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Benyen Soljax

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Everything posted by Benyen Soljax

  1. just quit man, kristen is almost done with school... youll be livin the high life soon.
  2. maybe look on ebay for one of those hong kong replica race kits...then all you need to paint is the tank.
  3. how come the red bike has some fairing cut out of it for the frame slider and the black one doesnt?
  4. red one isnt bad, but how much is it for that black one?
  5. ill go and check it. at least i know i didnt put 8 quarts in like some other unnamed rider ive heard of. but i did fill it some after i discovered it was leaking.
  6. alright, so my bike runs fine. (04 ninja 250 for those who dont know) the other day i noticed there was a small oil drip from my oil cap. found the problem was that i put on an aftermarket chrome cap and forgot to swap in the gasket from the stock cap. no prob, took 2 minutes and filled her up with some more oil. since then, whenever i start the bike and let it warm up, the sun makes it look like im puffing out oil smoke through my pipes, smoke that i cant see at night or in any other conditions than are present on my driveway. then when i get to my destination, my engine just wreaks of burning oil, almost as if the engine is so warm its just cooking the oil on the inside. ive inspected it during the day and theres a number of places around the engine that appear to have some evidence of leaking a fluid. the radiator fluid is not one of them. rad. fluid is nice and blue and full to the top. the other mystery leaks are everything from a black sticky substance i believe is excess chain lube to one spot that i think is actually seeping a very small amount of oil. no spots on the ground however from the past few days. some spots from previous days, but i parked my bike in a clean spot since i noticed the smell. the oil evidence is coming from the the area right underneath the airbox. its another plastic fixture that does who knows what. im not really sure what im asking here, guess im just looking for some advice, whether to just let it go and fill up the oil when it needs, or maybe look into it further? maybe im just crazy and the smell is just the engine heat playing with my senses. humor me please.
  7. see also: eBay, username: snafupen
  8. well poo... oh well, its worth watching again.
  9. a lot of you might have seen this already, but for the rest of you... all i have to say is "wow".
  10. will do. any reason to your rage?
  11. now he knows that ALL of us are crazy dumbasses... ...except me of course.
  12. i dont know if theres room for another ben around here....
  13. no way. theres a town called midgetville? is the population counted in half people? :ban:
  14. *toot toot* alright so i suppose ill spill the beans. i have a 6 month internship with a company called DEKA in Manchester, NH. same people that designed the Segway (then sold the design to the segway corp.). pretty cool little firm with some nice territory to explore up in new england. ill be back around march or so (just in time for riding season). ...and yet another year passes when i dont get to go to any football games at the shoe.
  15. this is rather off topic but you remind me of edward norton in Fight Club. i think you need to get in a good fight to release some anger...
  16. hey vic havent seen ya around the boards in a while. on a sidenote, can you get any angrier over anything more obvious?
  17. are you talking about me or some other bike night? Satan wasnt at QSL on the 29th.
  18. can you imagine how many peoples' pride are crushed now. give him the death sentence!
  19. go into kentucky. youll find some awesome roads.
  20. ok, so i voted for the democratic candidate in the last election, how about that?
  21. ron paul is the only guy actually talking sense about military operations. he wants to go back to isolationist views that republicans are known to default back to when the US gets too muddled into the rest of the world. i know ill be voting in the rep. primary because hes the only candidate i want to see in office. i did vote democrat in the last election, but i wouldnt say ive changed my party, really it has nothing to do with party. it has to do with what matters to me. even if he is a strong candidate, hes not stupid enough to run independent if he doesnt get the rep. bid. all you have to do is look at history to see that running independent is a waste unless you have someone you really dont want to see in office.
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