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Everything posted by Dweezel

  1. OH OH ME ME!!! I"M FROM THE YOUNGSTOWN AREA!!! In fact, I live right down the road from you! I feel a coming on...
  2. considering your "satan" I don't think so...
  3. I love OR.net Even though It gave me pink eye, and I had to go to the doctor. Which in turn made me deathly ill on top of it all, and yesterday I had to take the female to Cleveland Clinic and drive through rush hour traffic, sick as a dog wishing I was dead, I still love the site. BTW Ben(yen soljax) this is all, somehow, your fault. To sum up this thread, the only people who hate pitts, have never owned one. Sonny is here (imho) to push his own boards, and events. Fonzie is a good guy with a good sense of humor (which is pretty obvious, he drives a Honda), who, is really easy to get along with and I can't believe for one second he'd go after someone unprovoked.
  4. Heh, that was a good time, I've got to set something up to head west, meet you guys, then shoot to Columbus, then up to Conshocton for dinner on Whitewoman street (hell of a restaurant though ain't it?!) then shoot back up to Youngstown. I don't know what the hell happened to Ben, but Now I've freakin got PINK EYE!! this sucks. Oh well. It was a damn good time, can't wait to do it again.
  5. Only reason I buy most of the shit I do where I do. usually makes it on par with internet stores, before shipping. otherwise they're absurdly overpriced.
  6. I think they should use what ever force nesicary to stop a runner. bike, car, airplane, or scooter. Death is something you already took into account when you decided to run. You accepted the odds. Personally I think they should be able to shot to kill on sight if you run. What are you doing thats so horrible that it's worth risking killing yourself or very possibly others? Personally if your running and hit and hurt/kill on of my kids, you'll wish the cops got to you first, because they'll have to kill me to get me off of you, and I assure you you'll be coming to hell with me.
  7. If it'll get 30-35mpg, and haul 3 tones, for 20k, it'll sell like a mother fucker. there's probably 10k small/med business out there that are using 2500/F250 diesels that only get 17-20mpg just because they need the payload. A smaller truck that would do the same amount of work, and get better mileage would be a hit I think.
  8. Dude, seriously, you gotta work on those chicken strips.
  9. Usually shove our gloves in the trunk, attach the helmets under the seat, then carry the jackets in, wear the pants/boots. Unless were someplace I feel safe, then I'll drape the coat over the mirrors/windscreen. But that's not too often.
  10. I like Alices Resturant.
  11. Okay, here's a map of the possibly updated trip. http://maps.google.com/maps?f=d&hl=en&geocode=8435432761145005211,40.279143,-81.876352&saddr=Hanoverton+OH&daddr=400+N+Whitewoman+St+%4040.279143,-81.876352&mra=cc&dirflg=h&sll=40.539895,-81.400452&sspn=0.761854,1.752319&ie=UTF8&z=10 This also may open it up for more Columbus peoples since we'll be damn close anyways. The roads down are awesome, all are recently paved, with no major holes or damage to speak of. From Hanoverton it's a published 2.5 hr ride, but even a a leisurely pace I cover it in about 2 hrs. On a side note, early Ohio settlers were VERY un-creative with the names. Like Newcommerstown, Crooksville (bet that was hard to settle). Also on a positive note... There is a Sparta OH. I SO want to make a trip there just to get a pic in front of the sign! and you know someone painted "THIS IS" above the SPARTA!
  12. It'll never hold up in court, it falls under cruel and UNUSUAL punishment I'd say. 5 years for speading is rather extreme. Hope you all like Dictatorships, we're well on our way!
  13. well, relatively speaking...
  14. damn... and the new guy FTW!!
  15. and not as far to fall either if you think about it that way. but leaning off allows you to keep the bike more straight up and down so your really farther from lowsiding.
  16. Dweezel

    whiskey dicks

    I think you lie.
  17. Dweezel

    whiskey dicks

    No, second Tuesday of next week. It was a joke. there is only one Tuesday per week, so technically the second Tuesday of next week will never come. Hardy-Har-Har
  18. Coors light = Nasty ass water. Heinekin or Yuengling FTW! Sam Adams Cherry Wheat is a damn good beer too. But Yeah magley, I hear ya on that one!
  19. help a brother out, I'm old and don't quite stay up that late anymore, what happened?
  20. I sacraficed a pair of old headphones and put the speakers inside my helmet. it annoys the piss out of me not to have music playing. I've always got it on somewhere even if it's really low. I'm having a nervous breakdown here at work because I forgot my damn head phones at home I'm about to throw my helmet on just so I can listen to something!
  21. taken from; http://www.healthypet.com/library_view.aspx?ID=16 The simple facts are these breeds are overly strong. Especially in the jaw area, and when they do attack, they do much more damage, would you rather be pinched by a pair of tweezers, or the jaws of life?There are potentially millions of other dog bites that are NOT reported because they don't do much damage and people move on. Hell my woman gets bite by a damn tacobell dog EVERY time she goes to her grand mothers. EVERY TIME!! you want to talk about overly ferocious little bastards those are them! BUT they're tiny, and don't do any damage other than break the skin so they go mainly unaccounted for. addition; The larger the dog, the duller the teeth are. small dogs have very sharp teeth BECAUSE they don't have much jaw strength, large dogs have very dull teeth because they don't need them, they have the force to push them through just about anything, this also does more damage as they are pushed through flesh because they aren't as sharp. Hell my dogs canine teeth had flat spots on the top that were the size of a #2 pencil eraser. I'd look at them and think, those don't look very useful. Then I'd look at the jaw muscles and remember, oh yeah, there's a good reason they're not very sharp, they don't need to be.
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