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Everything posted by Dweezel

  1. I'm glad my dads a real man, when he got back from driving my T/A after the cam swap (430+RWHP/402lbs/ft tq at the wheels) he just had a shit eating grin on his face, kinda laughed and admitted it's hands down the fastest car he's ever driven. Then he asked me when I was going to put the nitrous on it, he wanted to take it for another ride afterwards
  2. I second that. I'd also like to propose a ban on computers with more than a 386 processor and 256 meg of ram, and limit HD size to 10gig, there is no reason any law abiding citizen needs a computer with more. These high powered computers are the ones criminals use to break into secure servers and steal information and do harm.
  3. Holy shit thats awesome, I literally busted out laughing Sorry mang, Apparently I can't give you any more rep
  4. With some blow too! For some reason I don't think she would find that as awesome as we would Not that I do, or ever have snorted anything up my nose.
  5. Well, Kowykid won't be there half nekkid waiting for you, thats as good a reason as any to go home
  6. Well you may have 'almost' smiled but I assure you the sheep were throwing a party Dennis Rodman would have been proud of in the back 40
  7. What? did the sheep have the day off??
  8. I accidentally walked in on KawiKid molesting, and then raping a rubber chicken... (not really but the thought is pretty disturbing )
  9. oh bloody hell, now what are the sheep gonna bloat about? I guess they'll forget about the polar bears and go back to the rain forests. My question is, no one EVER believes a politician. EVER. unless he's trying to save the environment, what for one instance makes someone think that all of the sudden, what's coming out of a politicians mouth ISN'T utter shit? that's my question Professor Gore. mmmm'kay?
  10. +1 for the superglue, works great on cuts. Hope your okay babe, heal quick!
  11. So your telling me that you think a girl who is in and out of prison and is being questioned in a GTA case, has a good father figure? I'm not saying what he did there was right, but I'm sure there's allot we're missing. She was probably an off the scale cunt the whole time and that little incident was the last straw for the guy. She should have just taken them off and set them across the door.
  12. also, I don't believe Ferrarris have oil filters. They are high strung race engines that normally require rebuilding every 15,000 miles. They use lots of high stress small parts that wear fast.
  13. To the original question, that looks to me like a composite filter, it's a porous hard media that filters just as well, if not better than paper, it's also much more stable under high pressure and heat. I'm willing to bet there probably wasn't a spring in there, just that chunk. We've got high pressure air filters here at work that are made from sintered bronze. Imagine thousands of tiny brass strings about an inch long bound together. There's nothing wrong with it, it's actually better than paper elements, and probably more expensive too.
  14. Well folks here's your change, any bets when hell try to mess with your #1?
  15. It's a straight line thing, you round round types wouldn't get it.
  16. You gotta let me take that for a spin! I love the SV's, now you gotta pull those ugly fairings off, and throw a belly pan on it :) those things look sweet nekkid :)

  17. IP had them on the shelf Sunday when I was there. Go get one.
  18. Heh, a friend of mine had a T-shirt with that on it, used to wear it all the time when we went out, got kinda annoying because allot of places wouldn't let him in, or made him turn it inside out. He lost it, Thankfully.
  19. Hey, Fuck you you fucking fuck!
  20. Fucko, Fucktard, am I starting to notice a pattern here fuckstick?
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