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Everything posted by redkow97

  1. where would I purchase an in-line fuse?
  2. I meant tolls are pound you in the ass painful from Cleveland to NJ. A trailer makes that far worse. From Cleveland to Philadelphia used to be $20 each way for a car. The price has gone up, and NJ has some toll bridges as well. My first and only trip to NJMP with my ranger was $100 in gas and $50 in tolls. that was in 2009 or 2010. With a trailer and the increased rates, I believe you would be over $100 just in tolls. The Columbus route may be better.
  3. These are the words of a guy who can't whoolie! (and it takes one to know one.) these guys would disagree http://youtu.be/6auphna_AZ4 I've never ridden a 50, so maybe they're easier to hoon around with, but the 100 will ride wheelies for days. I was surprised to see that the drum is capable of a stoppie, and there is enough power (in the brakes and the motor) for rolling burnouts though.
  4. any street-legal bike, or does it have to be a cruiser? seems like they have to have more rules than just 'street legal,' or someone would throw headlights and turn signals on a dedicated flat-track bike and completely defeat the spectacle of it. That said, I would think about finding a bike for such a spectacle. anything that runs well enough to make it there, but I don't care if it makes it back. Bad time of year for those craigslist finds, but a few months ago, there were a ton of bikes under $500 that would have run 'well enough.'
  5. I completely understand the safety tips for navigating around horses on roadways, and I agree that those are fine ideas to implement in everyone's riding, but I also think that the person with the horse is obligated to maintain control of his animal and the attached vehicle. The fact that horses are unpredictable and can be spooked easily is the horse owner's problem, not the public's issue to be aware of and deal with.
  6. I can't tell from the video if she is obeying the speed limit or not, and I assume that having horse-drawn carriages on paved roads is legal, but given the disproportional use of paved roads by cars versus buggies, I question "who is the dumbass?" The motorcyclist, operating the vehicle in what appears to be a legal manner, or the person who cannot control the animal he's relying upon for transportation? The horse jumped into HER lane, not the other way around. Now if the motorcyclists were exceeding the speed limit, or they have exhaust systems that are louder than the law allows, those are certainly factors that could have contributed to the horse's reaction - but the burden is on that "vehicle" to stay in its lane.
  7. nice. my backup plan was going to be to offer up the clutch lever assembly from my street bike, so I'm glad it didn't come to that! (I have to remove the lever to replace a bent one with a new part, so it's coming off soon anyway)
  8. link to the fiche and list me the part number. I have a misc lot of parts that I bought on eBay when I needed an axle adjuster, and the new part was going to cost as much as the lot the seller had up for sale. There's all kinds of crap in there... I'll look tonight, but I want to be sure what I'm looking for.
  9. your inbox is full (or something) Just wondering if you can throw those CBR turn signals in your tool box for this weekend. And let me know if you prefer 'payment' in Redbull or beer (and which kind).
  10. are you married to the 50? the 100's can be picked up for almost as cheap, and then you can take it to kart tracks if or when the mood strikes (or sell it to that crowd after you're done with it) My 100 was $475. Well used, but running and rideable the day I bought it.
  11. Not sure the GPS will run off USB power. Lost my USB cable for it years ago anyway though. I think I will do the janky install this weekend, then make it better next weekend.
  12. DR400sm with 2 sets of rims and tires?
  13. I don't like wire-taps, but I like the idea of avoiding the fuse. I can just strip away some of the insulation on the headlight's positive terminal and solder the wire rather than going through the fuse. The in-line fuse was considered, but I didn't know what amperage it should be, so I thought it would be safer to suck power from the headlight instead.
  14. damn. was about to get third in line on these.
  15. Youtube makes this look easy - so easy that I'm questioning whether or not the tutorial gave me some bad advice. I bought a simple 1 to 4 outlet splitter. I don't plan on using more than 2, but it was $6. No biggie. So the plan is to chop off the single "male" side of the plug, and wire the negative side directly to the battery. Then you shove the positive side in with the headlight fuse, so the outlets only get power when your key is in the "on" or "run" position. That seems janky to me, but it also seems like it should work well, so long as the fuse gets a good connection. I just plan to power GPS and possibly a phone charger when needed. I don't believe either will draw enough power to cause any kind of issue even if I wired directly to the battery - but I like having the fuse in the mix, just to be safe. Anyone else wired an outlet in this manner?
  16. yeah, if it's something you see yourself doing more than even twice a year, and you have a place to store the trailer, it's totally worth it... The trailer and Pit-Bull TRS reduced the strain in my marriage by about 6000%. No more asking the wife for help pushing bikes up the ramp, or having her sit on the bike while I strapped it down. And that was in an ideal scenario. When the bike was hot, or she tried to push on a part of the race bodywork that I didn't want taking that much pressure, I am sure I yelled more than once. The only things I like less about the trailer are toll roads, and when the wiring harness decides to take a crap. That said, a full wiring harness for the trailer costs less than said tolls in some cases... Don't trailer a bike to NJMP. Seriously.
  17. walk it up. I didn't click on the image of the ramp, but it should be almost like a ladder. The "rungs" make it easier to push the bike up, rather than forward (if that makes sense). And don't be afraid to ask for help. I walked my bike up a ramp while slipping the clutch ONE time, and was terrified throughout the entire process. I don't recommend it. Way more likely that it goes wrong.
  18. tailgate down. I did this for years with my ranger before buying a trailer. We still run with JB's tailgate down when both XR's are in the bed. Leaves us room for the cooler on the tailgate (strapped to the bed extender).
  19. i'm sure Mr. Castelli is infinitely more careful when the matter is more serious than a forum post.
  20. not everyone. possibly everyone traveling from the Cleveland area, but from what I read in the other thread, you will not be the only one cruising the route.
  21. yeah, a canopy is a good idea if you have one. I didn't on my first day. but I met 3 guys who I still talk to by sharing their shade. I traded them some beers for plastic-ware to spread my PB&J
  22. I suppose option 3 would be to "settle" for an amount that is below what your half of the rent for the next six months would be, but acknowledges that she is now getting the whole space to herself for a lower price. Just make sure that she puts that in writing to the landlord, and gives you a receipt for any amount you do pay her.
  23. Move back in. You're on the lease. Tell her she has two option: 1) she cuts her losses and eats your portion of the rent or 2) you pay her what you owe, but then you want to actually get some use out of your rent money - so you're moving back into the house. This should inspire her to find a new roommate quickly.
  24. yeah, but there's no reason for the landlord to do that... Why release one person from paying when they've both agreed to pay for a year? It just limits who they can go after when the checks stop coming.
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