This fatality really put a damper on the spirits of all of the riders and the event as a whole. The event was very well organized, there were at least 16 support vehicles positioned all along the route as well as driving. The vehicles had everything from first aid to bike repair. There were radio operators through out to help get responders to the riders that needed help as well as well as a radio operator/medic on a motorcycle. There were five of us motorcycle riders in addition that patrolled the route as well, we helped change bike tires, fix chains, and called in support where needed. With all of us, 4000+ riders, and state and local police as well as park rangers at every turn and intersection there were still asshole car drivers that acted surprised every time they came to and intersection and had to slow. I was cussed and threatened and had stuff kicked at me while helping a few riders at one intersection. So while I was very much saddened by the death of the rider I can not say that I am to surprised.