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Everything posted by Dweezel

  1. Can't agree with this. Especially as the owner of a pair of rotts. Their no more aggressive than my cousins Golden. The difference is if you come into the house unannounced, the Rott will rip into you, and because of their size they are very efficient at it, while the Golden will help you load the TV and home stereo. also in this point you need to remember, to a dog, anyone it hasn't seen before, and even people it doesn't see regularly, is a stranger, and they are weary of them. [edit] I can't even say they will rip into you. I have a friend Nick who moved back from Florida and had never seen the dogs untill they were 4 years. He's not stupid, and is very good with dogs, he didn't know about the dogs and walked into the house un announced. They backed him into a corner and kept him there. As a gaurd dog (the original breeding of the Rotts for the roman empire) they have a natural instinct to corner and hold people unless they resist or run, THEN they'll attack you until you stop resisting, which unfortunately for most people is when their dead. Funny bit, Rotts have a natural instinct to herd too... It's pretty funny to see them around a group of small kids. [/edit]
  2. heh, I've been doing that for quite some time now.
  3. I think you meant to say they will run for ever with no maintaince. hell I had a 78 CJ-7 with the I6, I thought the oil pump was dying, it had at most 10 psi. So I dropped the pan, replaced the oil pump. always knocked so i grabbed the big end of the rods and shook them... Yeah the best one had over 3/16" of play, the worst was about a quarter inch of play. I buttoned it back up, filled it with 3 quarts of straight 30 weight and 2 quarts of lucas oil Damn thing ran STRONG for another 8k miles like that untill it was stolen. bastards, I loved that jeep
  4. Dweezel

    Speak of the...

    god I fuckin hate Ozzy.
  5. only in the morning, should clear up by the time they get in
  6. ehh.. i wouldn't screw with family. Keep it personal. Leave his family out of it, it's not their fault he's a douche.
  7. i've had several jeeps, get the L6, stay away from the 4 banger. their junk, but the 6 cylinder will last you forever, I picked up a Cherokee a few months ago just for that reason. I know if I let it sit for 3 years, there's a nuclear holocaust, and it's another 20 years before we can come above ground again, I know that the damn thing will start and run after all that.
  8. I'm more bothered by the fact that you know there is a site called philipinoladyboys.net...
  9. here's where you start signing him up for all kinds of free junk. especially feminin products, and other really crappy shit like that. At the bare minimum you should at least have, in your opinion, 100 dollars worth of fun at his expense. Fbody.com did this to someone a few years ago over a rather expensive watch, It was termed the Gasper treatment. Made into the Urban Dictionary. here. http://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?defid=1111863&term=Gasper+Treatment
  10. also remember to shift your weight and hang off the sides, if your going left, your right foot should be on the peg (also always keep the balls of your feet on the pegs, not the insole or heel), and your underside of your knee should be on the seat, and thigh across the seat, and your ass should be almost completely hanging off the left side of the bike. Put your helmet low and to the left of the wind screen as well, and just look at the exit point of the corner and you'll be there! Good luck! Twisties are the greatest especially once you start moving around and shifting weight, you just think to yourself, God, I could have put on another 20mph through that corner... Good luck!
  11. yeah, the site is really going to Hell in a hand basket lately...
  12. I say we kill all people, because some are violent. not to mention stupid.
  13. ...when the levee breaks, we'll have no place to stay...
  14. Dweezel

    whiskey dicks

    Second Tuesday of next week I though? I may be wrong though
  15. what?! they canceled on you?
  16. Is it too late to vote for Ross Perot?
  17. I was gonna say, haven't these idiots noticed, he's out in January no matter what? at this point it's kinda a non issue.
  18. I'd like to pass legislation to kill all Poodles, and Jack Russels. These are two useless, worthless dogs that I feel would be a great service to the world if they were gone. Thank you
  19. how big is the tank, and is that premium or regular? If I fill up with regular it takes about 13 and I get about 180 miles to the tank as well.
  20. if you gonna do that, I'd use one of those 10 ft long matches, and maybe an extension pole. Pull the plugs again, check them out. see if you have a hole or two that looks wierd, or is carboned up. you can tell allot about how a IC engine is running just from the plugs. compare to this http://www.dansmc.com/Spark_Plugs/Spark_Plugs_catalog.html
  21. sooo.... I say we get about 1000 Jap-Crap bikes and go down there and follow them. maybe..
  22. sweet, I bet the air cooled MV's will sell like lemonaid on a hot day. because you know HD is perfect and won't use any of their tech to better their bor-duct. instead they'll kill the MV and make it more "American" aka fat, loud and slow.
  23. if it's half the bike the old one was, you can't go wrong. not to mention it's got to get killer gas milage.
  24. Tried to find good news but here's all I found, I realize it's all on whats popular and Pitts are popular with the ghetto crowed. Taken from http://www.dogbitelaw.com/Dog%20Attacks%201982%20to%202006%20Clifton.pdf I know this is a pitt bull thread, but this is also on Rott's since their my dog of choice, and they also face similar discrimination. This I believe whole heartedly, Having owned 2 of them, both small females (one 98lbs and the other 110lbs), I'd say this is 100% accurate. Even messing around with them it's pretty clear they have no concept of how strong they really are. One of mine bit the mail man. Supposedly. It wasn't the regular guy, it was a stand in, and knowing the dogs as I did, they were just out to play with him and probably did bite him only to play, not in an aggressive manner, if that was the case, as I told him, He'd probably be missing his hand. It was only a scrape that broke the skin, as I said, they are very powerfull dogs. Add to this their blood line of guard/work dogs and IMHO they are great protectors. They have very calm, passive attitudes but if you trespass on their territory, or invade their home aggressively, they are out to kill, and from what I've seen them do to ground hogs, they rather enjoy it HOWEVER, stay on the dogs good side, let it know your in charge and keep that role and they are excellent dogs. they are very loyal and very gentle and kind. of course I think this goes without saying for any dog, and in turn it all goes back to how their raised.
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