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Everything posted by F4iBunny

  1. Yay Ben! Welcome to the party!
  2. I think after this we can change our avatars back
  3. Hey, I know the noodle cure! A boat!!!
  4. Hey, I've heard that too!
  5. Do you think we could raise money to find a cure for noodles too?! 'Cause it could happen to you!
  6. I think Mr Bret IS a lesbian in a man's body. He loves women!
  7. What about some ginger pie?
  8. I don't think either one knew what the conversation was about!
  9. Why? Because you're a grown woman who can make her own decisions?
  10. Because you left the damn door open AGAIN!!!
  11. ...and I'm not gonna let any of them play with you either!
  12. A friend of mine was driving a Civic (with me as a passenger) and got up real close to a semi like that and the guy tappen his brakes. Obviously we weren't quite as close as this guy but I thought we were going under the truck! Can't imagine doing it on a bike!
  13. 2+ Brownie points for Nick
  14. Don't worry, it's only temporary. We're trying to make a point to a certain someone.
  15. http://myspacetv.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=vids.individual&videoid=32046625
  16. That's what I was thinking! Just having lots of fun with one guy instead of a little bit with all of them!
  17. So are you implying that married girls are no fun? It's so fun giving you a hard time!
  18. That's only if by "drag" they mean pulling along painfully slow! Just because a 250 can beat a Porsche off the line, doesn't mean they all can, I guess!
  19. No homerun here! They must be just friends! I mean it's only physical right? Just two straight guys off on a manly hunting trip!
  20. To Nick & all other homophobes: You should close your eyes now. Don't look at this. I wouldn't want you to have your manhood denounced. Now, are you sure you are against ALL gays? Either way, I'm off to watch some lesbian porn now, any gay supporters want to join me?
  21. This "guy" was on Oprah today so I'm sure it was all over the news tonight. http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/23942218/
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