter's school. Gambling, beer and cheap food if anyone is interested.
  17. The newspaper should run an article with a map showing the homeowners that "opted out" of the law, just like they did showing carry permit holders addresses... I mean, fair is fair, right?
  18. JohnG

    Saturday the 6th

    Been tempted to meet you guys at KFC before... supposed to be high near 60 Saturday, so - subscribed pending weather if you dont mind.
  19. JohnG

    OR tshirts?

    I could use another... XL if you put them up for sale.
  20. In light of the recent bad press on Go Pro's.... Maybe this is an option? http://www.woot.com/offers/swann-freestyle-1080p-action-cam-30
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