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Everything posted by SJC1000rr

  1. I'm in. Just make sure you all fax or e-mail back the waiver form. Going to do mine at work today.
  2. Anyone that got in need a ride let me know. I will have a trailer spot open.
  3. One thing I noticed is that it doesn't do well in darker lights. You can get about 45-50min of Video on a 2Gb SD card also. (Track tested and approved) Anyways, I got the suctioncup mount and it ends up still vibrating way to much for my liking. So I used tiedowns and tightened it down to my steering stabilizer to keep it from moving at all. I also used the M3 mounts. (1 on windscreen, 1 on tail end) Both work pretty well, but you will get some vibration, but nothing too bad. High speed travel with give the video a warping effect for some reason also. Not sure if the camera can't keep up with the images or what. Over all, I love mine for what it gives me and the price I paid. I also use Windows Movie Maker to cut/edit and compress the files down. Its very simple to operate. There were times at Mid O that I forgot to start it all and got it going on the back stretch or around the track. Press the front (power) button to turn it on, then top button to record. Turning it off is simply holding the power button for 2 seconds. Nate has a post where he was messing with mounts and had some great spots if you want more examples. http://www.ohio-riders.com/showthread.php?t=31830&highlight=GoPro
  4. SJC1000rr

    Muzzle loaders

    Knight or Thompson is always a good top brand to pick from. Thompson Omega/Encore is a good pick, but it all comes down to what you want to spend....just like anything else.
  5. Alright, I will be up there also. PM me your number or something and we can hookup in a garage. Sick day.....Its my plan of attack!
  6. You going rusty? I just signed up for it also in I group just because. Its free btw for those with 2+ days.
  7. Good to hear ya made it back. Was wondering if you made it back and thinking of the 848 buzzing around the corners
  8. Not to stray off topic too much...But anyone got infos on Monticello or Carolina Motorsports Park? Was looking at either of those for an end of the year track day. I have done the directions to know how far they are...just seeing if anyone has tried them and knows how the track is/surface is etc.
  9. Wondered how it went. I elected not to go with the winds and risk of weather. Was looking at trying to do another day somewhere...depending on what I can get off from work.
  10. Lol, seeing at least 5 in that one.
  11. Still debating on last minute sign up for this. The weather still looks spotty hit or miss.
  12. I've know of this happening before. They get a small write up and are told not to do it again. Its commen sense to think that all cops have mics and you should play it safe about what you say and do.
  13. Still waiting to here if this event is on or not. I checked in and was instructed to wait until the end of the business day before making any plans.
  14. I have these up for sell: Set for $25 or $15/piece Pirelli Diablo Corsa Commuting Tires Front: 120/70/17 Middle-20-30% Edge-70%+ Rear: 190/50/17 Middle 30-40% (Middle Flat Spot started), Edge 70%+ $45 Pirelli Diabli Corsa 3 Trackday Take Off Rear: 190/50/17 Middle 75% Edge-30% Dust on them from drywall work. I blame moose! =p Pm me for any more info and I will wash them up before selling.
  15. Not sure they have that setup yet. I am looking at Florence atm but are wondering if its any closer myself.
  16. Well, I have offered a trailer spot if thats much pressure! =p But looking at places to stay with B's suggestion and found some ok places.
  17. Any suggestions on places to stay down there Brian? I have been searching through several sites and theres not exactly any cheap places or close ones. Looking at $69+/night or a 30min drive so far.
  18. I thought about Mid O, but keeping an eye on the weather it has a 60-80% of rain. Just didn't want to risk that and with BG just opening up I wanted to give a try before the end of the year. I love Mid Ohio and WILL be back next year for sure. Several times at least, as I am finally dragging a friend with me. But I still need to get my rear changed, change the oil and want some more street time on the GP shift to get it smoother and more streamline shifts.
  19. Alas, the single mans garage 09 F150 FX4 07 CBR1000rr Bike Trailer Old Bike parts
  20. MOTORSPORTS CLUB that is. I just signed up for both days since brian got that itch going on me. Anyone else going other then the leezard? I will have a spot on my trailer open if anyone else decides they want to give it a try. And I will be looking into a hotel to stay for the night also. http://www.sportbiketracktime.com/cart/shopdisplayproducts.asp?id=57&cat=N%29+OCTOBER+2009+TRACK+DATES
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