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Benyen Soljax

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Everything posted by Benyen Soljax

  1. you got me excited as i love to see 1000s beat busas in the 1/4 mile, but then i watched the video and watched him take off after you caught him.
  2. ive been working on curveball. its a lot more fun to play than most pong type games. you could always try to take away my asteroids score too...
  3. oh so now that putty and flounder have them, 250s are cool. i see how it is.
  4. oh i guess i was under the impression that if someone was to put all that work into a bike it would be for them...
  5. luckily for him websites such as this one have a little "Terms and Conditions" page when you sign up. prevents all the bullshit lawsuits.
  6. i was goin for 60 but i just couldnt take it anymore. maybe one of these days ill lay to 80 or so for shits. im gonna have to be really bored. winter time should provide sufficient boredom.
  7. what happened to the project?
  8. i feel safe that the harley guys are going to raise enough uproar if any laws get too out of hand.
  9. US93 looks like one kick ass road. good thing theyre making a slab to ease up the traffic off that gem.
  10. our 250 tires dont show chicken strips well if at all, and also they are usually thin on our tires due (if you can see them) to the fact that the treads dont wrap around as much as some other tires do. if you want to see some chicken strips go to a bike night or something and find someone with a brand new 1000cc bike, and youll see what everyone talks about.
  11. it was either stop at 55 or drill a hole through my skull...
  12. well i finally sat down to dinner at 830...i knew i recognized the name, forgot where i saw it. sounds like a happenin place.
  13. right now the ticket is starting at MY COST for the ticket+upgrade for any non students. a pretty decent seat, but unfortunately only one. thought i would post this up for any buckeye fans. you wont get duped either cause theres a few people on this board that know where i live http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&rd=1&item=250158502654&ssPageName=STRK:MESE:IT&ih=015
  14. post them on the ohio riders image hoster or photobucket, then use [ img ] [ /img ] tags around the link for the pic
  15. where the blazes is bodega?
  16. its a good thing this is the internet, otherwise my panties might get in a bunch on a sidenote, what do you mean by slowing down the group? liter bike or 250, new riders like myself will always slow down the group because a good bike ride will wait for everyone to catch up after the group gets stretched out. i guess ill have to ride with shitty and satan at my own pace. i wouldnt mind going for a ride if theres gonna be someone to wait up for me. consider this a personal call out to shitty: i bet i can ride slower than you!
  17. Benyen Soljax

    qsl 8-22

    ill be there at 7...
  18. Benyen Soljax

    qsl 8-22

    ill be watching the weather like everyone else...and like last week ill probably be there.
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