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Everything posted by redkow97

  1. Defense attorneys protect their client's rights, not their actions. They can't represent both of the juveniles accused because that would be a conflict of interest. They're both going to be racing to blame each other. One PD's office cannot adequately represent both of them.
  2. What are the chances that we could do a mid-season endurance race with F3 rules? Then it's open to a bunch of bikes. I would propose 2-hour endurance with a certain number of mandatory rider changes (enough to accommodate the largest team). And I think we should switch directions at the half-way point of the race.
  3. I like buell motorcycles. I love Erik Buell. I haven't had the pleasure of owning one of his designs though. Seems like a good dude. Cool on Facebook anyway. "Liked" the picture of me reading road racing world to my daughter with the RX on the cover.
  4. Well it still runs... More speed and a mildly steeper ramp would probably do the trick.
  5. His comes with a free lecture on the evils of racing minis.
  6. I think cruisers are great for cruising. What kills me is the guys who talk about how they don't want or need a fast bike, and then proceed to wind out the first three gears at every stop light.
  7. I hope all the sponsors tell the AMA/DMG to take some notes, or their money will definitely dictate where the top talent ends up. WERA has not published a lot of details, but the top tier class will be virtually unlimited. With that said, it will be a "pro" class (WERA determines which of its own experts are "pro" caliber.) The support classes are something I would lie to do, if just for the story and to say I raced against some pros when they were kids.
  8. I hope I'm wrong, I just don't see it being a financially viable business decision. Seems like a lot of material costs and manufacturing work for a relatively small profit. If the demand for these type of bikes is so high, I would expect Yamaha to follow suit with a street-legal M1.
  9. yep. It's crazy how much quicker he's gotten since last year. Not sure if something just "clicked" for him, or if he's getting more seat time, or just growing into his abilities. Regardless, I am having fun trying to keep up. speaking of keeping up, Gotham came out of nowhere this weekend. Last round he was in the mid or high :58's, and then Saturday he beat Kent, and turned a bunch of :56's.
  10. Great showing from the ORDN guys this weekend. I know Todd and Adam were at the front of the pack and Justin was dropping time to the point that he's going to be right on their tails soon. Ben rode really well too, considering he only had half a clutch lever! for my part, I had my best expert finish of the year (4th in the first F3 race), and got into the :57's in two of my heat races. My first XR heat is one I would love to forget. When Jeff went down in turn 5, a lot of people checked-up, and I was a bit worried we wouldn't all fit on the line inside his bike. So I went around it in the grass. Gave up 4 or 5 spots right there, and never earned them back At least the rest of the day went well.
  11. I hope there was a lot wrong with that pit bike.
  12. I don't see Honda having the same rabid (or wealthy) support Ducati has historically had. The Italian allure is not insignificant.
  13. I am skeptical. There is virtually no market for a $70k sport bike... If this happens, it will be purely to dominate world super bike an embarrass the competition. Honda usually makes smarter business decisions than that.
  14. Which side to you want to pay me to argue? Like a lot of legal questions, the answer is "it depends..."
  15. The speed limit is just that: a limit. That is supposed to be the maximum safe speed under ideal driving conditions. That kind of traffic is hardly ideal conditions, and his speed should have been reduced accordingly. Had he been traveling at a more reasonable speed, I would feel the CHP rider was at fault. Under these circumstances, I put 90% of the blame on the camera bike.
  16. damn - called out twice in one thread! I'm having an off day.
  17. Try and stop me. I'll be around. Chef JB always packs lunch. Gotta remember to make myself something tonight!
  18. That's a totally valid observation. My post was phrased poorly. I should not have made such a general statement. ...but if we're going to split hairs, isn't craig's bike a 636? ;-)
  19. The portion I bolded is where I think our opinions are diverging. I don't think it's a good idea to assign a speed to a corner, because what a new rider thinks of as a "60 mph corner" might really be a 100+ mph corner for a rider with more skill. I can only speak for myself, but I felt as though that thinking slowed my progress over the years. I believe that's why we're butting heads on this. There isn't one answer that will suit everyone. As the last page or so of posts have demonstrated, many of us are achieving similar lap times using very different gears throughout the track. We're also (almost) all on different bikes. Your bike is geared far differently than mine was. I know people on R6's who used to run 2nd gear in places I (felt I) had to run 3rd. I also didn't like the feeling of being at super high RPM in 2nd when 3rd was only marginally slower. For me, it came down to using the gear I was comfortable with. That was how I turned my best times. That may not be the "best" way in the long-run, and I probably need to increase my comfort level using the lower gear - but that's for me to do in practice. In a race environment, I would revert to what I know is fastest for me at that time.
  20. I think posting speeds distorts the point. Unless he's on the same make/model bike with Identical gearing, what your bike is capable of isn't relevant to the question he asked.
  21. I don't ever recall my 600's being near 100mph in second gear, but if that is what the gauges indicate, it is still a lie while the bike is leaned over. The speedometer is more and more inaccurate the further the bike leans. The diameter of your tire at full lean is smaller than when the bike is upright. Your speedometer is then telling you that you're traveling the distance of the outer-most dimensions of the tire, rather than the portion actually in contact with the ground at lean.
  22. In. Just me this round though. JB has a conflict. I'm flying the Anderson door racing banner for both of us. I actually just picked up my bike an hour ago.
  23. IMHO, using 2nd gear in turn 1 will prevent any 600 from ever carrying enough corner speed through that section of the track. It would take ridiculous gearing for that to not be the case. If you're bogging in 3rd gear as you flip the bike over for turn 2 and get on the gas, it's not that you're in too high of a gear, it's because you're slowing down more than necessary for the 1-2 transition. I never went much quicker than 1:05 at BeaveRun, but I definitely had a "light bulb" day where I finally convinced myself to brake later for turn 1, and get on the gas harder after the apex of turn 2. Then you're on your kneed through turn 3, accelerating as long as you dare before braking for turn 4. Guys who were faster than me would drop into 2nd gear for T4 (as nk140 demonstrates in the post above mine). I felt like that unsettled the rear of the bike more than I was comfortable with, and usually used 3rd gear instead. I think one of the gearing issues at PIRC is that it's hard to find a good compromise for T10 that allows decent entry speed, but also gets good drive out. Another rider who was much faster than me (1:01 range) was trying 3rd and 2nd on his R6, and felt like using 2nd killed his entry speed.
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