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Everything posted by JohnG

  1. I was in until I got to "factory exhausts only"... Fuck.
  2. Was it bright greenish blue? NOT pet food... more likely rat poison.
  3. I know a number of people in a couple of different local mc's. They put on some decent charity events, and that's cool. But there's way too much bullshit that goes on when it's time to ride. For instance, one rider can't pass somebody else on the ride because of rank or whatever... fuck that. Seriously? I own the fucking bike and I'll ride it where the hell ever I want. And if I want to pass somebody you can bet your ass I will. Keep the costume. I wear what I want because it protects me, not to prove I'm somebody.
  4. JohnG

    Gun Question

    One thing you will notice with the pellet gun is that there's a recommended break in period of up to 100 rounds. The gun will be noisier than it should be during that time. This is due to "dieseling" or the expressing of lubrication that was in the gun at manufacture. It should get a lot quieter after shooting it up to 100 times. I just picked up a Crosman TR77 and it's advertised at 1000 fps but actually shoots around 940. If you've already dialed in the scope and the sound level has dropped off, check your zero with the same brand pellets and the gun should still be relatively close to zero. If it's way off, then you may have a problem. Also, heavier pellets will shoot out of the gun with less noise and that will also affect your zero. Have fun. Be safe. Don't "put your eye out, kid"
  5. JohnG

    Gun Question

    ^^^^THIS. I still remember the day Dad bought me the single shot 20 gauge and the first pheasant I shot with it with him. Wish I still had it.
  6. I'll bet you're pretty sore today... Good to hear it wasn't worse. HIGHLY recommend seeing a chiropractor immediately after these things happen or as soon as you can. I'm walking today as proof that chiropractic works.
  7. Love the momma eagle pic... What's your camera setup?
  8. Took me twice as long as normal to change the oil and put in new plugs yesterday... Kept stopping to look at the bikes going by on my road Ready for riding now!
  9. Oh, no doubt!!! I shuttered my beekeeping business last year and I was carrying a 1.5 mil liability policy on that! Crazy.
  10. Yeah, I didn't think of that. But there's a rant about insurance that I could have, too. People bitch about how big oil price gouges people but it seems nobody ever bitches about how insurer's use any excuse to raise the rates.
  11. I don't know why its some damn expensive to live on campus. You'd think they'd WANT students there.
  12. JohnG

    Sunday 3-10

    Not so sure about riding, but this weekend will definitely be the time for pre-ride season maintenance! Plus I'm on call and can't hear the phone very well when I ride
  13. Just cause it seems like the kind of threads to post this Friday...
  14. Traffic must decrease by about 30 percent on 315 when Ohio State starts spring break. I can't help but think that the city could work out something with the university to decrease the number of kids commuting. Alleviate congestion, decrease accidents, etc. And isn't the university missing revenue from dormitory rent that commuters don't pay? Granted, it's been a long time since I went to Ohio State, but I took the bus every day from the East side cause we couldn't afford on-campus housing OR parking and gas for me to drive. Just sayin...
  15. Nice Scoot... Congrats. Completely different ride from the Ninja. Definitely better for riding the slab.
  16. You got that right... I really love my kettle, but there's just something very sexy about a thermostically controlled, auger fed, wood pellet grill.
  17. When I first got my glasses, I was concerned about being able to get them on while wearing my helmet, but with a little maneuvering they go on without too much trouble. I don't have much trouble with fogging or glare or anything else and they stay put on my face. I don't notice the reduction in peripheral vision (there is some) because I don't rely on it to keep my blind spot clear - I ALWAYS turn my head and look. And I use cheap, clip on sunglasses when I need them. No problems. Good luck with the changes!
  18. The Traeger's are nice, but I just can't give up on the Weber products. BTW, Roush Hardware in Westerville has the most impressive selection of Weber grills I've ever seen. Only place I've actually seen a Ranch Kettle on display!
  19. My eyes went bad at around 40. Never had a problem with glasses in my helmet, can't imagine why some say the glasses get pressed into your face from the helmet? Maybe the sides, but the face of your helmet shouldn't be that close to you that it hits your glasses? Anyway, I don't wear contacts when I ride. I'm corrected for distance and it screws with my near vision (speedo, trip meter, gps, etc.) with my contacts in. Good luck. You'll figure out what works for you. Oh, yeah. And it sucks getting old.
  20. Wow... a mistake like that could have ended much worse for new guy. And camera man was lucky as hell! Glad no one was killed.
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