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Everything posted by twowheelsnake

  1. Yeah, I stopped taking it seriously when I saw Glen Beck
  2. Got PR2's on my bike and I looooooooove them. Yes, maybe even romantically
  3. Uhhhhhhhhhhh you haven't really checked out the appleTV at all have you? I can control mine from my phone and stream media to it from both my computer and phone. And hell I can even mirror the screen of my phone, iPad and laptop to my TV. You don't need to plug in a drive to it, everything is wireless. I could go on but I'm sensing you're one of those automatic Apple haters and won't listen anyway.
  4. Their events as a whole seem to be on decline. The condition of the track isn't the whole issue.
  5. Good luck! I sold mine on eBay months ago for more than I paid for it. I didn't care about its hackable qualities, I just wanted the 3
  6. Wow man, you believed it bad editing and all. Hey take this link to your next tea party meeting http://www.politifact.com/rhode-island/statements/2010/aug/05/chain-email/e-mail-sends-readers-youtube-video-where-obama-adm/
  7. Middletown will be closer to me than Troy. Unless others are leaving from my neck of the woods.
  8. Ahhhhhh but in those countries, copying is a-ok. Look at cars in china where they have basically just slapped on Chinese badges and BAM, new car company. You're oversimplifying the issue here man. It's not just that Apple patented a rectangle with rounded corners and that's what all their lawsuits are based on. Google took the iOS, copied it and slapped their own badge on it. And if you pay attention to the news, Apple is phasing out Samsung as a hardware supplier.
  9. For the same reason Ford would go after Chevy if Chevy took the Mustang, put a few bowties on it and called it the new Camaro.
  10. http://news.cnet.com/8301-13579_3-57493056-37/why-apple-doesnt-just-sue-google-and-get-it-over-with/ Here, so you can understand the why
  11. That story was about how google stole the design from Apple. Now as far as them suing and winning, they have. Against googles major partners for the android OS.
  12. Welcome to the club homo Noticed you have the word "podcast" in your sig line
  13. You do http://gizmodo.com/5941817/what-really-made-steve-jobs-so-angry-about-google
  14. I had the literbike argument with a couple guys at work. Neither of them had ever ridden a motorcycle yet thought it would be a good idea to rush out and get the Repsol CBR. I told them they were nuts and didn't realize what they were getting into. I ended the argument very creatively. See, they were both avid quad riders. I went quad "window shopping" with them and came across the 700 raptor. They said "you might want to get something smaller first". To which I replied "this coming from the two clowns that think a 1000cc supersport is a perfectly good starter bike. So you guys get my point?". Their response was "yep".
  15. Oh Jesus get rid of that Avon! I had a set of those on mine. Replaced them WAY before they needed to be because the older they got the crappier my handling got. They started out nice but went downhill after 4000 miles. Once I replaced them, bike was good.
  16. Looks like the detractors on this thread didn't even read about it at all. No significant changes? Please go read about it first, until then STFU. If you want what android will have in a year, buy the iPhone now. Even the courts agree the others are copies. Yes...somewhat trolling, somewhat truth.
  17. twowheelsnake


    If I wanna see fake bikers with intertwined drama I'll just pick the first poker run or memorial ride I come across.
  18. Yup, the link above said he survived with a broken arm and leg.
  19. Indeed! I'm just screwing with ya! Yeah I agree...it's a little more than annoying that they pull shit like that.
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