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Everything posted by Dweezel

  1. Mertic bikes need something other than oil changes?? News to me.
  2. OSUMJ is a female engineer, and pretty damn fine looking if I do say so myself, maybe you should PM her and start an E-lationship
  3. today is the 10th annual 'introduce a woman to engineering day' thought you'd like to know.
  4. I'm pretty sure, has remote resivour. If you've got that Owned let me know where to send the money, and what you want for the M/C, thanks
  5. It's only a week, if you start kissing ass now I'm sure they'd let you have it off. Your not riding with me, I'm not lugging your xbox around for a week, and I'd have to get one of those child restraints and snap us together so you don't blow off But seriously, speaking of doing other stuff while riding on the back of a bike... Tonya sleeps while I drive... But she's only done that a few times LOL she's about the same size as you, there must be a vacuum behind my big ass that keeps her stuck there
  6. Like your skinny ass would make it that far
  7. Need a clip-on and master cylinder assy for this bike. Get back to me. Thanks in advance, Dweezel
  8. thanks everyone but I found one up the road, NIB for $330, picked up a laser sight for $90 too. Put little over a hundred rounds through it the other day, I love this thing LOL it's so nice to shoot. Walther is coming out with a P380 in march that is supposedly the same size I'd like to pick up to replace this as my primary carry.
  9. Dweezel


    You know how the whole world knows your an asshole? Everything that comes from your mouth is shit.
  10. Dweezel


    While I'm not arguing any of the perfectly valid points you have here, personally the larger bikes are easier to ride. I love the low end grunt of the 1300 and can even start from a light with the female on the back without using the throttle. My normal cruising rpms around town are between 1500 and 2000. I recently took Rah Rahs 750 for a spin and stalled it at damn near every stop, and anything below 3500 and it was lugging. For street use and daily riding the larger amount of torque under the curve of the larger bikes just make them much more commuter friendly.
  11. Like it or not they do work. We used to put about 4-6 golf balls in the 38" tires, ballanced them right out. Still didn't ride like a caddy, but worlds beyond what it rode like before. Do they work? Yes. However it's not what I would use in my 170+ mph runs, in my jeep that hardly ever sees 70mph, yes. Also don't buy those, go to Walmart and buy yourself a box of copperhead BBs, lots cheaper and the same damn thing. Throw a handfull in each tire and inflate. Works good untill about 35" then something more substancial like golfballs are needed. Still wouldn't do it on a motorcycle.
  12. Ah, not everyone here lives in Columbus
  13. Alright guys I'm looking for a good deal on a Walther P22, preferably black with the short barrel. If anyone has, or comes across one for a good deal let me know please. Thanks
  14. I'm making an assumption here that your not out dragging floorboard on the weekends, and that you just rack up crazy miles mainly on moderately curvy, or straight roads. That being said I'd go for the ones that seem to have the longest life. There are very few sport bikers on here that can out ride a set of tires, and given your equipment I'm not sure that it should be a concern to you. That's my $0.02, $0.025 CD
  15. Def gonna break out the bike this week! I'm starting to shake Withdrawals are a MoFo!
  16. I'll buy this, my friend's dad is a union plumber who owns his own company, employes 5-6 other plumbers. He gets a new Yukon Denali every couple of years and has one hell of a killer pad up in Ravenna, I'm sure he's doing better than a good percentage of the private practice Dr's around here.
  17. Dweezel


    Are we still goin on about the whole "Hyper sports can't turn" thing? Holy fuck can we give it up already. Grow up. so you think a Gixxer with a 4" stretch can't turn? or could a Gixxer with a 4" stretch turn? just answer that, because essentially thats all a 'Bus is. Yes it's heavier and slightly wider, but so is your mother.
  18. Anyone Have Dead Guy Ale from Rouge Brewery? It's been my new thing the last few trips to the beer place up the street. It's good going down (I've known a few women like that too...) and it's got a kind of sharp after taste thats almost citrus like (...see above).
  19. so since I closed in Dec of 08 I won't get shit? About par, if it wernt for bad luck I wouldn't have any :/ God doesn't hate me, he just likes to watch me squirm...
  20. That's def cool, they've already got a GPS tracking app for the iPhone and I plan on setting it or this up for the cross country trip on the bike so the kids, and the female, can see where I'm at on our trip, although the kids will find it much more amusing than she will LOL. OR.net could also track out trip in real time too, that might be something cool!
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