I was going to reply to a bunch of posts, but I won't change any minds so I'd rather just drop my 2 cents in the bucket and move on... First, the situation was completely out of hand before this incident... The administrators should be held accountable for allowing such a situation to develop... Something that is getting lost in this country is the "on your watch" theory... If you are in charge and it's 'on your watch' you should be held accountable... Held accountable for not being proactive, taking appropriate actions, or even putting the wrong people in place. Second, these kids should be tried for attempted murder. If I kick you in the face while you are knocked the fuck out, what else could I possibly be doing? Trying to wake you up? Third, AS and JJ are money hungry dirtbags... They would sell out every black person in the world if it they could guarantee they would be safe and the paycheck was big enough... Finally, I cannot imagine what it must be like to be anyone other than me... A fat white guy who gets hot chicks all the time... That being said, I wish everyone could be treated equally... However... People are their own worst enemies, so they will continue to perpetuate the things that keep the races divided... whether that's ignorance, learned behavior, or government sponsored discrimination... It's not getting any better...