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Everything posted by F4iBunny

  1. So last spring I walked into this place, point to the bike I want and after haggling over all the crap fees they wanted to charge, buy my bike with a credit card convenience check that the bank said was ok to use (that's part of another really long story). A couple days later we left for England to get married. Upon return, we find that someone has tried to break into our garage. The door was dented and the mechanism was fucked from someone trying to force open the door so much that they bent the track and other pieces. We call the police and make a report and call around to security companies for estimates on protecting our home. There is a message on the answering machine from CheckCare but we're real confused because the only checks we write are for bills from an account with more than enough money it it. Then as we're going thru our mail that had accumulated over almost 3 weeks, we find a letter from the bank saying they returned the check. We put this all together and contacted MOC and ask them about the garage and of course they denied having anything to do with it. Bret told them if he finds out they WERE involved, the police would not be involved when it came to rectifying the situation...in other words, he would handle it himself. Ten minutes later the service manager calls and says they came to the house and tried to look under the garage door to see if the bike was there. No one from MOC had ever tried to contact us or leave a voicemail on any of the 3 phone numbers they had for us. We contacted CheckCare and paid their cost. We contacted the fucking bank to get back the added $350 in fees that CheckCare charged for the returned check since they told us originally it was ok to use. MOC paid for a new garage door opener (turns out the service manager's dad is in that business). After all that, we thought everything was fine. Then today, 8 fucking months later, I get a letter demanding payment for the bike because they don't have any record of it ever being paid!!!!!!!!!! Fuckers! We called MOC and told them we had paid it but they wanted proof. So instead of them calling CheckCare (who was responsible for paying MOC), we had to go over there and show them the receipt and they finally called CheckCare while we were there and confirmed everything. I asked them if breaking into ppl's houses was standard procedure at that place. "Uh, well, no..." is the response I got. For all this crap they were gonna give us a $50 gift card! Like I really want to make a purchase from there again. He offered servicing on the bike...let's see...the one time I took it there was for an idle problem then after that is when my bike cut out on 270 because the idle cable was fucked up. Hmmm... They probably thought they would have problems with Bret but I'm pretty sure they don't ever want to have to deal with ME again! I don't like being a bitch, ...ok maybe I do but sometimes it's just fucking necessary! The whole thing has been one big clusterfuck but I am just warning everyone to be careful when dealing with this place!
  2. Nope. I tried to use 250QT and they wouldn't take it because they said that's how the normal plates are. So mine says NJAQT instead.
  3. I don't need one, just thought it might be fun to see what we come up with. You can only have 5 letters/numbers. You can go to http://www.oplates.com and check availability. I tried BKBCH and they said ok, but I'm sure once it went thru human, it would get declined. And you can't get mad if someone takes your idea, if that's how you feel, don't post it!
  4. I woke up one morning at 3am to car alarms going off in the parking lot (when we lived in an apartment). I was afraid someone was breaking into cars because I kept hearing glass breaking. Once I looked out the window, I figured out why. There was a van on fire and every time a window blew out, the vibration was setting off the alarms of the cars around it. That was kinda cool. I was nice enough to call 911 though.
  5. Not much meat on buffalo wings but ppl love 'em! You might wanna keep them under lock and key, Angrish! I've seen lots of ppl on this board eat wings!
  6. Why the hell is this thread in this section?!
  7. It's pretty easy to turn. When the vacuum is on the roller will turn real fast (normal) a couple times, then slow down then fast then slow etc.
  8. Funny thing is they don't actually make that much money on them either. A lot of the time when they come in needing a C-section, the owners don't have money for it! Or if they do, they have the surgey, then breed the dog again! Poor things! Not really the best way to make money. Sell 3 puppies for $1000 each then pay off vet bill for $2000. Hmmm... I agree that the shelter is the place to adopt a pet though, instead of buying from a breeder. Thousands of homeless animals are put down every day! However, if you must spend that much money on a puppy, a reputable breeder is much better than a pet store. You do NOT want to get them from Petland! And by the way, Puggles and Labradoodles are not breeds, they are mutts! So buying one for $1000 is just plain dumb when the pound is full of mixed breed dogs that that aren't quite so inbred! Ok, stepping off the soap box... Ice -They are some good-looking Yorkies! I hope they find good homes! I forwarded the pic along to my friend who does the Yorkie thing in case she's interested.
  9. Let me add some info to this one so it doesn't sound like I'm such a loser. I had been meaning to do this so it doesn't sit in the cold garage only 1/2 full and wanted to put in the additive that helps the gas not go to shit when it's just sitting there not being used. When I woke up I heard a couple bikes going by on Route 3 so figured I'd get up up a bit early and ride down to fill her up. I would have liked to stay out but had to come home and get ready for work. Wish I'd gotten up earlier. Then again, since Bret's bike is in pieces in the garage, it wouldn't have been as much fun by myself. It was nice riding but such a tease! I thought about riding to work but didn't know what the weather was gonna do at 3am when I got off. I guess it's supposed to be warm today (Tues) but maybe rain.
  10. F4iBunny


    Welcome Inky! Glad to see another 250 here! I just started riding last year too and am addicted along with everyone else here. I'm sure you'll fit in just fine!
  11. Wow! You all know a lot about vacuums for a bunch of guys! I thought I'd get advice on fixing them, not how well they clean! Anyway, the roller isn't turning consistently, if at all at times, thus not picking stuff up from the carpet. I have a black lab and used to have a light colored carpet until this happened. I've cleaned the roller, cleaned bits of nasty shit from inside. The bit on the other end of the belt that extends from the motor is shiny metal so I can't see if it's turning. Just can't tell why the belt isn't turning the roller. Bret took the roller out and one of the bearings on one end was tighter than the other and he cleaned that up but it still isn't working properly. Thinking about getting a new one, but just wondered if anyone could help me out on this before I do.
  12. Does anyone know anything about fixing vacuum cleaners? Too many details to list so if you think you might have a clue, let me know. Thanks!
  13. F4iBunny

    New Years eve

    You guys go and have fun. I'll be at work...as usual...........
  14. Poor Stevan! He needs to get his ass on here and defend himself from the flamers!
  15. I did put in my original post that it may have been posted previously. I wasn't on here then, so how was I to know? I found out that it had been in Pedro's reply. Since reposting is such a crime, why couldn't one of you have deleted it then and saved me all this grief?! WTF?! Who said I was upset? Did you even read my post about the thread being closed? I said I was annoyed but agreed with you! If I was going to bitch about the thread being closed, it would have been me who started this thread! I agreed with everyone. How is that bitching?! This is a direct example of the frustration here. I am not the one who started this thread. I am not the one who, in the other thread, said that my job is more important, I do more for charity or bragged about how much shit I have! Yet, I'm the one accused of being the bitch here? Step back and take a look at the big picture and tell me again why you wonder why some of us feel singled out.
  16. I was annoyed that my thread was closed, mostly because, like Rocky said, no one else was able to voice their opinions. However, I was also glad that it was closed because it was getting stupid. I was simply passing along info that personally hit me harder than other similar things I had seen. Then it turned into a bitch-fest that went WAAAAAYYYY off topic. You know how when someone says something in a durogatory way, you feel you have to answer back to explain or defend yourself no matter how much you want to end it? C'mon, we've all been there! That's all this thread ended up being. And I'm glad it ended so we could all go on with our lives. I don't appreciate how it ended in "funny" pictures because it started off with very serious pictures and it was meant to be a serious thread. But I also understand they were there to diffuse the situation. Creative management, Satan! However, some ppl find the pics I posted disrespectful but following them up with funny stuff is more disrespectful imo. I understand where you are coming from, Flounder and totally agree that opinions shouldn't be deleted or require that the thread be closed. But this specific thread was no longer about the initial topic and the opinions being expressed seemed more like personal attacks (even if they weren't meant to be) than opinions. Personally, I feel that every time I post on here, I'm being attacked for one reason or another. My posts almost always start an argument. I don't care if you disagree with me but personal attacks are uncalled for. I posted pics of an accident but suddenly my job and someone's assets became the topic of conversation. If you want to tell me your bike is better than mine, whatever, but other than that, try to think before you type. Some of us live near campus, some live in suburbs, some live in apartments, some live in houses, someone might be a doctor, someone might be a cashier..... but we are all bikers! That's the whole point of this board!
  17. You're right this is retarded. I'm not fucking arguing, I'm defending myself because he is trying to start an argument just like he does everytime I put anything on here! WTF?! You guys can make up more stories on your own...
  18. So then why does Shitty insist on doing it?! This thread didn't start with an argument!
  19. You're digging yourself quite a hole here! If I can't participate in a benefit, wouldn't passing on the info about it at least be doing something to help so those that could go would know about it? So if you have all that shit, stop bitching about not having money!
  20. WTF you guys are talking about? There haven't been any insults or personal attacks except for at me!
  21. Oh is that why Shitty is participating so much?!
  22. I tried to just post the first part of that forum with the info and the pics but yes, I work on animals, I'm not a computer whiz and could only get the website for the forum to post. And no, I didn't make it to Pop's benefit because I had to work. Same reason I didn't actually make it to the other benefit you are bitching about. What the fuck does my job have anything to do with this anyway?!
  23. Ok, once again I have to explain myself about my post ....AGAIN! :roll: I have seen dozens of pics from motorcycle crashes. This one in particular just seemed to be a bit more "slap in the face" than the others. The body is limp and hanging, recognizable. The guy ran into a semi truck, it just doesn't seem like your everyday crash seen. So I thought I would pass it on. As a matter of fact, the friend who showed me the pics rides also... Hey, don't be bitching at me about the fund raiser when you blatently complained that you didn't have enough money to spare a few bucks because GXRNurse has student loans to pay. And now suddenly you are listing all the vehicles you guys have and post about buying a new car for the winter that happens to be an Audi?!?! It must be so hard living on the poverty line! As a matter of fact, I found lots of places where this guy's father said he wanted something good to come out of his son's death. I think if these pics make one person think twice, thus saving his/her life, that would be a positive thing stemming from a horrible accident. I haven't been back to this post since I put it up. Just because Bret replied before I did has nothing to do with the fact that we're married or that it is my post. He's just tired of all the shit that gets flung around here by the same few ppl! ...and these are two of the reasons why this board has such a bad reputation for being a bunch of dicks. It's no wonder ppl think that sportbike riders are such assholes. This is one of the few sites that's not all Harleys and when ppl log on they are faced with negative comments. Of the almost 1000 ppl who have signed up on this board, don't you wonder why so few still post on here? I know it's a forum and ppl are entitled to their opinion but if you beat a dog every time it greets you, it will stop greeting you.
  24. I have deleted my original post because some ppl on here can't handle it and feel it's more important to tell us everything they have in their garage.
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