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Everything posted by F4iBunny

  1. F4iBunny

    bow hunting

    Apparently you guys missed the whole point of my post. During deer season you will see more of them on the roadway as they are being chased out of their natural environment. So I am simply warning everyone to be careful on the back roads. On the other hand, I choose not to hunt. This is my choice and I am simply stating my strong opinion. I disagree with hunting, realize it is a hobby and know lots of ppl who do it. I just don't see the sport in shooting someone who can't fight back. It's like getting into the ring with a blind man! The other party has no chance! If that's what it takes to make you feel like a man... I am less irritated when the hunter actually eats the prey rather than just using it for a trophy. Otherwise, that's called poaching, my friends. I have eaten rabbit and venison, didn't like the taste, but I ate it. I am not a vegetarian but very close. I have worked on several animals that have been shot with arrows as well as bullets. And most of the time they live!!! Haha! Had a cat a couple weeks ago that was shot in the head between the eyes with a .22 and he acted like nothing had happened. We removed the bullet (was lodged in his inner ear) and he's doing fine! I think he's strutting in his back yard right now flipping off the fuckers who shot him! Also working in surgery, you start to look at meat as simply muscle and that's just gross. And if you're going to play the overpopulation card... If you were doing the world a favor, you wouldn't have to pay for a license to kill! And I'm not against shooting. I love archery and shooting. And I'm a pretty good shot!
  2. F4iBunny

    bow hunting

    Yes, it's murder season again, the time of year when ppl like to kill innocent animals. So watch out on those back roads, especially at night. Bike vs deer probably wouldn't have a good outcome for either party!
  3. I meant for the tour where you stay there or whatever. Don't really want to go to the haunted house that's there for Halloween. I've been on the forgotton ohio website. Lotsa cool info on there!
  4. I've been wanting to go up to Mansfield. We should make a group trip up there next year!
  5. The 250 is a great bike to learn on and is nice and light for maneuvers. A lot of ppl on here like to ride 100+ so if you're looking for group riding with these ppl you will not be able to keep up. However, imo you shouldn't be riding over 100mph if you've never ridden before anyway. Moral of the story is, if you get a 600 you will need to use your brain. You will be tempted to go faster because other riders are, but if keeping up puts you in a position where you are above your riding ability, you are only asking for trouble. My reasons for buying a 250: -lighter bike -didn't have to have it lowered -new rider -price!!! You can spend lots on a 600 and not like it or pay $3000 for a brand new (ok, $3500 starting in '08) 250 and sell it for just a couple hundred less when you want to move up. A scratch on a $3000 bike is easier to handle than on a $6000+ bike! And you ARE going to drop it!
  6. LOL! If we were on the same bike maybe. I have him trained in most areas!
  7. Got an email from someone at work looking for a home for a kitty. Here's the info, I'm sorry, there was no pic in the email. Free to good home!!!! Grey and white cat (10yrs old..but is VERY sociable and loves people) Very loveable and friendly Will greet you at the door and beg to be pet Loves to play with his toy mice Must be an indoor cat for he is declawed Doesn’t get along with other dogs , but one other cat should be ok This can be just a trial , if it doesn’t work you can just give him back Has had his shots Will supply a couple bags of food and litter to owner Have to find him a new home by OCT 19th , I don’t want to have to give hime to a shelter he deserves better than that!!! Let me know if anyone is interested!
  8. Correction: Ok, that last one was me because he didn't sign out AGAIN!!! I'm the one into haunted houses and such. It's not my husband who is the weird one!
  9. Welcome! The 250 is a great bike to learn on and nice and light when you're ready to throw it around in the curves!
  10. Check this out! http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20070929/ap_on_fe_st/odd_bear_rescue
  11. F4iBunny

    Qs&l 09-26

    As of right now, scattered thunderstorms for Wednesday
  12. Sounds like it will be a good show. have to check my work schedule, so may be there!
  13. You forgot in the last one that Johnny's knee will need to be washed with antibacterial soap then have neosporin and an antibacterial bandaid placed. In 20 years, no one is going to have scars to show off! This leads me to my next point -- antibacterial handwipes, gels, lotions, sprays... Kids these days are not given the opportunity to build up any immunity. Let them crawl on the floor, let them eat dirt for God's sake! There is going to be some kind of disease that spreads and everyone that was born after 1990 is going to die because their bodies won't be able to fight it. You watch...
  14. I just don't think it was a good night to ride! That's right where my bike quit too!
  15. I often get off work at 2 or 3am and if I stay on Polaris to Westerville Road there's almost always a cop sitting at on of the intersections as if they are sitting at the light (on Polaris), often they appear to be going the opposite way. When I pass, they will u-turn in the intersection and follow me! Sometimes I go that way just for fun, to give them something to do. I don't ride my bike to work that often but the couple times I have, I haven't seen the "hunters" on my way home. They would definitely follow me then, I'm sure!
  16. Ok, here's the deal... the other day, oil gets changed (no problem after first oil change, same oil used, yes, it was the right oil for the bike and non-synthetic) After bike sits at BW3 during dinner, come out to find it's leaking oil. Tightened up this or that and went on my way. Then on 270, I'm going 90-95 rolling on the throttle but only slowing down. I pull over, it won't start initially, but eventually does. Spitting and sputtering and stalls at intersection on Sawmill. Work on it that night and find it's idling too slow, fix that. Yesterday come out to ride to work, oil on garage floor. Lastnight found seal wasn't seated properly in oil filter. Fixed that. Now bike is idling high when handle bars turned one way, and way too low when turned the other way. Bike has 1200 miles on it. When bike had only 28 miles, just after buying it had similar idling problem (bike on kickstand, idled fast, upright would idle slow/stall). At that point had to have choke on for it to start and had to leave it on to run or it would stall. This was only have the bike out in a parking lot 3 times, so no crazy riding. Returned to dealership, said they had to clean the carb and change spark plug because it was running to rich? Um, I shouldn't need to have choke on for brand new bike to run in the first place! The carb and spark plug shouldn't have to be cleaned/replaced already again? Perhaps the carburator is just bad? Thoughts? Opinions? Oh and will my factory warranty be void since the dealership didn't do my oil changes?
  17. In "Buckeye Country" football... A bunch of guys in tight pants laying on top of one another They wear a helmet and pads so they don't get hurt Men who spank each other after a good play In real football... We actually use our feet to play We don't stop play every 6 seconds We're not covered head to toe in pads We play more than one game a week And we have a real world championship!
  18. Where I come from in Ohio, soccer is huge. My entire soccer team in college (out of state) was from Ohio. Um, the games start at 5am. Just because that's MY primetime, for most ppl it's nighttime!
  19. F4iBunny

    Qs&l 9-12

    Bret and I will try to get to Shell by 7 but have to stop somewhere else first. If we don't see you there, we'll find you guys at QSL.
  20. As one of those guys... j/k There's a ton of lighter bikes in Europe that really look the shit! It would be nice to have some here like that. At least they've finally decided to make the 250 Ninja look better. For a beginning rider, I think this 125 would be a great starter bike and it looks good! If that would have been an option I may have gone for one of those. But everyone says I'll outgrow my 250 quickly so I can't imagine how long you could ride a 125!
  21. Are there seriously no soccer fans on here?! This is Ohio right?
  22. Personally, I think the undertail exhaust looks better. Can't help you with the performance part of the question. Can you tell this is a girl's opinion? LOL
  23. For any of you into soccer, the Women's World Cup began today with Germany not only winning, but I'm sure they were the only team of the field! Argentina played VERY poorly! t was Germany 11-0! For more info check out the FIFA site http://www.fifa.com/womenworldcup/ The U.S. plays North Korea tomorrow at 5:00am (the Cup is in China this year) for anyone who is innterested!
  24. No really, seriously though... I'm real excited about the new look,especially since the one thing I don't like about the current 250's is the square light. Oh, why did I go and buy an '07?! And wow! Kawasaki green?! What a concept!
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