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Everything posted by Dweezel

  1. I was thinking ESAB Plasma cutter, PM me if you need to borrow one, we've got several in the shop, the big one will cut through 3/4" mild steel, plastic fairings shouldn't be a problem.
  2. No its not, they hit him, he was prob following them to get an address or something.
  3. must be, I'm in the Pittsburgh airport, waiting on a flight to Cincy, then out to San Diego. The entire flight is nothing but Faithful Members of Willy G's Flock, or as I like to call them, "The Unwashed". There's only one guy here, and his wife, who look like they should be on a HD. He's bald with a pony tail, she looks like she hit every tree in the Ugly Forrest, and their both picturesque trailer park royalty. Everyone else looks like your typical R.U.B. Biker I think I've died and gone to hell. Idiots with more money than brains. Store bought image, sheep.
  4. No, you cannot bluetooth anything. All it's good for is an earpiece
  5. I use it all the time for work, it's no where near as biz orientated as the blackberry, but I do allot of start up, and personnel training, as well as repair work. I'll snap a pic and email it from the job site to clarify what I'm talking about, also to document neglect or abuse of the equipment. The calender, and notes section I use the piss out of also, and I'd be willing to bet over half of my posts on this board are from my phone Whats really nice is the movies/music you can put on it. Makes it really nice especially when I've got to fly long distances. I've got a 4 gig I'll sell ya for 200 if you want it I feel the need to pick up a 16gb
  6. I've had two Samsungs, always good phones IMHO
  7. Not nearly as gay as this GAY STOPPIE! VERY VERY FUNNY! Neither rider nor passenger are actually gay... do not flame ! Please do not offensive comments unless you yourself are a flaming homosexual. THANK YOU
  8. You mean Goldschlager? http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Goldschl%C3%A4ger God I used to drink that stuff by the 5th just out of HS. It's a really strong Cinnamon schnapps, after a particularly bad weekend I gave it up a few, okay more than a few years ago.
  9. :lol: Dude, Scions fuckin rule! Their commercials remind me of something Harley should have, "Join us, be and Individual"... Exactly how many "Individuals" does it take before you be come a group? or in these cases, a "flock"?
  10. I always liked "Never miss an opportunity to do something stupid" myself. Greatest reason I can find to wear gear!
  11. Exactly! try selling a car and saying "It hasn't been above 120mph ever!" people would look at you like your nuts
  12. The sad part is, just about everyone on this board can look at that and say "120mph? THATS ALL?!?"
  13. Dweezel

    ACE Hardeware

    Start doing Frank Caliendo impressions?
  14. Thats what it originally said. Satan pulled a ninja edit and changed it
  15. ah, The Dark One moves in with a sneaky fix!
  16. Wow that sucks ass, I hope they were riding together...
  17. I was just gonna say sounds like a floating ground, check your grounds. Most especially on something that old the ones from the body to the frame, and the battery to the frame/body.
  18. I was just wondering cuz it's been the title on my myspace since day one :tongue:
  19. Yeah, true, but the fact is that it's there, and there isn't much your going to do to change it Sucks they produced a bike like that, but they did. Your or I would think, common sense would dictate that no matter what the angle, the tank shouldn't hit the ground, for such an obvious reason, but apparently not.
  20. I beg to differ, if you soak in a tub long enough, it'll rub off Nice sig, where'd you get that lol
  21. oh, are these "stock" or "aftermarket" parts?
  22. Touche salesman! Please post a new pic, without the black shirt for better reference
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