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Everything posted by Dweezel

  1. there should be pics there?? I can see them, I linked them from my album. edit; Try it now, I had the album set as private for some dumb reason. SHould work.
  2. Well I picked up a XD .45ACP yesterday went out the old mans and ran about 20 rounds through it to de-virginize it today, damn does it shoot nice, not as brutal as the National Match 70 series, (and no where near as sexy either) and a LOT lighter as well. Very nice gun, very happy with it. Its gonna be my new carry piece untill I can finally force myself to buy a Sub-Compact.
  3. Dweezel

    Close Up

    From the album: Gun

  4. Dweezel

    New Toy

    From the album: Gun

  5. Well closed loop uses an oxygen, MAP, or MAF sensor to monitor incoming air, and out going exhaust AFR's, and make constant adjustments, Openloop knows nothing but the program and sticks to it no matter what. Ease of use, and cheaper/less problematic would definately go to open loop, also HP Closed loop is great for emmissions though.....
  6. Well your still allowed to carry your penis right? Even if you have no idea how to use it. Sorry I'm not a gung ho wanna kill everyone and anyone who pisses me off kinda guy, but I assure you if I had to, I would, but I'd seriously consider all other available options first. I didn't get my CCW with dreams of vigilante justice or an 'I can't wait to shoot at someone' attitude, I got it because I can. Mainly for my drive to work, I go through some pretty sketchy neighborhoods on my way and when I'm on the bike I get lots of less than desierable members of socity checking it out a little more than they should be and I feel safer with it.
  7. Now, we must all fear evil men. But there is another kind of evil which we must fear most, and that is the indifference of good men.
  8. yes, and angle has allot to do with it too, but straight on at a close distance it would penetrate. Hell, my cousin hunts deer with a .22 rifle (he'd put schmuck to shame, has over 150 guns, mostly rifles and assault type weapons, including about a dozen AR's) says he hits them behind the eye in the skull and they drop on the spot.
  9. actually you can rent them, probably be more cost effective that way, seeing as your probably only gonna use it once
  10. see, now I'm not John Rambo, I don't know how well I'd take to knowing that I ended someones life. I'll take the 'neutralize' option first, and leave the 'terminate' option until last
  11. lol wow I know I'm gonna get shit for this, but here's the stance on the subject. A .22 is gonna stop someone. IF your in a situation where you have time to fire, you have time to place it properly. Unless your attacker is all jacked up on PCP a small caliber .22 is gonna cause enough pain that they'll stop, a round in the right shoulder (or left if their holding with their left) will cause them to drop their arm and weapon and it's about over. IF someone is out specifically to end your life, their not gonna ask you if you'd like to draw your weapon first, they have the element of surprise, and you'll be dead before you know there even was a situation. If the situation allows you to draw a weapon, most of the time that itself is enough to defuse the situation. If they have a gun pointed at you, and they firmly intend on killing you if you do not comply, you'll be dead before you can get your weapon out, theirs is drawn and aimed, yours is still in your waist band, holster, up your ass, where ever you keep it. Accuracy. If you can't hit a man sized object at 20 feet, you shouldn't have a gun. being able to hit a target at 500 yards is pointless in a SD situation. the extremely vast majority of SD conflicts are point blank, to 20 feet, after that it gets kinda hard to prove self defence. I've read on several CCW forums that the FBI did a study, and before you get a concled firearm out, a man with a knife can issue fatal cuts from as far away as 21 feet and a man with a drawn gun at any distance Okay I think I caused enough shit, I'm out.
  12. I changed out the oil in mine, made a nice difference I think. Pretty easy to do too.
  13. blah, I'm sitting at home, Bike is out the old mans in his garage, my jeep is in the driveway with a blown head gasket, and I'm sick as a dog and have a Dr's appointment at 12;15 I've got to find a way to get too....
  14. 'Ohio, the heart of it all!"
  15. I'd be interested in seeing a break down of posts in winter vs. summer months. I'd be willing to say they drop off drastically in the summer during 'non-working' hours
  16. No, Ben we don't want to know what you can do with 5 gallons of sperm.
  17. There's a new iPhone coming out in June, if you can Id just wait it out.
  18. You my friend, have WAAAAYYYYY to mch faith in humanity. Likely, eh, I'm gonna say no Possible, oh hell yes. They've said for quite some time that they would conquer America from within, it's not so far fetched.
  19. A) they won't have to, the Libs and hippies will just hand it over because they feel bad for them because Russia is so cold and they don't have any real nice places B) there will be no fight, Obama wants to take our guns so the radical Muslims can just walk in and take over, it'll be the Muslims and Russians fighting for North America, well be lucky to have a seat to watch from.
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