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Everything posted by redkow97

  1. I still have the original set in mine and I only grease them every spring. Should probably replace them and keep the originals as spares in the tow vehicle...
  2. I really need to get on top of this. the crazy a-hole I had in court yesterday morning was there because he threatened to kill his parole officer, and a corrections officer he saw in the parking lot. He was being held in county lockup pending yesterday's hearing, and had multiple incidents of spitting on deputies, and making threats against them and their families. This is the first defendant who I firmly believe is crazy enough to actually 'wait for me in the parking lot with his 38, kill me, then take my car home and murder my family.' (which he promised to do to one of the deputies) And he has been arrested multiple times with firearms on his person, so it's more than just talk. This is one of the only times my 40 mile commute is desirable. Some of the deputies live by this guy...
  3. ...and I was asking if the 85 would be competitive in F1! I was talking to Adam about that Saturday morning, actually, and I think I was either picturing a 65, or an 85 with 12" wheels when I questioned the 85's capabilities. that KTM rips. I was in turn 2 for the F1 race, and Devon was lifting the wheel exiting turn 3. Based on the video of his XR starts (he lifts the wheel in 1st, 2nd, and 3rd gear), I am sure he was pulling up on the bars for effect, but it was still fun to watch. I very badly want a supermoto hooligan machine, but this one is way too nice. The other bikes in my garage would just look that much shittier by comparison.
  4. The difference is down-force, and about $4,000,000. I could own/build/buy an AMA superbike for less than my house costs. I don't know anyone who could build an Indy car with their own personal finances.
  5. He was ordered o make restitution and I would bet there is a wrongful death suit coming. Needs to be out of jail to pay the victim's family. Plus he's on probation for 5 years. He'll serve time if he screws up. Only 90 days over his head sounds very light though...
  6. I'll have to defer to others on that. I can text my buddy PJ. I know his hauler made the trip a bunch of times. I'll post up when he responds to me. TIP FOR THOSE WITH NOISEY GENERATORS (myself included) If you park near the gap between the 2 garage buildings, or at the end of one of the buildings, you can stick your genny behind the garages (relative to the rest of the paddock), and just run the cord out to your pit/camp area. This blocks a TON of the sound, and doesn't require an ridiculously long cord.
  7. there are not. I don't think there is any need to reserve a camper spot, but there may be a camping fee for the rig itself. It used to be $15/vehicle to camp over night, but that was a few years ago... I would just pay for the camper and tow vehicle, and have anyone meeting you say that they're just staying for the day. split the costs for the camper/tow rig. It's ridiculous that they charge $15 for a car to sit in their paddock over night when the occupants are all sleeping in one camper. I have never seen them roll through and check to see that every car has a camping pass. If they were to ask why a particular car didn't have a camping pass, I would just tell them "those people? they caught a ride to the hotel with Jeff and Carol." (I don't know anyone named Jeff and Carol) But like I said, they have never asked in the past. The track marshal is named Mike (for the North track), and he used to bring us fire wood and drink beers with us until midnight... Looking for camping passes was low on his priority list.
  8. Depends on demand. Not sure many people are aware the rentals are even available.
  9. I ended up doing a janky temporary job with the turn signal fuse. My logic is that the LED turn signals draw less currant than the 5 amp fuse is expecting anyway, so the extra 2 amps that the GPS draws should actually help eliminate "hyper-blink" without a resistor. The power setup works well, but now I am dealing with glare problems, and the concern that the unit may blow out of place, if not off the mount, and onto the highway... More experimentation to be done, but I am happy with the mounting result, I will post pics when I can. The speed display is also much smaller than I wanted. I got the GPS on eBay for $25, and I thought it was the same model I already had in my car, but I may be off by 1 generation, which is yielding some minor differences. Once I get that figured out, it should be easier to read I hope.
  10. racing the following weekend, so the wife won't be wild about this, but I will have the bike street-worthy by then. Giving it a good long test ride on a Saturday seems like a prudent decision before commuting on it daily. I'm intrigued.
  11. Not entirely accurate, but functionally correct. My guess is that 99% off officers would issue you a ticket if they saw that top speed on your GPS display. You would usually win if you fought it though. They can prove some things, but not where the speeding violation occurred. That's a venue problem. The exception to that general 'rule' would be if there's a time-stamp associated with the recorded top speed. That would/could prove that you had to be in a given jurisdiction when the illegal speed was recorded. Then you're screwed.
  12. We got another guy hooked this weekend. Andrew from Indiana instructs with STT at Gingerman and Grattan. He was hard to pass when he was on the XR80. I barely got by him when he traded bikes with Korben and rode the XR100 in F3. The last race of the day, he got out in front of me, and I wasn't losing him, but I wasn't closing the gap either. The dude was turning :58's his first day at the track... I'm pretty jealous.
  13. if we can find a copy of "FASTER" on DVD, I can bring my projector and shoot that onto the side of a building or trailer. I would need to borrow a couple of outlets from someone's generator that is quieter than mine, but the 100" screen is worth the price of generator gas!
  14. Saturday 6/21/14 (track day from 12-6) and Sunday 6/22/14 (qualifying/practice in the morning, and racing the rest of the day) I know a lot of you are familiar with PIRC/BeaveRun from riding or racing full-sized bikes on the North track. Many of you may have also run karts on the Wilson Circuit. Riding it on a bike is a BLAST. OMRL does have RENTAL XR100's available on a limited basis, so if you don't have a suitable ride, but have ever thought about giving minis a shot, this is a great facility to try it out. No rider is too young or too slow. Last year we had a 4 yr old dragging knee on a 50. This event is going to be huge. The New Jersey Mini GP club comes up and doubles our grid size. The whole weekend is a great time. There will be a BBQ and other shenanigans going down Saturday night for anyone who wants to camp. The PIRC shower and bathroom facilities are pretty nice, but bring a generator (or rent a garage) if you want guaranteed power. And remember, PA has weird laws about where you can buy beer, so pack accordingly, or be ready for a bit of a drive to get to a beer store. Otherwise there is a Subway and a convenience store a mile from the track with food/water/ice/redbull/hangover medication. The only draw-back is that this event is mildly more expensive than races at Circleville, but the facility justifies the cost, and it's still less than half of what a track day would be on a full-sized bike. Last I talked to Brian Conrad, there was not a requirement to buy a one-weekend race license to participate either, so you're saving a few bucks there. Come out Saturday and ride. Then stick around Sunday to race, or even just to spectate. The hill-side makes spectating very good at this venue. The grids will be massive. The racing will be close. The fun will be off the charts. Further details per Brian Conrad!:
  15. stickboy seems to be the go-to vendor for sticky tires on older bikes. I am pretty sure he's a Bridgestone vendor. I think he was still able to source 18" rear slicks for the FZR600's even. http://www.stickboyracing.com/, or he is on the WERA board a lot. Would probably answer a private message.
  16. Glad to hear this went well. I wasn't aware you guys had audibled to Sunday, and I was thinking of the group yesterday as I shivered at CRP unloading bikes in a hoody... We got hail during lunch too, (albeit only for 30 seconds) and I was hoping you guys were avoiding that!
  17. I really hope that is possible, but I can't see anything larger than a 50 being safe with all the walls.
  18. was there a diagnosis as to what caused catastrophic failure? That kind of failure from a major motorcycle manufacturer is so rare, I am generally disinclined to believe it, and I would think if it did happen, BMW would be very on top of making things right for the customer to avoid a media firestorm.
  19. if a thief can sell my bike for a grand, I want to know who he's selling to - because I'll make that deal legitimately.
  20. I don't own one, but a dealership in the Cleveland area was advertising one on their facebook page for a decent price. It only had 1800 miles or something stupid like that. 2011 model, I think. And when I say "decent price," I mean I think you could get it down to a decent price based on what they're asking. It was also at a car dealership, so the sales people probably aren't very familiar with bike values.
  21. Not a valid comparison at all. The "thugly dudes" are taking offense to a completely benign gesture, and choosing to start an altercation for the sake of their ego. The horse is just being scared. I agree that the cautious move is to assume the horse will be scared, but I don't think it's unreasonable for a rider to assume that a horse traveling on the road is used to vehicles passing it. My dog doesn't attack every car that passes while i'm walking him.
  22. I knew you weren't on speaking terms with this bike after the last round, but I wasn't expecting imminent divorce!
  23. Kent sucks. because he is faster than me. for now. GP karting does not suck. It was a lot of fun even with the slick track.
  24. right? my bike is "banner red" and flat black, but it's certainly not photogenic. I also don't think it would fit the traditional 'sport bike' image with the bodywork removed... there has to be a member with a red/black CBR...
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