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Everything posted by Dweezel

  1. eh yeah that shit is nasty, leaves like a silvery graphite looking coating on everything. Did valve seals or some junk on a few cars where the guys used that stuff exclusively.
  2. Dweezel

    More HD BS

    Okay, If HD actually makes a GOOD quality bike, for a respectable price, instead of an archaic rattle trap for 500% more than it's worth, I'll look, so therefore, I can safely say, NEVER. I actually looked (albeit briefly) at the new Rotax powered Buells. An M109 is what the Sportster SHOULD be, not some meager 40hp piss ant lead weight. And if I ever get REALLY old, I'll get a Goldwing. This is an M109 http://www.totalmotorcycle.com/photos/2007models/2007models-Suzuki-BoulevardM109R.htm
  3. Dweezel

    More HD BS

    when I get old I'll grab an M109, It'll be a cold day in hell when I throw my leg over an air-cooled paint shaker.
  4. We're a 'teens' site? is there anyone even on here who's 18 or younger??
  5. didn't know how far you planned on sliding
  6. Long Lasting? I would never put sliders on anything, yes they'll help in a parking lot drop, but if you actually go down, and the bike slides off the road, it's gonna tumble end over end or rip the slider out of the frame. Either way it's a sure total.
  7. Maybe because it was a horrible movie, but has somehow gained cult status
  8. LOL the OR mansion, kinda like the playboy mansion, only faster with hotter chicks
  9. put a disappointing 8600 miles on her most in one day was 798. I almost went around the block to make it an even 800 but it was raining, about 50 degrees, and after 1 am when we got home. Youngstown (home) to Coshocton for lunch, Columbus foe dinner with an old HS friend, then through Akron to home. Was a long day.
  10. because their glued together and 'technically' can't be separated. but its not that hard to get appart, maybe you could find a smashed housing with a good lens?
  11. so wait? dude's not gonna redo it? thats it it's just gone?
  12. FTFY seriously though that sucks..
  13. Want a Microsoft product that doesn't suck? wait till they start making vacuum cleaners...
  14. home schooling can do that to ya
  15. I never keep mine, so I've set mine to gain 40 lbs and not ride so much.
  16. Eh, it may make a little ticking, but at only 3 thousandths it won't be much, hell The jeep I6's were assembled with bores as much as 20 thousandths out of spec and their some of the most durable, reliable engines in the world.
  17. I wouldn't sweat 3 thousanths. bolts stretch, parts fatigue, shit happens.
  18. but a diesel burning veggie oil smells like a cookout
  19. I'd rather club a baby seal.
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