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Everything posted by Dweezel

  1. Dweezel

    Attn fonzie

    I love how every thread on this board turns into a hot chick posting contest God Bless OR.net
  2. I'll have what she's having please...
  3. Dweezel

    Attn fonzie

    Since it would require an undefeated season, and a championship win... FTFY
  4. I can't imagine that would last any longer than a Bottle against a .45, probably last forever against a 22 though, seems like kinda a waste of a good watermelon though
  5. Not only that, ammo is super cheap. And you'll be able to put allot more rounds through a target (assuming you hit it ) before you need to change it. I'm gonna pick one up here to target shoot with, the .45 cal is kind of a pain because you only get one or two shots per 2 liter before it's destroyed (yes I'm a hill jack and I shoot at cans and shit 'out back') where my cousin brought his P22 over and we shot that damn thing all day on the same few bottles
  6. Happy birf day mang!! Hope you get some birf day
  7. but wait, what about my 'motorcycle sandels'? arn't those safe? they say motorcycle sandels right on them!
  8. It's the end of the world as we know it. It's the end of the world as we know it. It's the end of the world as we know it. And I feeelllll FFFIIIIIINNNNNEEEEEEE!!!
  9. Feck eff ya bastid! I read castan details and assumed I'd already read the article, their almost identical, sadly to say
  10. It was a different article, here's the one I read, it was off of Hayabusa.org... Illinois, Indiana. Still a damn shame on what happened. http://www.stltoday.com/stltoday/news/stories.nsf/illinoisnews/story/186BDD93F58DB7EC862575010063EC4D?OpenDocument
  11. let me check, because I'm pretty sure the article I read was in Indianna...
  12. I could have swore I read that article this morning off of Hayabusa.org and they said it was a dude, he was drunk and killed a girl. unless two 16 year old girls died n bikes recently
  13. It was an older dude, with a 16 year old girl, and he was drunk when he did it. thats why he's being charged with Homicide. And I'm pretty sure there is a required helmet law if your under 18 too that was breached.
  14. Maybe it's just me, but I about had a heart attack I was laughing so freakin hard!
  15. we've got about 2" here! I'm gonna start waxin the board
  16. I was thinkin Las Vegas Nevada, Just a litle further south I may be able to do this, 1500 isn't too bad and I've always wanted to do this. Put me in the 'definite maybe' catagory
  17. I did have a hair up my ass, I think any guy who sleeps with a girl will know what I'm talking about when I mention that wandering hair of your girls you find on your body when you wake up in the morning and go to the bath room, it's wrapped around your junk 300 freakin times and is always a pain to remove.
  18. It's not much of a question, because if someone asks, they must believe, me personally? I'll never ask for myself, but if someone I know does believe, then on their behalf I'll ask people to pray for them.
  19. Holy Christ lady learn to take a fuckin joke. You can do what you want with your life, I promise you it'll have zero effect on mine. Apparently you've got personall issues with people pointing out your a bible thumper if it pissed you off that bad. Have I ever been serious on this board? Obviously you and I don't cyber fuck like you and KawiKid do but I think I post enough that you'd come to know never serious.
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