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Everything posted by Chrisoh

  1. Actually looks like he forgot to turn on the Anit Wheelie that those bikes have.
  2. Chrisoh


    Ok, well this Sunday will be mid 70s I am going to try and head south.
  3. Only time 110 mph + is fun on todays sport bikes is when you have to hit that 300 marker or 5 board then situp and brake to 60 mph or less.. Other then that you are just eating ground up fast with no thrill since they are so stable. Or going through the corner at 110 mph + is fun though The only Twin I enjoyed riding was my 97 TL-1000S as the Mapping on that puppy made the motor nasty with serious power bands at 6 and 8k rpm. Now the twin motors are so smooth they feel bland and slow (even though they aren't) Kind of why I like the 1ks there is so much power it is kind of like having a power band, but without one. I haven't had a chance to ride the new 600s hard yet, but I know my 03 GSXR 600 has a power band, it caused me to run off track at Jennings in Turn 2 at 100 mph +
  4. Yeah I want to take my race 1k down, but I just put a new set of Race tires on and don't want to waste them. My worst problem is that my first day at the drag strip was my best getting my 60 ft into the 1.9s and now I can't duplicate it. With a best time of 11.38, and all I could muster earlier this year was 2.0s at 11.5 on my 600. I had one great start this year against the 1000s at the first race and was 2nd into turn one (and stayed there all race).
  5. What time you going on Sunday? I was thinking about coming up Saturday night, but my Dad leaves for WI and my mom is home with a broken ankle.
  6. Chrisoh


    Hey Jerm, next nice Sunday we get, I'll take down to NKY. I amost went up Jaime Dr. yesterday as I came thorugh Vinnedge. You knows the bumps on Hamilton Mason just as you make the right off Vinnedge are NASTY. I luckily was on the gas hard enough. I hit it about 1/4 throttle and as soon as I hit the first the front came up a hair and just skimmed over tops of each one. Just a little more and it could have caused a tank slapper.
  7. What you guys doing???? I can make myself free next weekend....
  8. Dang at work and can't see you tube...
  9. Chrisoh

    Lemon Law

    Bring it Fishy....
  10. Chrisoh

    Lemon Law

    As much as you know about Brakes????
  11. Well jeans I wear 36-38 for now. So probably a large.
  12. Hey Lizard you still got some Shift Dirt stuff? I need to get some pants at least, sweats aren't cutting it.
  13. Nope won't do that. Gerbils bit the dog once when they tried so no luck on that one...
  14. Well Lizard is probably right about that, but at least I still have original tranny and 6th gear.. But yeah your options are as lizard says, you may be able to squeeze in the Fasttrax if you act fast, but you can always do the two weekends with WERA and run one race a day for the two weekends then you are done. And as Lizard knows if you can run in the 1:43-1:47 range at Mid OH then your pace will not be too dangerous in race setting. I have seen some slow provisionals this year and I have seen a Provisional that would have placed top 3 minimum in expert by his lap times. Another idea is if you want you can head south and do a school like Ed Bargy, or Penguin in FL over the winter. But you are looking at $100 for liecense + some $$ for the school (WERA or secondary) then $65 for at least one race a weekend. FYI I will not race prep a bike, I have just tried to drill the dang Oil drain plug (on bike and in vice) and lost 3 bits and only made a whole about 1mm deep. For the $200 it cost to pay someone else to do it I will gladly pay it.
  15. If the motor is sound $3500 isn't bad. Why does everyone think that a bike keeps losing about $500 a year in value. Once they hit the $3500 $4000 range they aren't going to drop much for a few years. Hell You can barely buy a 99 SV 650 for $3000 that is in as good a shape as this bike. Look like he replaced the Mirrors and the pipe was probably put on after the crash but could be wrong. Now if it is safety wired then I would say $2.5k or $3K but not if it was just street. Make sure the front suspension is good and seals are not leaking.
  16. Yeah I'll run other tires. I stick with BT right now for price and they are not above my skill level so why spend $$ when my skill level doesn't warrant it.
  17. Dog's and peanut butter :lol Ours is hilarious with PB... Licks non stop for 5 minutes. I laugh everytime.
  18. Hey Lizard, if you don't have a Partner for the 3 hour we can run my 1k next year..
  19. Inside story. I was fuel man for Lizard and his team mate Mike at the first Fasttrax 3 hour endurance at Putnam. They had one of the quick fuel tanks, but it didn't have the back flow to stop once full. It filled so fast i couldn't shut it off fast enough once I could see it near the top.
  20. Ok fine i will just get Fuel man put on my leathers and you will be afraid I might spilll..... You guys rode great that day thought. 16s at Endurance pace was awesome. Yeah I know you could pass me one handed on a stock 600. Probably on a stock CBR F3
  21. I will fix Lizard. I'll just walk by him with a gas can, then when he runs away i'll hide his bike...
  22. BBs make me faster thus less friction with the surface so that will add another 5-10 mph on the straight. I am gonna sit on the 1k and follow you to the keyhole and never let you know I am there, then bust out of keyhole and try to run by on one wheel.... I was getting some decent wheelies over the rise out of Keyhole. Or go for it on the front straight.
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