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Everything posted by Dweezel

  1. no shit? wish they did that here. they just tell you to show up and see.
  2. eh, show up anyways, the let my friend take it in the rain. wasn't raining too bad but was still wet.
  3. If you like, we'll meet you at RT11 by the Canfield exit, that way you can just follow us down if you like.
  4. Your watching my super sweet 16? I Knew you were gay.
  5. I wave at all sport bikes, UNLESS they're totally squidin' it up. I'll wave at a cruiser/standard no matter what brand it is, IF they wave first. I refuse to wave at, or even acknowledge the existence of squids. This town is full of idiots and honest to god I think my friend Rick and I are the only two who I know ALWAYS go out with a helmet/gloves/jacket, and I even wear my pants 99.995% of the time. If I'm going somewhere nice and have to wear decent pants, and won't have an opportunity to change, I'll wear my jeans/pants but I'm nervous as mouse in a snake pit the whole time. I was out today and I passed ONE person (besides Tonya and I on my bike) wearing a helmet out of the probably 75 or so bikes, and she was only wearing a half helmet and on the back of a full dresser Hardley.
  6. I'm on my phone now, and have to go to Harrisburg tomorrow so I'll dig it up Saturday.
  7. green is pointless, there is no actual proof of global warming. The "change" in global temps they say is happening isnt even beyond the margin of error. And with this years cold weather, we've eliminated that all together. Oh, Alaska got over a foot of snow last week, and the artic ice sheets are returning earlier in the year, and coming back faster than ever. I assure you "professor" Gore is in it for the money. Google him and see what he owns and how many trillions of dollars he stands to make if these carbon emissions laws pass. Oh, and read up on this as well, atmosphere carbon gas is related to temps not vise verse. The planet heats and cools, its a cycle, it happens. Notice the lack of glaciers? bottom line, if your in it to be "green" then your uninformed moron. Don't even get me started on how ungreen the Prius is, not to mention how rediculous they are at being fuel frugal.
  8. I think I'd wait a year or two so the hype dies down, and if their's any bugs they would have been worked out by then. IMHO Never buy a launch year vehicle.
  9. I pretty much did that with my bike. I took a hole saw, put it over the inner pipe (Stock 'Busa exhaust has an inner actual pipe, and an outer stainless cover) and sawed through the case, then I took the plasma, cut the pipe off below the plate, and shoved that pipe off to the side with a crow bar. no you can see straight through the can. Allot of people like it, it's very aggressive without being obnoxiously loud.
  10. eh, Andrews Cycles in Salem. Only reason I get shit from there is I know a few people and they give me good deals. Other wise their overly expensive.
  11. VERY creative name BTW! You must know John?
  12. I hear Ebay is a good place to buy/sell Plastics, maybe you should throw them on there and hope for the best...
  13. User CP > Edit Options> about half way down is Thread Options set it to show 40 posts per page. Makes it allot easier especially if your on high speed.
  14. http://www.foxnews.com/story/0,2933,363203,00.html Apparently GM is giving the Volt the go-ahead!
  15. Actually I picked up a new helmet I've been using my friends extra all this year since I dropped my bike and messed up mine last year. I'm pretty happy with it, fit seems nice and I like the graphics on it too, FIXED!
  16. Actually... It's only 3 at least in my little world.
  17. Where in WV are you guys? If your in the Wheeling area you guys should come up and get in on this Toledo-Pitt trip the 14th! Wheeling is only like an hour to Hanoverton OH, one of the meet points http://maps.google.com/maps?daddr=Hanoverton,+OH&geocode=&dirflg=&saddr=wheeling+WV&f=d&hl=en&sll=40.75174,-80.93665&sspn=0.023733,0.05476&ie=UTF8&z=10 or you could meet up with us in East Liverpool, we'll be taking RT30 all the way out and it dives through WV there for a while.
  18. it's cool WTF means What The Fuck, Where The Fuck, Who The Fuck, Why The Fuck.
  19. maybe where you guys live, here, that bike is worth 3500 at best, i paid 7k for a 04 busa with less than 5k on the clock. IMHO that is an 03 750, $3500 at best. i looked at a dozen of them before I bought mine. last year they weren't worth 5800.
  20. Not to be outdone by Suzuki's recall of bad starter wire routing, and engines shutting off at speed, Kawi has issued it's own recall. Apparently this one can kill you... Suzuki FTW! Taken from; The Kneeslider http://thekneeslider.com/archives/2008/06/03/kawasaki-ninja-zx14-recall/ Kawasaki Ninja ZX14 Recall June 3rd, 2008 by Paul Crowe - "The Kneeslider" Kawasaki has issued a recall for the Ninja ZX14, model years 2006 and 2007. No production dates or VIN numbers are specified, nor is the number of units affected. Read the details below. Manufacturer: Kawasaki Model Year: 2006, 2007 Models affected: ZX14 NHTSA Campaign Number: 08V222000 Potential Units Affected: Not Specified Problem: Kawasaki is recalling certain model year 2006-2007 ‘Ninja’ ZX14 motorcycles. The rear suspension can collapse when a crossmember separates from the frame. Failure of the frame could result in the rear of the motorcycle collapsing creating the possibility of a crash resulting in injury or death. Corrective Action: Dealers will check the torque of the engine mount adjusting collars and inspect and possibly replace the frame if necessary. The recall was expected to begin during May 2008. Owners may contact Kawasaki at 1-866-802-9381.
  21. No it wasn't the first of it's kind, there were actually quite a few democracys, The Greeks started it in the 6th century BC, then the romans from 509 to 27 BC and quite a few others before the US
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